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Villages PL 04-22-2014 04:48 PM

Heaven Is For Real
I haven't seen this movie but I heard the boy being interviewed on the radio. Supposedly, he went to the hospital for an operation and died. He went to heaven and talked to Jesus and God. And Jesus decided to send him back, to be alive on earth, because his father prayed for him. I hope I got that right as I am relying on memory.

Is that the way it works? If someone prays for you, you get sent back? How many children have died from leukemia, never to be seen again? Didn't anyone pray for them?

This story doesn't make sense to me. It makes it seem as though God made a mistake. Oops! We mistakenly brought you up here to heaven, not realizing your father would pray for you. Well, duh! His father is a minister....he's praying all the time.

And the reason it's supposed to be believable is because he said he saw his grandfather and sister who died at birth, which he wasn't supposed to know about. But I knew things as a kid that I wasn't supposed to know either. And that's because adults talked about things in front of me when they thought I was too young to understand. And someone would say, "he looks like he understands what we're saying." And someone else would say, "No, he doesn't understand." That happens all the time.

So, I think the kid was having a dream while under the anesthetic. And his father, being a minister, was all too eager to believe it.

If I understand it correctly, his father wrote the book and the movie is based on the book. So he's making a lot of money on the book and now he's making a lot of money on the movie. Money, money, money, follow the money.

loveinthesun 04-22-2014 05:08 PM

I wanted yo see the movie, but i never heard the story. I would agree with your take on it if that's how it goes lol

maddie101 04-22-2014 06:10 PM

It was an enjoyable movie. It never said he was sent back because of the father praying. They had prayer chains going. I don't want to go into more because it will ruin it for others who will still see the movie. The little boy was adorable. I wanted to hug him.

ilovetv 04-22-2014 06:15 PM

I saw the boy (now 14) and his father interviewed on t.v. What they said seemed plausible and possible to people of faith and to those who are seeking God or seeking answers to life's big questions.....or to those who simply seek good entertainment or a good story.

While it may sound like they did the movie just to make money, the readership of the book proves people are interested in finding out more about God's promise of perfection in eternal life thru Christ. And everyone ought to be interested in where they are going after death!!

Lots of junk stuff is made into Hollywood movies. It seems like an interesting and intriguing topic that doesn't purvey violence, drugs, porn nor the darkness of all of today's societal ills.

To me it looks like this movie is meant to evoke a response of looking further into God's promises conveyed in the Bible. Viewers can take it or leave's' up to them.

I wasn't planning on seeing the movie, but after looking at the trailer from Sony Pictures here, to me it seems like an intriguing story whether or not a person believes in God and heaven in eternity. I might see it now.

See Trailer here: Heaven Is For Real | Official Movie Site | Sony Pictures

"Today Show" quote:

Faith-based film "Heaven Is for Real" soared at the Easter weekend box office, earning a stellar $21.5 million from 2,417 theaters to bury big-budget sci-fi epic "Transcendence," which opened to a dismal $11.5 million from 3,455 locations.

'Heaven Is for Real' rises above Johnny Depp's 'Transcendence' at box office -

villager 04-22-2014 06:36 PM

I usually don't post about these things, but for some reason, feel compelled to this time. Yes, I believe. I believe the story and believe the young man who had the experience. I won't share my personal reasons why, but I do feel there is more to the story than just money, money, money. I gave the book to a friend who was an agnostic and when she finished the book, she sat and re-evaluated her whole belief system. The story has always been promoted as a true story. It has touched many people's lives. Who am I to judge the truth of others?

KeepingItReal 04-22-2014 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Villages PL (Post 866334)
I haven't seen this movie but I heard the boy being interviewed on the radio. Supposedly, he went to the hospital for an operation and died. He went to heaven and talked to Jesus and God. And Jesus decided to send him back, to be alive on earth, because his father prayed for him. I hope I got that right as I am relying on memory.

Is that the way it works? If someone prays for you, you get sent back? How many children have died from leukemia, never to be seen again? Didn't anyone pray for them?

This story doesn't make sense to me. It makes it seem as though God made a mistake. Oops! We mistakenly brought you up here to heaven, not realizing your father would pray for you. Well, duh! His father is a minister....he's praying all the time.

And the reason it's supposed to be believable is because he said he saw his grandfather and sister who died at birth, which he wasn't supposed to know about. But I knew things as a kid that I wasn't supposed to know either. And that's because adults talked about things in front of me when they thought I was too young to understand. And someone would say, "he looks like he understands what we're saying." And someone else would say, "No, he doesn't understand." That happens all the time.

So, I think the kid was having a dream while under the anesthetic. And his father, being a minister, was all too eager to believe it.

If I understand it correctly, his father wrote the book and the movie is based on the book. So he's making a lot of money on the book and now he's making a lot of money on the movie. Money, money, money, follow the money.

I do believe in God, Jesus, The Holy Ghost, a long home Heaven ,and a Hell to be shunned. I have no idea of the motives behind the account or the movie that followed but in no way do I believe it actually occurred. For whatever reason he may very well think it did but I do not believe it in the least. The Bible does not teach this and gives a full account of what happens when we take our last breath here and the soul departs our mortal body. Once the soul has left the body there will be no return for we will have a new body not made of flesh. Until this happens we are still here in body and in spirit.

graciegirl 04-22-2014 10:53 PM

If faith is a fit for you, good. If it isn't leave it for those who find it a comfort. When I see questioning such as this I always wonder why. It is a choice. One can't be debated or argued or taught into faith. It is a gift.

If you don't need it, or trust it, or believe it. That is your choice.

but if you ever change your mind........

bluedog103 04-22-2014 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by graciegirl (Post 866559)
If faith is a fit for you, good. If it isn't leave it for those who find it a comfort. When I see questioning such as this I always wonder why. It is a choice. One can't be debated or argued or taught into faith. It is a gift.

If you don't need it, or trust it, or believe it. That is your choice.

but if you ever change your mind........

Thanks Gracie. As usual, you make a lot of sense.

asianthree 04-23-2014 07:42 AM

Its not the first time someone has said they have hovered over their body and then didn't get to leave...

kwtoman 04-23-2014 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Villages PL (Post 866334)
I haven't seen this movie but I heard the boy being interviewed on the radio. Supposedly, he went to the hospital for an operation and died. He went to heaven and talked to Jesus and God. And Jesus decided to send him back, to be alive on earth, because his father prayed for him. I hope I got that right as I am relying on memory.

Is that the way it works? If someone prays for you, you get sent back? How many children have died from leukemia, never to be seen again? Didn't anyone pray for them?

This story doesn't make sense to me. It makes it seem as though God made a mistake. Oops! We mistakenly brought you up here to heaven, not realizing your father would pray for you. Well, duh! His father is a minister....he's praying all the time.

And the reason it's supposed to be believable is because he said he saw his grandfather and sister who died at birth, which he wasn't supposed to know about. But I knew things as a kid that I wasn't supposed to know either. And that's because adults talked about things in front of me when they thought I was too young to understand. And someone would say, "he looks like he understands what we're saying." And someone else would say, "No, he doesn't understand." That happens all the time.

So, I think the kid was having a dream while under the anesthetic. And his father, being a minister, was all too eager to believe it.

If I understand it correctly, his father wrote the book and the movie is based on the book. So he's making a lot of money on the book and now he's making a lot of money on the movie. Money, money, money, follow the money.

If you haven't seen the movie, or read the book, I find it implausible that any conjecture can be made from any information you have, as it will all be subject to conjecture and personal opinion. If you are, in fact, a person of faith, I would recommend seeing the movie or reading the book. I saw it, and have made MY decision. As with all faith based traditions, I would recommend making your own from facts gathered by you alone.

Villages PL 04-24-2014 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by KeepingItReal (Post 866532)
I do believe in God, Jesus, The Holy Ghost, a long home Heaven ,and a Hell to be shunned. I have no idea of the motives behind the account or the movie that followed but in no way do I believe it actually occurred. For whatever reason he may very well think it did but I do not believe it in the least. The Bible does not teach this and gives a full account of what happens when we take our last breath here and the soul departs our mortal body. Once the soul has left the body there will be no return for we will have a new body not made of flesh. Until this happens we are still here in body and in spirit.

I'm glad to see at least one person got it right. A person's soul is not something that can be passed back 'n' forth. When it departs, that's it, it's final.

Don't forget, the boy's sister died and she didn't get a second chance.

To come up with a story where God sends a person's soul back to the body makes a mockery of religion. It's as though God was indecisive or made a mistake.

I read the book "30 Minutes In Heaven." Was that not the same?

Hacker1 04-25-2014 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Villages PL (Post 866334)
I haven't seen this movie but I heard the boy being interviewed on the radio. Supposedly, he went to the hospital for an operation and died. He went to heaven and talked to Jesus and God. And Jesus decided to send him back, to be alive on earth, because his father prayed for him. I hope I got that right as I am relying on memory.

Is that the way it works? If someone prays for you, you get sent back? How many children have died from leukemia, never to be seen again? Didn't anyone pray for them?

This story doesn't make sense to me. It makes it seem as though God made a mistake. Oops! We mistakenly brought you up here to heaven, not realizing your father would pray for you. Well, duh! His father is a minister....he's praying all the time.

And the reason it's supposed to be believable is because he said he saw his grandfather and sister who died at birth, which he wasn't supposed to know about. But I knew things as a kid that I wasn't supposed to know either. And that's because adults talked about things in front of me when they thought I was too young to understand. And someone would say, "he looks like he understands what we're saying." And someone else would say, "No, he doesn't understand." That happens all the time.

So, I think the kid was having a dream while under the anesthetic. And his father, being a minister, was all too eager to believe it.

If I understand it correctly, his father wrote the book and the movie is based on the book. So he's making a lot of money on the book and now he's making a lot of money on the movie. Money, money, money, follow the money.

I did not see the boy on TV, but I did read the book, and just today saw the movie. All I can say is that your comments seem to be based on a lot of assumptions. For one, no, the father was not all too eager to believe it... he took a lot of convincing, wrestling with it for a long time. I very strongly advise you to see the movie -- see all of it, and withhold judgement until the end of the movie. I think you will be surprised.

Golfingnut 04-25-2014 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by graciegirl (Post 866559)
If faith is a fit for you, good. If it isn't leave it for those who find it a comfort. When I see questioning such as this I always wonder why. It is a choice. One can't be debated or argued or taught into faith. It is a gift.

If you don't need it, or trust it, or believe it. That is your choice.

but if you ever change your mind........

Are you asking that non believers should not question the validity of fictional beliefs? If believers have the right to talk about their view, non believers should have the same right. Think of what message you send when one half of the debate is silenced.

pooh 04-25-2014 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Golfingnut (Post 867955)
Are you asking that non believers should not question the validity of fictional beliefs? If believers have the right to talk about their view, non believers should have the same right. Think of what message you send when one half of the debate is silenced.

It's a debate that seems will never be proven to the satisfaction of non-believers and some who are deep believers. They go on faith. Some debate that humans are "hard wired" to believe in a God. There are many articles one can read just by Googling, "Are humans hard-wired for religion.?"

For many years I frequented a message board that wanted facts to prove discussions and much of what humanity takes as the truth. Members are atheists, agnostics, believers. Debate was spirited and constant, but in the end, what all believed and lived by was be kind, loving, honest and treat others as you want them to treat you. There is so much more to believing than just believing.

rubicon 04-25-2014 03:07 PM

There are two problems that intersect with this type discussion.

Belief in God, after life, etc is based on faith.

For both believers and deniers there is a built-in confirmation bias.

The only observation I will make about the claims in Heaven Is For Real is that Colton Burpo was 3 years old at the time of his appendix surgery gone bad. If his father did nothing to manipulate the boy's thinking then the story coming from the experience of a 3 year old causes one to pay closer attention.

Scientifically experts tell us that energy cannot be destroyed so who knows what happens to the energy that leaves our bodies at death??????

I stay open

Taltarzac725 04-25-2014 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Villages PL (Post 867550)
I'm glad to see at least one person got it right. A person's soul is not something that can be passed back 'n' forth. When it departs, that's it, it's final.

Don't forget, the boy's sister died and she didn't get a second chance.

To come up with a story where God sends a person's soul back to the body makes a mockery of religion. It's as though God was indecisive or made a mistake.

I read the book "30 Minutes In Heaven." Was that not the same?

I had a playboy/adventurer friend while a Philosophy Student at the University of Nevada, Reno who had been stabbed six times (if I am remembering the story correctly) near the heart area around 1980. He was pronounced dead but they managed to revive him. He was having nothing of religion at least in front of me and other Philosophy Students. But, I would say that he came back. I believe it has to do with how much you think God controls the universe? Does he control the past, present and future? Kind of hard to argue any kind of moral responsibility if there is no choice really and God had determined everything beforehand.

I will wait and see the movie and may get to the book too. Maybe, it will get me back to reading more serious philosophy.

Shimpy 04-25-2014 04:04 PM

[QUOTE=KeepingItReal;866532..... The Bible ...... gives a full account of what happens when we take our last breath here and the soul departs our mortal body. Once the soul has left the body there will be no return for we will have a new body not made of flesh. Until this happens we are still here in body and in spirit.[/QUOTE]

Wishful thinking. The biggest instinct both we and animals have is survival. We would do anything to live forever and man cannot accept once he dies that it is final.

Golfingnut 04-25-2014 04:50 PM

An interesting read for what happens at death is Seat of the Soul. Nice to see a discussion of both views.


Barefoot 04-25-2014 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by pooh (Post 867989)
Snipped ...... but in the end, what all believed and lived by was be kind, loving, honest and treat others as you want them to treat you. There is so much more to believing than just believing.

Well said Pooh.

Monkei 04-25-2014 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Shimpy (Post 868055)
Wishful thinking. The biggest instinct both we and animals have is survival. We would do anything to live forever and man cannot accept once he dies that it is final.

I somewhat agree. It is a comfort to those who believe, I sometimes am jealous of those who can simply use blind faith.

I believe also that when the lights are turned out they are indeed OUT.

kittygilchrist 04-25-2014 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Monkei (Post 868120)
I somewhat agree. It is a comfort to those who believe, I sometimes am jealous of those who can simply use blind faith.

I believe also that when the lights are turned out they are indeed OUT.

Maybe this should be a p.m...the moment before I first believed, I thought, "I should be logical, but I can't know with my brain if you're there or not, Jesus, so I'm coming to you with all that I am."
That was the first, as well as the last moment of blind faith. The rest has been certainty that Jesus is indeed real, alive, available, and loves me more than I love myself.

No opinion of the film.

KeepingItReal 04-25-2014 10:20 PM

[quote=KeepingItReal;866532..... The Bible ...... gives a full account of what happens when we take our last breath here and the soul departs our mortal body. Once the soul has left the body there will be no return for we will have a new body not made of flesh. Until this happens we are still here in body and in spirit.[/QUOTE]

Originally Posted by Shimpy (Post 868055)
Wishful thinking. The biggest instinct both we and animals have is survival. We would do anything to live forever and man cannot accept once he dies that it is final.

Not at all wishful thinking, we all know that it is appointed unto all of us once to die, we must die, and we will die. We know when we die our carnal bodies here will go back to the dust from whence they came but our soul will depart this earthly body. The only final part is that when we die our soul's destiny is sealed whether it be heaven or hell but we can have salvation if we desire it. Salvation is a free gift of God paid for by the blood of Jesus.

Ephesians 2:8
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Luke 15:7
I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.

Golfingnut 04-26-2014 02:09 AM

I see blind faith as giving up, not giving in. If god exists and made us in his image, why do some never question it and those like me that feel foolish if I do not question. Why was I plagued with an inquisitive mind even as a child. Did god give me this personality, then a threat to burn for eternity because I use it the way it was given to me. I often return to read sermon on the mount by the profit Jesus Christ to keep my bearings, but the Bible (king James) is filled with childish fairy tales.

graciegirl 04-26-2014 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Golfingnut (Post 868240)
I see blind faith as giving up, not giving in. If god exists and made us in his image, why do some never question it and those like me that feel foolish if I do not question. Why was I plagued with an inquisitive mind even as a child. Did god give me this personality, then a threat to burn for eternity because I use it the way it was given to me. I often return to read sermon on the mount by the profit Jesus Christ to keep my bearings, but the Bible (king James) is filled with childish fairy tales.

You are absolutely correct. Many people around the world turn to faith because it is a tradition, the way of life handed down to them and part of the way they live, their holidays and celebrations and all of their traditions are linked to it. Bright people should and do challenge and come up with their own answers. Not only in Christianity, but Judism and Budhism and Islam and Taoism and any faith one can think of. If God is than questions and investigations are not going to demolish him. or her. And if he is not, then one comes then to that conclusion.

I find comfort in Tradition, as many do. Here is one of my favorite characters in one of my favorite musicals. Hope you enjoy.

tevye tradition youtube - Bing Videos

Golfingnut 04-26-2014 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by graciegirl (Post 868265)
You are absolutely correct. Many people around the world turn to faith because it is a tradition, the way of life handed down to them and part of the way they live, their holidays and celebrations and all of their traditions are linked to it. Bright people should and do challenge and come up with their own answers. Not only in Christianity, but Judism and Budhism and Islam and Taoism and any faith one can think of. If God is than questions and investigations are not going to demolish him. or her. And if he is not, then one comes then to that conclusion.

I find comfort in Tradition, as many do. Here is one of my favorite characters in one of my favorite musicals. Hope you enjoy.

tevye tradition youtube - Bing Videos

You picked one of my top 5 all time favorite movies.

I get caught up because I find the bible hard to believe if not impossible. Yet, the red letter portions of the New Testament call to me. I Love Jesus, but find the bible confusing and silly. I wish I did fall into Christian or Atheist. Being Agnostic is a bourdon I face constantly. I don't wish to find myself on my death bed still fighting with this issue.

Taltarzac725 04-26-2014 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by Golfingnut (Post 868269)
You picked one of my top 5 all time favorite movies.

I get caught up because I find the bible hard to believe if not impossible. Yet, the red letter portions of the New Testament call to me. I Love Jesus, but find the bible confusing and silly. I wish I did fall into Christian or Atheist. Being Agnostic is a bourdon I face constantly. I don't wish to find myself on my death bed still fighting with this issue.

You may want to look into this resource. Philosophy of Religion I got it in CD from the Lady Lake Public Library and listened to it during trips back-and-forth from the dog park. It can be a little dull at points.

Golfingnut 04-26-2014 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 (Post 868272)
You may want to look into this resource. Philosophy of Religion I got it in CD from the Lady Lake Public Library and listened to it during trips back-and-forth from the dog park. It can be a little dull at points.

36 Lectures most of them are my actual questions. Thank you very much.

SantaClaus 04-26-2014 07:06 AM

Heaven Is For Real
Seems a book or movie or tv show brings up this topic every couple of years, but Jesus clearly explicated the case. Jesus told of two men who died, a good man who went to heaven and a selfish man who went to hell. The good man, seeing the suffering in hell begged to be able to return to his living relatives so that he could warn them to do everything to avoid hell. He was denied. No, they have the Scriptures (aka Moses and the Prophets) let them believe the word of God, for even if they hear the testimony of a man raised from the dead, they will not believe.

We don't need a new, fallible, prophet to come and tell us that heaven is real, we have a ancient word from an infallible God who tells us it is. We want to believe the boy because his story comes without "strings" (law, judgment, reliance on grace, etc).

It's also worth noting that as Jesus shared this parable, he was sharing to people living under the law whose hope of salvation was that though they tried to keep the law they constantly failed, at least in their spirit, and were clinging to the goodness of God that he would provide a substitute for them as he had for Isaac atop the pyre. How much surer our hope now that the substitute has come, that the Word has been revealed in full?

Here is the actual parable, I paraphrased it above hoping folks who are generally adverse to reading scripture might get the gist of the story:


The Rich Man and Lazarus

Luke 16:19 “There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. 20 And at his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, 21 who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man's table. Moreover, even the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried, 23 and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side. 24 And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’ 25 But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.’ 27 And he said, ‘Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father's house— 28 for I have five brothers—so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.’ 29 But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.’ 30 And he said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ 31 He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’”

kittygilchrist 04-26-2014 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Golfingnut (Post 868240)
I see blind faith as giving up, not giving in. If god exists and made us in his image, why do some never question it and those like me that feel foolish if I do not question. Why was I plagued with an inquisitive mind even as a child. Did god give me this personality, then a threat to burn for eternity because I use it the way it was given to me. I often return to read sermon on the mount by the profit Jesus Christ to keep my bearings, but the Bible (king James) is filled with childish fairy tales.

Lou, you have made my day!:BigApplause:
Thank you for stepping up and saying "I don't know"...letting the unknown be unknown and putting it out there takes more courage than most people have, who run to the comfort of proclaiming certainty about something which they cannot possibly know, such as "There is no God."

Villages PL 04-26-2014 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Hacker1 (Post 867947)
I did not see the boy on TV, but I did read the book, and just today saw the movie. All I can say is that your comments seem to be based on a lot of assumptions. For one, no, the father was not all too eager to believe it... he took a lot of convincing, wrestling with it for a long time. I very strongly advise you to see the movie -- see all of it, and withhold judgement until the end of the movie. I think you will be surprised.

Being that you read the book and saw the movie, will you please tell me why God first took the boy's soul up to heaven and then sent it back?

tucson 04-26-2014 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Villages PL (Post 868497)
Being that you read the book and saw the movie, will you please tell me why God first took the boy's soul up to heaven and then sent it back?

To write a book and then a movie to let people know that there IS a heaven that God wants all His children to go to when they die... :-)

senior citizen 04-26-2014 12:49 PM

Young children have an innocence about them

Originally Posted by villager (Post 866426)
I usually don't post about these things, but for some reason, feel compelled to this time. Yes, I believe. I believe the story and believe the young man who had the experience. I won't share my personal reasons why, but I do feel there is more to the story than just money, money, money. I gave the book to a friend who was an agnostic and when she finished the book, she sat and re-evaluated her whole belief system. The story has always been promoted as a true story. It has touched many people's lives. Who am I to judge the truth of others?

I read the book several years ago and found it inspirational.
Children are so innocent and it's hard to fathom him making up this story. I also believe his "experience". Hope to see the movie..........soon.

Villages PL 04-26-2014 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by tucson (Post 868504)
To write a book and then a movie to let people know that there IS a heaven that God wants all His children to go to when they die... :-)

So God is now a promoter of books and movies? That doesn't answer my question. What I was asking is this: In the book and the movie, what was the reason given for returning the boy's soul to his body?

tucson 04-26-2014 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Villages PL (Post 868519)
So God is now a promoter of books and movies? That doesn't answer my question. What I was asking is this: In the book and the movie, what was the reason given for returning the boy's soul to his body?

Yes, matter of fact,He IS a promoter of books, the greatest one is the Bible!
:-) I know someone personally who also died and went to Heaven and God told her she had to go back, b/c her family needed her and she had more "work" to do. Obviously, this young boy also had a mission to yet be accomplished, which is now being fulfilled...:-)

jblum315 04-26-2014 01:47 PM

All I can say is Wow. I would say Boy Howdy but that seems rude

rubicon 04-26-2014 01:54 PM

Someone smarter than me once wrote that intellectualizing the birth of the universe as the big bang theory was like suggesting a building exploding full of alphabetic letters would result in the encyclopedia .

Every aspect of the universe as we know it is mathematical proportional. The human body is extraordinary In the short run people see discrepancies but in the long run nature (God) returns everything in balance

Faith teachings are rich with metaphors some of which people take literally

The subject matter here is too complex and vast for men to understand. There is far too many missing pieces of this puzzle.

What I believe has been lost by the deniers on this thread is the message by many that near death experience have in common such an enlightening and source of peace and joy to the point that they did not want to return.

Why argue when you can take comfort that in that last moment the light will shine upon you.

senior citizen 04-26-2014 02:00 PM

Excellent post

Originally Posted by rubicon (Post 868541)
Someone smarter than me once wrote that intellectualizing the birth of the universe as the big bang theory was like suggesting a building exploding full of alphabetic letters would result in the encyclopedia .

Every aspect of the universe as we know it is mathematical proportional. The human body is extraordinary In the short run people see discrepancies but in the long run nature (God) returns everything in balance

Faith teachings are rich with metaphors some of which people take literally

The subject matter here is too complex and vast for men to understand. There is far too many missing pieces of this puzzle.

What I believe has been lost by the deniers on this thread is the message by many that near death experience have in common such an enlightening and source of peace and joy to the point that they did not want to return.

Why argue when you can take comfort that in that last moment the light will shine upon you.

EXCELLENT POST and very well said.........

Villages PL 04-26-2014 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by tucson (Post 868526)
Yes, matter of fact,He IS a promoter of books, the greatest one is the Bible!
:-) I know someone personally who also died and went to Heaven and God told her she had to go back, b/c her family needed her and she had more "work" to do. Obviously, this young boy also had a mission to yet be accomplished, which is now being fulfilled...:-)

God is all knowing so there wouldn't be any need to take someones soul up to heaven and then send it back. God would know in advance that the person is needed on earth. God is not unknowing and indecisive! ;-)

Speaking of God being a promoter of books, He used to put a Bible on every hotel night-table. Does He still do that? :-)

tucson 04-26-2014 02:54 PM

[QUOTE=Villages PL;868557]God is all knowing so there wouldn't be any need to take someones soul up to heaven and then send it back. God would know in advance that the person is needed on earth. God is not unknowing and indecisive! ;-)

Speaking of God being a promoter of books, He used to put a Bible on every hotel night-table. Does He still do that? :-)[/

God can do anything He wants to.... He'll use anyone and anything to accomplish His will. The Gideons ministry is to reach the lost and they still do by putting the Bible in hotels. God loves to show His power by allowing someone to die and then be brought back to life in order to let those who don't believe in a Heaven to be exposed to the miraculous power that He has by using a innocent child. Just the fact that we're talking about it proves that... :-) God cannot be mocked...

Golfingnut 04-26-2014 02:59 PM

Well, I am not following all of this, but back to my interest, is being a Christian the way of salvation or not? Is their a god or not?

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