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Old 06-17-2020, 03:42 PM
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TOTV Team TOTV Team is offline
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Default Notice to All Registered Users From Admin

Dear TOTV users,

Talk of The Villages was originally created as a forum for Villagers to come together easily, and discuss happenings across the town and beyond. However, in recent months, we have seen a surge of posts that violate our site guidelines, and have impacted the general mood across the forum.

Let us remind you that posting about politics is strictly forbidden. This includes the mention of political parties, political individuals, or any political topics. Even with warnings and reminders of this rule, users continue to post about politics. We will now begin giving out one week temporary bans to any user who violates this rule. If users continue to defy this rule, longer or even permanent bans will be given.

In addition, discussion on TOTV should remain kind and respectful. Negatively directed posts are not allowed. Negative posts directed at other users will be deleted, and any user who continues to disregard this rule will be subjected to a temporary ban.

We understand that during these tumultuous times, it is cathartic to come to the forum and discuss everything happening on the news and in our community. We encourage open discussion, and welcome everyone with different backgrounds and viewpoints. To reflect this, we have decided to create a new sub-forum dedicated solely to current events and news. On this side of the forum, users will be able to discuss everything happening in the world, and those who do not wish to participate, can easily ignore this sub-forum. This sub-forum will still adhere to site guidelines, and will be moderated according to these rules. This means there will still be no political discussion allowed. All we ask from our users is respect towards each other, regardless of differing opinions, and respect towards our site guidelines.

Lastly, please note that the General Discussions Forum is meant for topics related to The Villages, Florida. This includes topics related to buying in the area, and for things related to living in The Villages. The New Members Forum is meant for new members to the site who wish to introduce themselves to everyone on the forum. If you post a topic that does not fit these descriptions, your post will be moved to the correct forum.

If you wish to review our site guidelines, you can find them here: