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Old 06-13-2017, 08:20 AM
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Default This Is A Genuine Concern

Originally Posted by wjboyer1 View Post
Framers created a Democratic Republic (not Republican)

PLEASE CHECK OUT WHAT ADMINISTRATIVE LAW IS, BEFORE YOU START A RANT THAT DOES NOT ACTUALLY MAKE A POINT: First Year Legal Research Guide: Administrative Law Administrative Law - First Year Legal Research Guide - LibGuides at Loyola University Chicago Law Library

I am a supporter of equal rights FOR EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN. So, if you gotta pee, you gotta pee. If women are raped without judicial retribution, there should be a remedy but campus remedies are being found to be totally inadequate and court proceedings have historically made the woman out as not the victim. But, both of these are rather complex problems that deserve more than a sentence to even describe, let alone place blame.

Uhhhh, the Congress IS the Legislative branch, and has historically been slow to act because of the process of creating and signing a Bill into Law. Perhaps you are focussing upon the MEMBERS of Congress, who seem to have more interest in re-election and the deep pockets (of money) that enable their re-election rather than representing their constituency. SCOTUS is the last step in the legal path in determining a law's Constitutionality, so the law has to exist, before SCOTUS can even come into the picture. That basic fact conflicts with the statement that you made here.

You are correct that these issues are AMERICAN issues, but we are seeing a reflection of our biased and polarized society in our lawmakers which makes ANY legislation difficult to pass because each side is too busy YELLING at the other side that they are WRONG.
Compromise has been the norm in Congress until the past 2 decades when we have seen a significant shift in total polarization.

The framers created a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. (Not yelling, just correcting.)

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