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Old 04-07-2022, 09:29 AM
Iknowwhaturthinking2 Iknowwhaturthinking2 is offline
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Default Koi Wanted….

Hi there Mick!
I’ve raised Koi for many years. In Florida the minimum length you should seek is 10 inches due to the large birds that will likely want to eat them…Wood Storks will congregate and patiently wait for a koi to snack on, even if it takes all day. They have been the largest threat to my collection. I personally would get small koi then “grow them out” to a safe size in a 55 gallon outside Rubbermaid pond before transferring them into my man made backyard pond. Koi can be incredibly expensive, with many breeders charging by the inch…oh yes size matters in this case…some fetching in the thousands of dollars depending on their scales, patterns and coloring for a 12 inch species.
One might suggest to go get a few dozen feeder goldfish from the pet store as they grow fast and get large in a relatively short amount of time. BUT!….keep in mind that if you dump what’s considered an invasive species in a community pond, you could get in deep trouble from Florida, Fish & Wildlife! Good luck and feel free to ask me any questions you may have🐟

Originally Posted by mistamick View Post
If anyone has some extra small to moderate sized Koi fish, I would be grateful to accept them for my pond here in The Villages.
Please contact me at 352.661.5171.
Thanks in advance.
