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Old 02-22-2024, 11:46 AM
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Dusty_Star Dusty_Star is offline
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I am a dog owner & my experience is that my neighborhood is extremely dog friendly. Many of my neighbors have dogs, most I would say. Over 50% for sure, maybe I'll count someday. Several of my neighbors have invited me to walk the dog on their yards. (I haven't done it, but I do appreciate the kindness behind their invitation).

The only place I have found dog haters is here on this forum. Maybe they are in my neighborhood, but having seen me walking my dog, they don't share their hateful views with me. Maybe they are keyboard warriors, & post things they would never say in person. I don't know.

I always walk my dog on a leash, always pick up after him & don't allow him on other people's lawns. I leave him home when I go shopping & I don't bring him to the squares as I don't think he would like the crowds or the noise. Maybe I will try it once, just to see. He is a little guy & I would hold him on my lap, & leave if he started to cry or acted as if he were uncomfortable. But basically, I think both he & I would have a better time if I left him home when I go to the squares. He gets to nap & I get to enjoy the music.

I hope you have all of the same good experiences I have had, & meet similar kind & friendly people.

Oh, the leash walking, picking up, etc. seems to be universal among the dog owners in my neighborhood, maybe that is why we are treated so well. I have never seen a loose dog here, & if I did, I would be sure the little rascal had escaped & I would call him to me, so that we could have a friendly, leashed walk back to his house.