twoplanekid's Profile

twoplanekid twoplanekid is offline

Soaring Eagle member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Indydealmaker
    09-08-2023 10:43 AM
    You posted a disappearing post recently about evacuations from a villa. Do you know where that went?
  2. kappy
    12-26-2017 09:36 AM

    I’m not sure if you received the 2 messages I sent this morning. The first indicated that the brochure says under “best practices, do not change lanes in a roundabout even when you exit. The 2nd indicates that the roundabout south of Rainey Trail is the Bridgeport Recreation Center exit and, I believe,it has only one lane.


    My email is
  3. Retiring
    11-16-2016 02:28 PM
    I love your pictures, are they from the cub? Do you hangar your plane? When I do retire and move to TV, probably 2017, I would like to buy a plane. First I would need to find a hangar, and I prefer paved strip. Don’t care if it’s controlled field or not, just want a nice hangar, lighted paved runway, and ability to buy fuel. Also, a good maintenance facility is a plus. Where do most of the TV plane owners’ hangar their planes? Thanks, Frank.
  4. dchriscinske
    12-02-2014 08:43 AM
    Table and chairs is sold.

About Me

  • About twoplanekid
    Vietnam Vet, Rotarian
    born Urbana,Il lived in Urbana Ohio for 65 years a house in Lake Deaton
    Flying, computers,history
    computer store owner for 30 years


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  • Last Activity: Today 10:27 AM
  • Join Date: 10-17-2014
  • Referrals: 0


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