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Old 04-20-2024, 11:47 PM
Shipping up to Boston Shipping up to Boston is offline
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Originally Posted by bmcgowan13 View Post
Google Zink v State of Florida So 2d 1984

Zink recognized you can be charged with DWI even on private property--operation does not have to be a public roadway or highway. The court believes the DWI statute was written to control the condition of the operator--not the location of the offense.
You do know we’re talking about an individual, on a 35 acre private property having a beer, right? Not drunk, not rising to a DUI. Yes, that was the context. All the other tentacles that grew out of the OP post is typical of ToTV sensationalism. No mention of grandchildren whizzing around on an ATV while grandpa operates a machine drunk and involuntary homicides. I’m sure you can dig deeper and find a case where a Karen or Darren summons law enforcement to address a neighbor riding on his Toro engaging in a chore while enjoying a cold beverage....and finds probable cause to enter private property to arrest said land owner. Can’t wait. And we wonder why we have a historic shortage of LEO in this country! Smh