View Full Version : Churchs and Card rooms

06-08-2008, 03:53 PM
Just wondering what are the views concering the horse park and card rooms in local area churchs. Pro or Con?

06-08-2008, 03:59 PM
dolpterry, I don't mean to keep doggin' you but the churches have had Bingo (gambling, whether you like the name or not) for many many years. Also, Texas Hold'em played at the temple on 101 for money. If they have a problem with the Horse Park and cards rooms, they ought to stop all of their gambling activity. ;)

06-08-2008, 04:04 PM
All these great minds working together on the same subject. I must have been typing in another thread while you were posting.

06-08-2008, 04:43 PM
Chelsea24 it seems that i have quite a following almost immediate responce, just what i was expecting . I am still hoping for the church views and not individual veiwpoints and thats why i was carefull to leave out my preference. I wound perfer not to joust with you or anyone else on the Church forum .

06-08-2008, 06:27 PM
Just wondering what are the views concering the horse park and card rooms in local area Church's. Pro or Con?

Hi dolpterry,

I was trying so hard not to write anything today. I am in the midst of a big reorganization project in my little office at my house here in Ohio. I usually have no problem resisting the laptop that lives in this room. The computer that I cannot resist often enough lives in the main part of our house, in the kitchen-family room area. And that one gets the best of me way too often.

But daggone it. I flipped this laptop on for while I am wading through file folders. All I planned to do was listen to some shows I like on NPR while I am working so hard. Then I turned to TOTV and saw your question.

So enough stream of consciousness writing from me for now. I am going to go ahead and tell you what I think about your question and why.

You are asking about what churches are doing in this one.

You know. I just realized that I can't answer that one. I have no idea what the churches there are doing. I am not there.

But I have to throw in my opinion on what churches should do.

If I were a part of one of TV's local church boards or church councils, I would strongly advise that the church as the church should just stay out of it.


Because to get into this and to try to take an official "church stand" would be at great risk of alienating members, not only from the church itself, but from one another.

Many mainstream denominations are seeing local congregations split wide open over controversial issues. All issues of a political or controversial nature turn into a no-win where local churches are concerned.

I hope that members of local congregations, no matter how they feel as individuals about this, will just back up and look at the big picture which is the future of the church itself. And they should be glad the vote is so soon. There is not much time for factions within congregations to try to carry the banners of local churches into battle.

The vote will be over soon.

Rifts in congregations are not over so soon. If ever.

Issues such as this have a way of growing arms and legs. There will be longterm effects on any local congregation that officially gets into this one. And those effects won't be pretty. You can bet on it.

Anyway, dolpterry, I guess I did not really answer the question. But maybe this brings up a point to be considered by those who think that their church should jump right flat-footed in the middle of this thing.


06-08-2008, 06:53 PM
Great reply Boomer, but my thought is the lack of Christians taking a stand cost us Prayer in the classroom. Just my two cents ,not trying win any votes.

06-08-2008, 07:18 PM
So dolp, You like mixing church and state? I've heard some bad stuff about that practice.
Are the Christians taking a stand against gambling in the churches? I think Jesus would.
Having been raised Southern Baptist, I have enough fear of the Lord to know I would never step foot in the Church to gamble. The church is a place to worship. IMHO, the church is a place for us to go to renew and celebrate our faiths, not our gaming abilities.

06-08-2008, 08:46 PM
Sam glad to see you do not gamble in church. And yes the southern Baptist association in Sumter county is taking a stand. Hope to see you in Church. GOD BLESS