World leaders arriving in Washington for President Obama's Nuclear Security Summit mu

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Old 04-13-2010, 03:59 PM
Posts: n/a
Default World leaders arriving in Washington for President Obama's Nuclear Security Summit mu

Reporters who have grown used to being coddled by the White House felt snubbed by the White House during the Nuclear Security Summit. I guess that free time should have given them time to do a little research and investigating instead of waiting for a press release.

From the Washington Post writer Dana Milbank: "World leaders arriving in Washington for President Obama's Nuclear Security Summit must have felt for a moment that they had instead been transported to Soviet-era Moscow."
Old 04-13-2010, 04:26 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by bkcunningham1 View Post
Reporters who have grown used to being coddled by the White House felt snubbed by the White House during the Nuclear Security Summit. I guess that free time should have given them time to do a little research and investigating instead of waiting for a press release.

From the Washington Post writer Dana Milbank: "World leaders arriving in Washington for President Obama's Nuclear Security Summit must have felt for a moment that they had instead been transported to Soviet-era Moscow."
Great post and I repeat my mantra...when will this President have a REAL press conference and why is nobody upset by his apparent ignoring of that ?

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