Thread: Hot Temps
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Old 07-23-2022, 12:36 PM
MartinSE MartinSE is offline
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Originally Posted by lindaelane View Post
Be aware that all drowning deaths are classified as heat deaths during hot months in England. We would need to know the number of drowning deaths in the average "normal" summer and subtract that from 1000 to get the (non-politicized) useful statistic from which to make an evaluation.

In 2019 there were 892 heat related deaths in England. In July 2021 there were 915 heat related deaths in England, but I do not remember record temperatures then.

June of 1953 is England's hottest June on record.
Could you provide a reference for England listing drownings as heat death?

I am not sure of the point of 1953 being the hottest record for June. Climate change means more volatile weather over time. Some hotter some colder, more droughts, more hurricanes and more etc... Eventually more countries will experience record highs and lows - but at the moment we are on the leading edge of what we have been warned was coming, and we chose to ignore. Our grand children and great grand children will pay for our arguments.