Thread: Hemingway area
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Old 05-28-2008, 11:06 PM
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Default Re: Hemingway area

Another vote to buy what you like. The reality is that nothing is that far in TV. I house watch, among other things. The homes I "babysit" are in Orange Blossom (the historic side), off Rio Grande, Hadley, Poinciana and a couple of other places. I can drive the whole circle to check all houses within 25 minutes. If you include stopping and actually checking the house, doing a perimeter walk, making notes, etc., it is between 90-120 minutes. So, TV is probably one of the few places where location, location, location shouldn't be your criteria. Eliminate areas/neighborhoods you truly don't like and then buy the house you like.
Army/embassy brat - traveled too much to mention
Moved here from SF Bay Area (East Bay)

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