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Old 06-10-2020, 08:58 AM
Villagerjjm Villagerjjm is offline
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Originally Posted by Leadbone1 View Post
The W.H.O just said it's 'rare' for asymptomatic people to spread the coronavirus!
So after all the endless guilting that has been done to people that refused to wear masks, because they we’re not sick, and knew that masks were ineffective anyway, we now find out that asymptomatic people rarely spread the disease!
Another major change from what we were initially told!
When are people going to accept that we have been fed incorrect data and supposed facts from the get go?
W.H.O. has retracted the statement as a misprint and amended it to say "it is rare for asymptomatic people to spread the coronavirus when they are wearing a properly fitted mask which is proven to decrease the amount of infectious aerosol particles in the immediate area surrounding the asymptomatic individual."

In other words: Wear A Mask If You Care !!