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Old 09-19-2023, 09:18 PM
Ktots Ktots is offline
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Default Lifestyle visit

Originally Posted by Pamela1130 View Post
Thanks in advance for bearing with me asking another question. Do we really need a car for the LS visit? We are on no time schedule and would just love to explore with the golf cart. I know we will be in the southern area. (Anyone know exactly where). My rep just said Sawgrass area. I know the Villages is really big but is it doable by golf cart if you have no particular place to go? How far is the Brownwood area for the Sawgrass area by golf cart? We are renting in Brownwood for January and February. We will have a car then though. Thank you again.
If your rep said Sawgrass area, I’m more inclined to think you will be in Newell. DeLuna isn’t really in the Sawgrass area.
Please don’t be discouraged by people telling you there is nothing in the southern area, etc. My mother has been here for 20 years and lives in the northern area near Lopez. It’s a lovely area and has a lot to offer. My sister has been here for 19 years and lives in the Sumter Landing area near Palmer. It’s a lovely area and has much to offer. We lived briefly in the Sumter Landing area, then south of 466a and enjoyed both thoroughly. Now, we live south of 44 and north of the turnpike, in the Sawgrass area, and absolutely love it. We have dogs, so we walk a lot and love the miles of recreational paths and green space in the southern areas. Every area in TV has plenty to offer, and where you might like it best depends strictly on you.

Brownwood is about a 25-30 minute golf cart ride for us… it’s a fun, lovely ride. Sumter Landing is a little farther… maybe 30-35 minutes. It’ll be a wee bit longer from Newell… maybe 5 more minutes. Spanish Springs will obviously take longer. We usually take our car to SS. If I want to golf cart to my mom’s up in the northern area, it’ll take about an hour. The Lake Deaton Plaza will be about 15 minutes. You can certainly explore all of TV by cart, (except Middleton)especially if you want to take your time and be leisurely about it… but it depends on you. We prefer to have our car after dark if we’re traveling home from one of the squares. Also, as another poster mentioned, it depends on whether or not your cart has curtains and how comfortable you are. Sometimes those carts have a slower top speed, too, which is probably a good thing when you aren’t used to driving the cart paths.

However you choose to explore, I hope you have a wonderful time. I suspect you will! BTW, we lived in northern RI, a hop and a skip from Milford