Thread: Cody's
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Old 12-20-2013, 12:51 PM
gustavo gustavo is offline
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Originally Posted by gatherer47 View Post
Cody's is one place that I know will try to fix any problem you had while dining.The manager consistently will respond to his customers in a positive manner.It happened to us once and the manager's response was enough to keep me coming back.If you ever have a problem do what Bogie Shooter always tells us "see the manager" In Cody's case it works.Bonny will back me up on this also.
A few years ago we needed to be out by 8:00pm, arrived at 6:30 pm. at 7:15 the food was not out. Told the server about the deadline. At 7:40 pm the food was not out. Asked for takeout. At exactly 8:00 the manager came out with the takeouts and said he heard we had an issue with the timing. Told him the story and he said, "tell you what I'm going to do...." at this point I'm thinking he will comp the meals which would have been about the only thing that would have eased my tension, he said, "... come back in again some time and we'll see if we can get you out quicker". Haha, I almost fell off the chair. Needless to say, I don't go to Codys unless I'm with a group and they have picked the restaurant. Maybe twice in the last 2 years.