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Old 03-27-2024, 07:29 AM
Biskopski Biskopski is offline
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Default My experience with knee replacement

Originally Posted by villagetinker View Post
I have been diagnosed with a loss of cartlidge in my knee. I talking to several people that have been in similar situation it seems they all said to forget about the braces and injections, etc., and just go for the replacement, anything else is just delaying the inevitable. Also, many have said that the side procedure is much better than the front procedure.

So, I am looking for advice from people that have had this done and a recommendation for very good surgeon, as well any other firsthand advice, like who to stay away from.
Please feel free to use Private Message if you would prefer not to put your comments on the open site or to talk to me directly.

My goal is to get back to bowling and some golfing without the current pain.
My replacement was in 2019. Any surgeon you are considering you can google their education and experience info. Mine was not local so I can't give you a local name but can suggest a few things to make all easier for recovery.
Sign up now with a therapist to start building up your leg muscles so your muscles are strong post surgery rehab. Your doc will set you up with therapy group post surgery that will be in your home for several weeks then move to a local center for continued therapy. Go online Amazon and purchase a shower chair, a toilet seat elevation seat and an adjustable leg elevation pillow looks like a leg trough (you can thank me later) and Senecot. You will be miserable from the pain pills without the Senecot help. Knee replacement is so perfected and if you do all your exercises faithfully post surgery you will say why didn't I get this done sooner!