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Old 09-19-2017, 04:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes and squeaked by with winning the Electoral College by a very small margin in just a few states. James Comey's announcement of the Anthony Weiner e-maim investigation sunk Clinton's chances. She should have won easily if not for Weiner's weiner pictures.
Obviously, you ignore FACTS in favor of your biased, liberal rhetoric. To say that Trump "squeaked by...with a very small margin of electoral votes" is ludicrous. He won by Approx. a two thirds majority. And you have the audacity or IGNORANCE to say he "squeaked by." Either you are parroting flawed liberal talking points or just plain stupid.....or both.

And keep dwelling on the fallacy of winning the popular vote means you won the election and your side will lose again and again. Being the scholar you claim, why don't you go back and review the Constitution. The U.S. Constitution. It might enlighten you, DA. I understand they have a copy of the Constitution available in the Library, any Library.