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Old 11-24-2018, 08:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Jazuela View Post
I always assume that "new" means "new listing" as in - it was just recently put on the market for sale, and hasn't been since the last time it was sold (or ever, if it was always owned by the developer). If it's an actual new house - as in - it was recently built, and didn't exist at all until that point - then it would be "new construction" or specify "new home" and not merely "new."
In this instance, we are not talking about a “new” listing but Villas that appear listed in the new Village homes rather than preowned homes section of the paper and the Villages web site. The five listed homes are in the newly built home group because technically speaking they were never sold. That they are nine years old and lived in for most of that time period apparently isn’t a factor.

I am with garciegirl in that I would suggest placing a notice to better describe the house as being used for Life Style Visits for nine years. I recognize that these houses will eventually be sold so why not be upfront in their description?

Until the wording is changed, I would still question how these particular houses are being marketed in print and on the web as being new.