This Is A Genuine Concern

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Old 06-13-2017, 03:53 AM
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Default This Is A Genuine Concern

What should be a genuine concern for American citizens is either embraced, ignored or overlook.

Today's news continues to be filled with hyper-partisan innuendo, falsity and plain nonsense.

The framers created our Republican with its separation of powers specifically because of the royal prerogatives of English kings that they knew dominated citizens lives.

Citizens ought to focus on the immense power of the administrative state ( regulatory stated,deep state). It is government within government (federal agencies) and run by the president.

For far too long unelected bureaucrats have written, interpreted and enforced their own laws in their own courts. This is a blatant violation of the Constitution and has essentially gutted the Bill of Rights .

The framers were clear about this in writing the Constitution wherein the Preamble and Article 1 begins
"ALL legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress"

Look at the sweeping powers of the IRS

Title IX passed to protect women from employment discrimination was manipulated by a president under the Education Department issuing orders about transgender bathrooms AND to mandate campus tribunals to adjudicate sexual misconduct including verbal misconduct or speech that operated no better than a Star Chamber

And the legislative abuses past ,present and seemingly will continue in the future unless Congress stands up on his hind legs and fights back. and we haven't even address the legislating that is coming from the Supreme Court

This is not a Republican or Democrat issue. This is an issue that affects all American citizen because it has the potential of a coup d'etat without the faintest sign of a struggle

My interpretation of an article written by Philip Hamburger Editor Manhattan Institute City Journal

Personal Best Regards:
Old 06-13-2017, 04:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
What should be a genuine concern for American citizens is either embraced, ignored or overlook.

Today's news continues to be filled with hyper-partisan innuendo, falsity and plain nonsense.

The framers created our Republican with its separation of powers specifically because of the royal prerogatives of English kings that they knew dominated citizens lives.

Framers created a Democratic Republic (not Republican)

Originally Posted by Guest
Citizens ought to focus on the immense power of the administrative state ( regulatory stated,deep state). It is government within government (federal agencies) and run by the president.

For far too long unelected bureaucrats have written, interpreted and enforced their own laws in their own courts. This is a blatant violation of the Constitution and has essentially gutted the Bill of Rights .

The framers were clear about this in writing the Constitution wherein the Preamble and Article 1 begins
"ALL legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress"

Look at the sweeping powers of the IRS
PLEASE CHECK OUT WHAT ADMINISTRATIVE LAW IS, BEFORE YOU START A RANT THAT DOES NOT ACTUALLY MAKE A POINT: First Year Legal Research Guide: Administrative Law Administrative Law - First Year Legal Research Guide - LibGuides at Loyola University Chicago Law Library

Originally Posted by Guest
Title IX passed to protect women from employment discrimination was manipulated by a president under the Education Department issuing orders about transgender bathrooms AND to mandate campus tribunals to adjudicate sexual misconduct including verbal misconduct or speech that operated no better than a Star Chamber
I am a supporter of equal rights FOR EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN. So, if you gotta pee, you gotta pee. If women are raped without judicial retribution, there should be a remedy but campus remedies are being found to be totally inadequate and court proceedings have historically made the woman out as not the victim. But, both of these are rather complex problems that deserve more than a sentence to even describe, let alone place blame.

Originally Posted by Guest
And the legislative abuses past ,present and seemingly will continue in the future unless Congress stands up on his hind legs and fights back. and we haven't even address the legislating that is coming from the Supreme Court
Uhhhh, the Congress IS the Legislative branch, and has historically been slow to act because of the process of creating and signing a Bill into Law. Perhaps you are focussing upon the MEMBERS of Congress, who seem to have more interest in re-election and the deep pockets (of money) that enable their re-election rather than representing their constituency. SCOTUS is the last step in the legal path in determining a law's Constitutionality, so the law has to exist, before SCOTUS can even come into the picture. That basic fact conflicts with the statement that you made here.

Originally Posted by Guest
This is not a Republican or Democrat issue. This is an issue that affects all American citizen because it has the potential of a coup d'etat without the faintest sign of a struggle

My interpretation of an article written by Philip Hamburger Editor Manhattan Institute City Journal

Personal Best Regards:
You are correct that these issues are AMERICAN issues, but we are seeing a reflection of our biased and polarized society in our lawmakers which makes ANY legislation difficult to pass because each side is too busy YELLING at the other side that they are WRONG.
Compromise has been the norm in Congress until the past 2 decades when we have seen a significant shift in total polarization.
Old 06-13-2017, 05:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Framers created a Democratic Republic (not Republican)

PLEASE CHECK OUT WHAT ADMINISTRATIVE LAW IS, BEFORE YOU START A RANT THAT DOES NOT ACTUALLY MAKE A POINT: First Year Legal Research Guide: Administrative Law Administrative Law - First Year Legal Research Guide - LibGuides at Loyola University Chicago Law Library

I am a supporter of equal rights FOR EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN. So, if you gotta pee, you gotta pee. If women are raped without judicial retribution, there should be a remedy but campus remedies are being found to be totally inadequate and court proceedings have historically made the woman out as not the victim. But, both of these are rather complex problems that deserve more than a sentence to even describe, let alone place blame.

Uhhhh, the Congress IS the Legislative branch, and has historically been slow to act because of the process of creating and signing a Bill into Law. Perhaps you are focussing upon the MEMBERS of Congress, who seem to have more interest in re-election and the deep pockets (of money) that enable their re-election rather than representing their constituency. SCOTUS is the last step in the legal path in determining a law's Constitutionality, so the law has to exist, before SCOTUS can even come into the picture. That basic fact conflicts with the statement that you made here.

You are correct that these issues are AMERICAN issues, but we are seeing a reflection of our biased and polarized society in our lawmakers which makes ANY legislation difficult to pass because each side is too busy YELLING at the other side that they are WRONG.
Compromise has been the norm in Congress until the past 2 decades when we have seen a significant shift in total polarization.
Because of a changing demographic. White people were 90% of the population 60 years ago...within the last 20 years the numbers of minorities has risen. Now we are at a 50:50 split. Now Hispanic births are more than half...more than 50%. As the minorities begin to dominate numbers wise, they will also dominate socially and politically. THIS is why America has dropped from #1 to #25. THIS is why America has pretty much been stagnant the last almost 20 years...minorities don't drive an economy, they suck from it. 40% of blacks are on welfare...36% of Hispanics...ONLY 13% of whites.

America isn't going to will continue to drop as it "darkens". We had to double the national debt, adding $10 trillion, just to keep the economy going. The federal government IS the economy with a $4.5 trillion a year budget. EVERY formerly white place that becomes a majority black/hispanic...eventually collapses...every one. They certainly don't remain world leaders. You are committing national, cultural, and genetic genocide. Willingly. You're HELPING them to breed you out of your own're PAYING them to destroy America and turn it into Mexico II.

We spend over a $ trillion each year on welfare to mostly minorities who have grown so large in numbers that they're now literally NOT minorities but half the population...and growing. Within 30 years white will number only 20-25%. Making white men, the drivers of the economy only 10% of the population. You think there's a shortage of skilled workers now? Wait until the white men are almost gone...this country is going to suck. A country run by blacks and Hispanics...ALWAYS becomes a sh!thole. Name me ONE that is great...that makes the top 10? Top 25? Top 50? Maybe top 100...

Don't throw it all away...don't give it a bunch of losers who can't do anything unless the standards are lowered and they get a quota. Who can't even keep their own neighborhoods CLEAN...nobody works...and they can't clean up? Who are ignorant and prefer to stay that way, who ALWAYS destroy schools when they become the majority. Don't give it away to another species.
Old 06-13-2017, 06:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Because of a changing demographic. White people were 90% of the population 60 years ago...within the last 20 years the numbers of minorities has risen. Now we are at a 50:50 split. As the minorities begin to dominate numbers wise, they will also dominate socially and politically. THIS is why America has dropped from #1 to #25. THIS is why America has pretty much been stagnant the last almost 20 years...minorities don't drive an economy, they suck from it. 40% of blacks are on welfare...36% of Hispanics...ONLY 13% of whites.

America isn't going to will continue to drop as it "darkens". EVERY formerly white place that becomes a majority black/hispanic...eventually collapses...every one. They certainly don't remain world leaders. You are committing national, cultural, and genetic genocide. Willingly. You're HELPING them to breed you out of your own're PAYING them to destroy America and turn it into Mexico II.
Your racist rants are becoming quite tiresome. You cannot quantify (verifiable facts) that there is ANY cause and effect, but rather use ambiguous analogies to support your illogical conclusions. Perhaps a KKK rally or a skin-head rally, or a Nazi rally would be your better audience.
Old 06-13-2017, 06:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Your racist rants are becoming quite tiresome. You cannot quantify (verifiable facts) that there is ANY cause and effect, but rather use ambiguous analogies to support your illogical conclusions. Perhaps a KKK rally or a skin-head rally, or a Nazi rally would be your better audience.
EVERY country that has gone from a white majority/white a black majority/black rule has failed...Haiti, Jamaica, S Africa...ALL OF THEM. What more proof do you need?

There is not ONE truly successful Hispanic run country either...none in the top 10 or top 25...those are ALL white and Asian.

WHAT has gotten better when it was invaded by blacks? What neighborhood? What school? What town/city? What country?

What IS tiresome is your constantly calling me names but ALWAYS lacking ANYTHING to show I'm wrong.

Where IS the 99% black villages equivalent? Where IS the 99% black Harvard? (I'm sorry I can't compare a 99% white school to a 99% black school as federal laws require quotas so there will always be a minimum number of blacks at any given school). Where is the great 99% black city? 99% black country.

You SHOW me I'm wrong boyer and I'll gladly admit it. You can't...but you hold onto that dogma you were brainwashed can't even comprehend the possibility that they're a different species...2-5% different than "us", as different from us as we are from actual chimpanzees. EVERYONE has "Neanderthal DNA" except the Negros...those black "people" who look VERY different than EVERY other race. Blacks are NOT us.
Old 06-13-2017, 06:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
EVERY country that has gone from a white majority/white a black majority/black rule has failed...Haiti, Jamaica, S Africa...ALL OF THEM. What more proof do you need?

There is not ONE truly successful Hispanic run country either...none in the top 10 or top 25...those are ALL white and Asian.

WHAT has gotten better when it was invaded by blacks? What neighborhood? What school? What town/city? What country?

What IS tiresome is your constantly calling me names but ALWAYS lacking ANYTHING to show I'm wrong.

Where IS the 99% black villages equivalent? Where IS the 99% black Harvard? (I'm sorry I can't compare a 99% white school to a 99% black school as federal laws require quotas so there will always be a minimum number of blacks at any given school). Where is the great 99% black city? 99% black country.

You SHOW me I'm wrong boyer and I'll gladly admit it. You can't...but you hold onto that dogma you were brainwashed can't even comprehend the possibility that they're a different species...2-5% different than "us", as different from us as we are from actual chimpanzees. EVERYONE has "Neanderthal DNA" except the Negros...those black "people" who look VERY different than EVERY other race. Blacks are NOT us.
Again, KKK, Neo-Nazi, Skin-head rallies are your audience.
Old 06-13-2017, 07:01 AM
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I think that every person in this country needs to read a book called,"The Ruling Class: Inside our Imperial Congress", by Eric Felton. It is eye opening and reveals exactly what this OP is talking about in great detail with actual incidents.
Old 06-13-2017, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Again, KKK, Neo-Nazi, Skin-head rallies are your audience.
They already know the's YOU who needs to be in the you can LEARN have YOUR eyes opened.

WHERE are they equal? Show me us all how successful they are. Show us the black villages. The black MIT.

This country is crashing and burning...this country has been invaded...those groups you chide, they're trying to SAVE you from them.

What part of Hispanics are having the majority of children and are becoming the absolute majority which will transform America into a Mexico II don't you understand? WHY would you ENCOURAGE it by PAYING them to breed you out?
Old 06-13-2017, 07:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
They already know the's YOU who needs to be in the you can LEARN have YOUR eyes opened.

WHERE are they equal? Show me us all how successful they are. Show us the black villages. The black MIT.

This country is crashing and burning...this country has been invaded...those groups you chide, they're trying to SAVE you from them.

What part of Hispanics are having the majority of children and are becoming the absolute majority which will transform America into a Mexico II don't you understand? WHY would you ENCOURAGE it by PAYING them to breed you out?
It seems that you fear becoming a minority, perhaps it is because you fear that the new majority groups will treat YOU as you have treated them. A very interesting statistic coming from all the colleges and universities in North America shows that degrees (Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and pHD's) have INCREASED in all "minority" groups where they have DECREASED significantly in whites. Perhaps you should be afraid........
Old 06-13-2017, 08:20 AM
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Default This Is A Genuine Concern

Originally Posted by wjboyer1 View Post
Framers created a Democratic Republic (not Republican)

PLEASE CHECK OUT WHAT ADMINISTRATIVE LAW IS, BEFORE YOU START A RANT THAT DOES NOT ACTUALLY MAKE A POINT: First Year Legal Research Guide: Administrative Law Administrative Law - First Year Legal Research Guide - LibGuides at Loyola University Chicago Law Library

I am a supporter of equal rights FOR EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN. So, if you gotta pee, you gotta pee. If women are raped without judicial retribution, there should be a remedy but campus remedies are being found to be totally inadequate and court proceedings have historically made the woman out as not the victim. But, both of these are rather complex problems that deserve more than a sentence to even describe, let alone place blame.

Uhhhh, the Congress IS the Legislative branch, and has historically been slow to act because of the process of creating and signing a Bill into Law. Perhaps you are focussing upon the MEMBERS of Congress, who seem to have more interest in re-election and the deep pockets (of money) that enable their re-election rather than representing their constituency. SCOTUS is the last step in the legal path in determining a law's Constitutionality, so the law has to exist, before SCOTUS can even come into the picture. That basic fact conflicts with the statement that you made here.

You are correct that these issues are AMERICAN issues, but we are seeing a reflection of our biased and polarized society in our lawmakers which makes ANY legislation difficult to pass because each side is too busy YELLING at the other side that they are WRONG.
Compromise has been the norm in Congress until the past 2 decades when we have seen a significant shift in total polarization.

The framers created a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. (Not yelling, just correcting.)

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Old 06-13-2017, 08:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It seems that you fear becoming a minority, perhaps it is because you fear that the new majority groups will treat YOU as you have treated them. A very interesting statistic coming from all the colleges and universities in North America shows that degrees (Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and pHD's) have INCREASED in all "minority" groups where they have DECREASED significantly in whites. Perhaps you should be afraid........
Of course I fear whites becoming the minority...we're what hold this country...this civilization together. Do you think the new majority will provide welfare for half the white population? Do you think we'll get preferential treatment and quotas? Do you think there will be entire divisions in businesses just to look out for white people's rights? They will treat us like they treat each other...or worse. You're literally letting the inmates run the asylum.

Because they're pushed into school with lowered standards, quotas, courses of study a chimp could pass, free money to attend, they're given EVERY advantage. There's over a $ trillion in outstanding student loans. Much of it given to minorities to be wasted.

America's demographics IS changing...we're at 50:50 now...and becoming a minority majority.

I am VERY afraid for America's future...for the future of the white race. We ARE being bred out.
Old 06-13-2017, 10:11 AM
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I too am tired of the constant barrage from the main stream media; the same sources that in the past I had trusted to report the news and the facts and now I read mostly opinion of young and untried journalists.

I understand that a lot of hits are a lot of votes and that means money.

It is only once in awhile that I find an old fashioned article with facts rather than the author's interpretation. FROM anyone. I am talking The New York Times, Reuters, AP, USA Today, Newsweek, The Washington Post (one of the worst) ...etc. etc.

I would like to hear what happened and form my own opinion. I am sick of titles that look like tabloids.

I constantly scroll down to feedback and try to explain this without emotion.

I get so angry at times when I read that a bunch of people are going to "march through Philadelphia against Trump". Even if it were reversed, even when it was reversed, most traditional people don't wear stupid hats, march, carry signs, gather and "resist". They work, they pay taxes, they save so they can buy homes in good school districts so that their kids can have the best opportunities.

I see on Facebook the results of THEIR efforts; the faces of children and grandchildren who have become good solid citizens with jobs and the same family values. Not a single one that I know of wasted time on theatrics like marching. But sadly, they somehow survived the brainwashing liberal colleges and it will take years for them to have life clear their brains of it. Apples don't usually end up too far from their trees. I have hope.
Old 06-13-2017, 02:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Framers created a Democratic Republic (not Republican)

PLEASE CHECK OUT WHAT ADMINISTRATIVE LAW IS, BEFORE YOU START A RANT THAT DOES NOT ACTUALLY MAKE A POINT: First Year Legal Research Guide: Administrative Law Administrative Law - First Year Legal Research Guide - LibGuides at Loyola University Chicago Law Library

I am a supporter of equal rights FOR EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN. So, if you gotta pee, you gotta pee. If women are raped without judicial retribution, there should be a remedy but campus remedies are being found to be totally inadequate and court proceedings have historically made the woman out as not the victim. But, both of these are rather complex problems that deserve more than a sentence to even describe, let alone place blame.

Uhhhh, the Congress IS the Legislative branch, and has historically been slow to act because of the process of creating and signing a Bill into Law. Perhaps you are focussing upon the MEMBERS of Congress, who seem to have more interest in re-election and the deep pockets (of money) that enable their re-election rather than representing their constituency. SCOTUS is the last step in the legal path in determining a law's Constitutionality, so the law has to exist, before SCOTUS can even come into the picture. That basic fact conflicts with the statement that you made here.

You are correct that these issues are AMERICAN issues, but we are seeing a reflection of our biased and polarized society in our lawmakers which makes ANY legislation difficult to pass because each side is too busy YELLING at the other side that they are WRONG.
Compromise has been the norm in Congress until the past 2 decades when we have seen a significant shift in total polarization.
Poster whomever you are thank you for an intelligent response.

It was an intentional abridgement of this post on my part to spare the reader time and to provide opportunity for others to join in on this conservation.

We can all speak to equal rights, etc but the point to be made here is a simple one. Unelected officials are running this nation. Or in other words citizens votes mean nothing.

I made mention of the campus rape issue because it is a prime example of where this Administrative State stripped citizens of their due process rights. There are a plethora of examples of the abuses made at the hands of this bureaucracy in every administration.

This Administrative State has devised in effect a Star Chamber ( ie the king's perogative) . Its a dangerous situation and it has to be stopped.

I fault Congress for a lot of this because they are allowing these federal agencies to ursurp their authority.

I understand how the judicial system works. The point is that the Supreme Court with the exception of Anton Scalia ( God rest his soul) legislates from the bench. that is not their right or duty. I believe social issues ought to be left to the individual states

I am approaching this issue from an non-partisan view.

This Administrative State could take over this nation and its citizens would even notice.

Finally you appear to be defensive as to the issue of Administrative Law. Let me again be clear I am speaking to the issue of abuse and manipulation of the Administrative State and its legal procedures. One cannot be judge, jury and executioner in this REPUBLIC.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 06-13-2017, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I too am tired of the constant barrage from the main stream media; the same sources that in the past I had trusted to report the news and the facts and now I read mostly opinion of young and untried journalists.

I understand that a lot of hits are a lot of votes and that means money.

It is only once in awhile that I find an old fashioned article with facts rather than the author's interpretation. FROM anyone. I am talking The New York Times, Reuters, AP, USA Today, Newsweek, The Washington Post (one of the worst) ...etc. etc.

I would like to hear what happened and form my own opinion. I am sick of titles that look like tabloids.

I constantly scroll down to feedback and try to explain this without emotion.

I get so angry at times when I read that a bunch of people are going to "march through Philadelphia against Trump". Even if it were reversed, even when it was reversed, most traditional people don't wear stupid hats, march, carry signs, gather and "resist". They work, they pay taxes, they save so they can buy homes in good school districts so that their kids can have the best opportunities.

I see on Facebook the results of THEIR efforts; the faces of children and grandchildren who have become good solid citizens with jobs and the same family values. Not a single one that I know of wasted time on theatrics like marching. But sadly, they somehow survived the brainwashing liberal colleges and it will take years for them to have life clear their brains of it. Apples don't usually end up too far from their trees. I have hope.
These last two posts are Trump hardcore and deliver his same message that he HOPES will take hold.

TRUST ME.....all these things are not true...they are lying...the media lies....ALL buzzwords from the campaign.

YET...when a post that is totally factual is delivered here you have no response...NONE. You are totally and completely unable to supply any facts to back up your serious charges against people just doing their jobs.



Yet, we are to believe you ? Amazing how he and his followers are all the same....anything bad is not real and not facts....ONLY WHAT I SAY is factual, although he uses fake news from Fox in front of the German leader and you say folks do not like the news, that I can understand, but you just cannot call people liars

Based on your post, I assume you do not believe that Russia hacked and try to sway our election.....neat....calling ALL the intelligence agencies liars.....if you disagree, at least once complain about that and ask the President to lend his support to the investigation instead of impeding.
Old 06-13-2017, 03:26 PM
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I will repeat what I said earlier.

You only complain if it is anti Trump...ONLY...everything else is factual it seems,

You never express concern over Russia......dont you even care or is that fake news also.

powers, president, state, concern, genuine

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