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Old 03-09-2022, 01:48 PM
MDLNB MDLNB is offline
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Originally Posted by Babubhat View Post
Conformity is why I came here.

Conformity had nothing to do with my moving here. I moved here so that my wife could have a social life and not find herself sitting on the porch watching everyone go off to work or school every morning. I moved here because there is always someone home in the neighborhood to act as a form of security, lend assistance when someone needs it and just there to make the neighborhood seem alive.

Personally, I don't care what color your home is, or what you plant in your yard. I do not care if you drive a truck, a sports car or a motorcycle. Lawn mowing does not bother me. If you wish to smoke a cigar on your lanai, go for it because it doesn't bother me a bit. Smoke some Mary Jane if you wish, because a mellow neighbor is a peaceful neighbor.

We are on the downside of our expiration date with life and if you(all in general) can't enjoy it and leave others to enjoy how they wish to finish theirs, then you(not anyone in particular) are being pretty selfish. Try being a good neighbor and lend a hand when you can. Not only does it make them feel good, but it is also rewarding to your own disposition.

I've always kinda wanted a dark colored home and if I did purchase one, worrying about my power bill would not be much of a consideration. Worrying about having to repaint it in 10 or 15 years would be left to those that wish to be critical, not me. Stucco homes need to be painted every few years too. Try going fifteen years without patching cracks and painting a stucco house.

No matter what one does, there will always be someone that will disparage his/her this free country.

This is me ENJOYING life. Even the rain every few minutes today. Because right after each rain, it's been bursting with sunshine and the contrast is amazing.

Last edited by MDLNB; 03-09-2022 at 02:56 PM.