Watch this before pulled off U-Tube by...

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Old 08-13-2009, 09:37 AM
Posts: n/a
Question Watch this before pulled off U-Tube by...

The Pentegon denied this flyby request for the 1st time in 42 years. They said because of the Christian nature of the event. This is an event where they swear in recruits for the military and honor our soldiers in Idaho.

I'm wondering what has changed, although I can guess.

Also, I'm wondering why an Islamic school funded by Saudi Arabia which has produced a number of terrorists who have struck this country is allowed to not only reside in Northern Virginia but allowed to expand as well !


You decide.
Old 08-13-2009, 01:37 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Don't forget to ask about the other complicit party...the media.

A major event that has just been stiffed by the government after allowing it for 42 just why is the media not jumping all over this like they do for those items the promote?

I keep stating at some point we the people need to send a very pointed message to the media.....they are facilitating the not so hidden agenda of Obama and his cronies.

Could this be interpreted by a terrorist to target Christian entities knowing the POTUS, the administration and the ever nebulous WH will do little about it?
I know it is a wild extrapolation, however, don't think for one moment our enemies are not readjusting their sights based on the tenor of Obama and his "mob".

Old 08-13-2009, 03:52 PM
Posts: n/a

The only way to get the attention of the media is to stop buying their product. When they can't print the newspaper or nobody watches the news, their advertisers go away and they have to change or go out of business. I canceled my subscription to the Washington Compost because they stopped reporting the news and were reporting only their opinion. If more do it, they will have no choice but to change.

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