Violence does not make anything right!

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Old 05-31-2009, 09:11 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Violence does not make anything right!

Dr. George Hiller was murdered today. I am not stating that what he chose to do in regards to abortion was right or wrong. I am not giving my opinion of abortion....HOWEVER...

It is my opinion that killing matter what one's view on abortion is...was/is completely wrong.

Again...I am not looking to debate to abortion issue. I am stating my opinion that the murder of this human being, this doctor is wrong and very sad!
Old 05-31-2009, 09:17 PM
Posts: n/a

My condolences to his family.

Old 05-31-2009, 09:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Default It does not matter any underlying reason or setting or profession

or belief......

Thou shalt not kill.............

The killing of an innocent person is wrong no matter the rationale or venue!!!

Old 05-31-2009, 10:56 PM
Posts: n/a

Not exactly Bill. Innocent civilians are killed in war. It's not right, but when the United States is at war, it is inevitable.
Old 06-01-2009, 07:39 AM
Posts: n/a
Default I could never have an abortion.

As I get older, that which used to be so clear is no longer clear. Things are not black and white anymore. I am now pro choice but I believe that we need to teach our young to take responsible measures when they feel they are going to become sexually active AND most people become sexually active much sooner than when we grew up.

However I respect other peoples' religious beliefs.

BUT people cannot take the law into their own hands. If we do not uphold the law we have chaos.

If the majority would vote against late term abortion than the law would be changed.

This man was killed and it is very, very wrong to me. The person who killed him is a heinous murderer in my view.
Old 06-01-2009, 08:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by TallerTrees View Post
Not exactly Bill. Innocent civilians are killed in war. It's not right, but when the United States is at war, it is inevitable.

Nice try, but when anyone is at war, the death of innocents is inevitable. The difference is with some, those deaths are truly accidental. For others, they are part of the plans of war or are considered inconsequential.

Re Tiller, my sympathies to his family and friends. It is unfortunate that this entire late-term/partial-birth abortion situation in Kansas has generated so much hate. I just hope that Roeder was acting alone and was not affiliated with any legitimate Pro-Life groups.

Old 06-01-2009, 11:44 AM
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Originally Posted by TallerTrees View Post
Not exactly Bill. Innocent civilians are killed in war. It's not right, but when the United States is at war, it is inevitable.
Less inevitable than when other countries are at war. Do I have to name them?


A member of the loyal opposition
Old 06-01-2009, 12:15 PM
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Collateral Damage:Unintended damage, injuries, or deaths caused by an action, especially unintended civilian casualties caused by a military operation.
Partial Birth Abortion:

These are the definitions( so there is no confusion)

I have no dogs in this fight. Just posting for clarity. : ))
Old 06-02-2009, 10:19 PM
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There are 7 doctors dead now for performing legal procedures on women. The doctor in Wichita helped women who, for example, were diagnosed with cancer while at the same time being pregnant. Or when the fetus died while in the womb....this condition can lead to many problems for the surviving mother.

The problem is most people have only heard about the rhetoric and the renaming of the procedure to Partial Birth Abortion.

All of you are so worried about terrorism but you seem to miss the point that this doctor was killed by a terrorist.
Old 06-02-2009, 10:38 PM
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I could be wrong but I heard that 70-80% of partial-birth abortions were selective and there was nothing medically wrong with the mother or the child.
I would be very careful on who is described as a terrorist. I would not want to go there.

Old 06-03-2009, 07:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Keedy View Post
I could be wrong but I heard that 70-80% of partial-birth abortions were selective and there was nothing medically wrong with the mother or the child.
I would be very careful on who is described as a terrorist. I would not want to go there.

Sir....the man was gunned down in a church. There is no difference between his murder than the one in Arkansas. In that one a soldier was just gunned down. Seems the same to me.

I would recheck your facts or the source they come from. There are a lot of crazy's out there. This clinic had been "gone over" many times with claims he was breaking the law. He was not.

If you don't like the law then have the lawmaker's change it....don't kill
Old 06-03-2009, 07:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Cassie325 View Post
Dr. George Hiller was murdered today. I am not stating that what he chose to do in regards to abortion was right or wrong. I am not giving my opinion of abortion....HOWEVER...

It is my opinion that killing matter what one's view on abortion is...was/is completely wrong.

Again...I am not looking to debate to abortion issue. I am stating my opinion that the murder of this human being, this doctor is wrong and very sad!
There are approximately 17,000 murders in the USA each year ( That breaks out to about 46 per day.

There have been 18 law enforcement officers in the USA gunned down so far this year (that's roughly one a week).

What make Dr. Hiller's death more sad than any one of the other 45 people killed on the same day? What about the three policemen killed so far this month alone? They didn't even get a short line in the news.

Where's the concern for all of the others? Why should an abortionist's murder rate more concern than the rest of the murdered population?
Old 06-03-2009, 08:16 AM
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Originally Posted by SteveZ View Post
There are approximately 17,000 murders in the USA each year ( That breaks out to about 46 per day.

There have been 18 law enforcement officers in the USA gunned down so far this year (that's roughly one a week).

What make Dr. Hiller's death more sad than any one of the other 45 people killed on the same day? What about the three policemen killed so far this month alone? They didn't even get a short line in the news.

Where's the concern for all of the others? Why should an abortionist's murder rate more concern than the rest of the murdered population?
Thank-you Steve for the voice of reason. Although I don't want anybody murdered needlessly, the fuss over one abortionist, as compared to the people who protect us, is weird, to say the very least. . Also, I am not particularly fond of reading about comparing our brave men and woman in uniform, all over the world, to this tragic death of just one citizen.
PLease people, venting outrage over politicians is a tradition that spans the history of mankind. Indeed, it is expecting and encouraged as dissent is patriotic, according to whichever party is not currently in office.
To those who say they don't like the "rants"....well, there are plenty of forums to choose.. .
Old 06-03-2009, 09:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Keedy View Post
**snip** To those who say they don't like the "rants"....well, there are plenty of forums to amuse you. Pick any one.
There is also a convenient "Ignore" feature if any poster gets overly vitriolic.
Old 06-03-2009, 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted by KayakerNC View Post
There is also a convenient "Ignore" feature if any poster gets overly vitriolic.
You are right, of course, Kayaker. There are always more gentle and diplomatic ways to express oneself and I for one, will try to improve my prose.


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