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rubicon 11-25-2017 05:03 AM

Kardashian School of Journalism
We are all aware of the continuing drop in the quality of America's educational systems. so it is not a surprise that this reduction in quality includes journalism. But necessity is the mother of invention. with the advent of 24/7 news came the need for many more "so called journalist"

However the downside of all of this is that the definition of worthy news turns out to be "non-events" Journalists publishes these non events as news events, headlines, etc. With 24/7 news to fill ingenuity is required in stringing out the story to fill airtime.

As an example. some celebrity tweets. The news people immediately label it as inappropriate or an epiphany depending on their view of the celebrity.

The story would die there but for the follow up such as Why didn't the celebrity apologize?

He did apologize but was it quick enough?

he shouldn't have apologized?

What does x have to say about the celebrity's tweet?

And was celerity y offended ?

And did director z condemn then tweet?

Its the same with all of the sexual harassment charges. We have billions of people in the world engaged in sex and dominating the news are allegations of......

What happened to issues of substance taxes, foreign policy, economy

It would seem too many of these so called journalist graduated from the Kardashian School of Journalism

We all ought to be appalled because this once great nation is descending quickly into mediocrity and of its own choosing

Personal Best Regards:

Rockyrd 11-25-2017 07:04 AM


Posted by Guest
We are all aware of the continuing drop in the quality of America's educational systems. so it is not a surprise that this reduction in quality includes journalism. But necessity is the mother of invention. with the advent of 24/7 news came the need for many more "so called journalist"

However the downside of all of this is that the definition of worthy news turns out to be "non-events" Journalists publishes these non events as news events, headlines, etc. With 24/7 news to fill ingenuity is required in stringing out the story to fill airtime.

As an example. some celebrity tweets. The news people immediately label it as inappropriate or an epiphany depending on their view of the celebrity.

The story would die there but for the follow up such as Why didn't the celebrity apologize?

He did apologize but was it quick enough?

he shouldn't have apologized?

What does x have to say about the celebrity's tweet?

And was celerity y offended ?

And did director z condemn then tweet?

Its the same with all of the sexual harassment charges. We have billions of people in the world engaged in sex and dominating the news are allegations of......

What happened to issues of substance taxes, foreign policy, economy

It would seem too many of these so called journalist graduated from the Kardashian School of Journalism

We all ought to be appalled because this once great nation is descending quickly into mediocrity and of its own choosing

Personal Best Regards:

You reveal in one post the kind of media that you spend your time reading or watching and what is important to you.

In the age of Trump, journalism is vital, as it always has been and always will for our democracy.

There will always be people like you who are fascinated with the Kardashian stories but anyone interested in our democracy recognizes the importance of staying abreast of news, AND importantly in today's age the investigative journalism.

Without investigative journalism, Mike Flynn would still be the chief adviser to the White House, even though he cannot even pass a normal screening for a clearance and appears to be a traitor to his country.

Democracy needs journalism and we have good ones.

You and the Russian point of view about ridiculing reporting you do not care for because it is anti your point of view, and it protects our democracy.

The media does a great job, and I say that even though it is a crucial part of this administration and its followers, such as you, to demean the free press, ridicule it and try to shut down truth so the only message is the one you wish to get out there.

Taltarzac725 11-25-2017 07:22 AM


Posted by Guest
You reveal in one post the kind of media that you spend your time reading or watching and what is important to you.

In the age of Trump, journalism is vital, as it always has been and always will for our democracy.

There will always be people like you who are fascinated with the Kardashian stories but anyone interested in our democracy recognizes the importance of staying abreast of news, AND importantly in today's age the investigative journalism.

Without investigative journalism, Mike Flynn would still be the chief adviser to the White House, even though he cannot even pass a normal screening for a clearance and appears to be a traitor to his country.

Democracy needs journalism and we have good ones.

You and the Russian point of view about ridiculing reporting you do not care for because it is anti your point of view, and it protects our democracy.

The media does a great job, and I say that even though it is a crucial part of this administration and its followers, such as you, to demean the free press, ridicule it and try to shut down truth so the only message is the one you wish to get out there.

Our media does do a great job. Some reporters are much better than other though and they do make mistakes. Dan Rather frequently posts on my Facebook page as I follow him. He did make some egregious journalistic mistakes but in 2017 is digging into many issues.

Once in a while Fox News will even show that they have objective diggers for the facts. Megyn Kelly - Wikipedia I like how Megyn Kelly grilled Donald John Trump in some of the debates.

That is what a free press is supposed to do. Keep bringing the facts to light even if the President of the United States does not like them.

With all the birther movement crap over years laid by TRUMP, it is hard to see TRUMP as any kind of conduit to common sense and the facts.

Don Baldwin 11-25-2017 07:36 AM


Posted by Guest
We are all aware of the continuing drop in the quality of America's educational systems. so it is not a surprise that this reduction in quality includes journalism. But necessity is the mother of invention. with the advent of 24/7 news came the need for many more "so called journalist"

However the downside of all of this is that the definition of worthy news turns out to be "non-events" Journalists publishes these non events as news events, headlines, etc. With 24/7 news to fill ingenuity is required in stringing out the story to fill airtime.

As an example. some celebrity tweets. The news people immediately label it as inappropriate or an epiphany depending on their view of the celebrity.

The story would die there but for the follow up such as Why didn't the celebrity apologize?

He did apologize but was it quick enough?

he shouldn't have apologized?

What does x have to say about the celebrity's tweet?

And was celerity y offended ?

And did director z condemn then tweet?

Its the same with all of the sexual harassment charges. We have billions of people in the world engaged in sex and dominating the news are allegations of......

What happened to issues of substance taxes, foreign policy, economy

It would seem too many of these so called journalist graduated from the Kardashian School of Journalism

We all ought to be appalled because this once great nation is descending quickly into mediocrity and of its own choosing

Personal Best Regards:

The DROP in the drop in quality of the STUDENTS. Students used to be 90% they're 49% lost 40% of the "good" students and they've been replaced by minorities that AREN'T good students. It's simple math. Simple substitution. What do you think brings down ALL our statistics? When your country fills with 3rd world drops in quality.

It's NIT's's's propaganda. The "Kardashian" part is for the women...they love that "People Magazine" sh!t.

ou want get the TRUTH even with your "issues"...they lie to they steal from the treasury...more than $20 trillion so far.

FINALLY you see it! We've fallen from #1 to #25...and it's BECAUSE we've gone from a nation of productive WHITE PEOPLE...90% a nation of half minorities of which about HALF are on WELFARE! We've LET them "breed out the greatness" of America.


Posted by Guest
You reveal in one post the kind of media that you spend your time reading or watching and what is important to you.

In the age of Trump, journalism is vital, as it always has been and always will for our democracy.

There will always be people like you who are fascinated with the Kardashian stories but anyone interested in our democracy recognizes the importance of staying abreast of news, AND importantly in today's age the investigative journalism.

Without investigative journalism, Mike Flynn would still be the chief adviser to the White House, even though he cannot even pass a normal screening for a clearance and appears to be a traitor to his country.

Democracy needs journalism and we have good ones.

You and the Russian point of view about ridiculing reporting you do not care for because it is anti your point of view, and it protects our democracy.

The media does a great job, and I say that even though it is a crucial part of this administration and its followers, such as you, to demean the free press, ridicule it and try to shut down truth so the only message is the one you wish to get out there.

It reveals the mainstream media...that's why I don't watch "the news"...I don't wants ANY television. If you want to waste hours on literally nothing but mindlessness...go for it. But that's ALL you're doing...even if you watch just "news" programming. You are being fed propaganda.

WHERE is the INVESTIGATIVE journalism looking into...telling us about...the REAL problems facing America? The changing demographic. The FACT that Hispanics have the most kids and have been for the last 7 years...where are those stories? The REASON education s falling is because the QUALITY of the students are falling? You can't expect "cavemen" who are literally a different species, 50,000 years of selective breeding, behind "us" to compete on a level playing field. WHY do you think blacks are the BOTTOM in EVERY culture and in EVERY country? Because they're cavemen thrown into a modern civilization and they are unprepared genetically and intellectually to thrive. Where is the journalism explaining how we're being bred out of our own country?

The media DOES do a GREAT job...disseminating propaganda!

Don Baldwin 11-25-2017 07:41 AM


Posted by Guest
Our media does do a great job. Some reporters are much better than other though and they do make mistakes. Dan Rather frequently posts on my Facebook page as I follow him. He did make some egregious journalistic mistakes but in 2017 is digging into many issues.

Once in a while Fox News will even show that they have objective diggers for the facts. Megyn Kelly - Wikipedia I like how Megyn Kelly grilled Donald John Trump in some of the debates.

That is what a free press is supposed to do. Keep bringing the facts to light even if the President of the United States does not like them.

With all the birther movement crap over years laid by TRUMP and is hard to see TRUMP as any kind of conduit to common sense and the facts.

Obama never did produce his "wet ink" signed at the time birth certificate...ALL we got was a form from the state done later and "certified" by a "Health Director". Who mysteriously died later of a plane crash.

Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash - NBC News

Official who OK'd Obama birth papers dies in crash

Taltarzac725 11-25-2017 07:45 AM

I would say that the Trumps are similar to the Kardashians. They each created their own version of reality.

Rockyrd 11-25-2017 07:55 AM

Those who demean the media are the fruits of Trumps labor.

NEVER, NOT ONCE, DESPITE many requests, has anyone ever shown one example of media lying with news, except for calling every lie told on tape in the Presidents own voice, fake news.

When you have a WH based on deceit, the media is vital. When you have a WH based on deception, the media is vital.

Calling out the media with no facts is simply a symptom of some syndrome that Rubicon can work on.

The OP is manifesting a NON DEMOCRATIC, almost verbatim from Putin's mouth, point of view.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List - The New York Times

Last tine we had this demeaning of free press was prior to WW2.

If Kardashian type news is offensive, try stepping up and changing your source.

Rockyrd 11-25-2017 07:58 AM

"Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!"

Trump tweet from this morning.

His ego knows no bounds

Taltarzac725 11-25-2017 08:01 AM


Posted by Guest
"Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!"

Trump tweet from this morning.

His ego knows no bounds

Being Person of the Year only means that person had the most effect of the world that year. Hitler and Stalin were these I believe at least once if not more.

This might just be a joke from Trump. He does that once in a while but it is hard to tell as some many of his comments belong being said by Alec Baldwin on SNL and not by an actual US President.

Rockyrd 11-25-2017 08:02 AM

"The magazine issued a statement disputing the President's account.
"The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6," a spokeswoman told CNN."

Damn jiurnalists, posting the truth

Trump tweets he 'took a pass' at being named TIME's person of the year - CNNPolitics

Taltarzac725 11-25-2017 08:10 AM


Posted by Guest
"The magazine issued a statement disputing the President's account.
"The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6," a spokeswoman told CNN."

Damn jiurnalists, posting the truth

Trump tweets he 'took a pass' at being named TIME's person of the year - CNNPolitics

I hope they pick someone else though. I would say Mueller has had far more of an impact than that Trump. Mueller might be the one who’s ‘draining the swamp’ - The Washington Post

Villagesperson 11-25-2017 02:51 PM

Who in the world does what our President did with this "Man of the Year thing ?

What kind of man, let alone a President, makes such a statement ?

To me, this is scary stuff !!!

rubicon 11-25-2017 02:56 PM


Posted by Guest
You reveal in one post the kind of media that you spend your time reading or watching and what is important to you.

In the age of Trump, journalism is vital, as it always has been and always will for our democracy.

There will always be people like you who are fascinated with the Kardashian stories but anyone interested in our democracy recognizes the importance of staying abreast of news, AND importantly in today's age the investigative journalism.

Without investigative journalism, Mike Flynn would still be the chief adviser to the White House, even though he cannot even pass a normal screening for a clearance and appears to be a traitor to his country.

Democracy needs journalism and we have good ones.

You and the Russian point of view about ridiculing reporting you do not care for because it is anti your point of view, and it protects our democracy.

The media does a great job, and I say that even though it is a crucial part of this administration and its followers, such as you, to demean the free press, ridicule it and try to shut down truth so the only message is the one you wish to get out there.

You have got to broaden your repertoire. And you have to improve your reading comprehension because your response tells me you totally misunderstood the point of my thread. and again you raise the ugly head of Trump Derangement Syndrome . :)

As a sample my reference to the Kardashian was to underscore the tabloid type reporting by the media. However you thought it meant I was fascinated by them:D

Hint: the thread wasn't about the importance of journalism. The thread was about the deterioration of journalistic reporting.

I am not going to school you any longer.

Personal Best Regards:

rubicon 11-25-2017 03:02 PM


Posted by Guest
Our media does do a great job. Some reporters are much better than other though and they do make mistakes. Dan Rather frequently posts on my Facebook page as I follow him. He did make some egregious journalistic mistakes but in 2017 is digging into many issues.

Once in a while Fox News will even show that they have objective diggers for the facts. Megyn Kelly - Wikipedia I like how Megyn Kelly grilled Donald John Trump in some of the debates.

That is what a free press is supposed to do. Keep bringing the facts to light even if the President of the United States does not like them.

With all the birther movement crap over years laid by TRUMP, it is hard to see TRUMP as any kind of conduit to common sense and the facts.

I'll r respond by reminding you that Dan Rather left news in disgrace. Please my thread isn't about Trump. its about the quality of news reporting, a quality that has tanked baldy. you are doing what journalist do. Instead of talking substance you trash talk about Trump

Personal Best Regards:

rubicon 11-25-2017 03:05 PM


Posted by Guest
The DROP in the drop in quality of the STUDENTS. Students used to be 90% they're 49% lost 40% of the "good" students and they've been replaced by minorities that AREN'T good students. It's simple math. Simple substitution. What do you think brings down ALL our statistics? When your country fills with 3rd world drops in quality.

It's NIT's's's propaganda. The "Kardashian" part is for the women...they love that "People Magazine" sh!t.

ou want get the TRUTH even with your "issues"...they lie to they steal from the treasury...more than $20 trillion so far.

FINALLY you see it! We've fallen from #1 to #25...and it's BECAUSE we've gone from a nation of productive WHITE PEOPLE...90% a nation of half minorities of which about HALF are on WELFARE! We've LET them "breed out the greatness" of America.

It reveals the mainstream media...that's why I don't watch "the news"...I don't wants ANY television. If you want to waste hours on literally nothing but mindlessness...go for it. But that's ALL you're doing...even if you watch just "news" programming. You are being fed propaganda.

WHERE is the INVESTIGATIVE journalism looking into...telling us about...the REAL problems facing America? The changing demographic. The FACT that Hispanics have the most kids and have been for the last 7 years...where are those stories? The REASON education s falling is because the QUALITY of the students are falling? You can't expect "cavemen" who are literally a different species, 50,000 years of selective breeding, behind "us" to compete on a level playing field. WHY do you think blacks are the BOTTOM in EVERY culture and in EVERY country? Because they're cavemen thrown into a modern civilization and they are unprepared genetically and intellectually to thrive. Where is the journalism explaining how we're being bred out of our own country?

The media DOES do a GREAT job...disseminating propaganda!

Because I was recruiting some from Syracuse U I learned that around 30% of student who decided on journalism as their major had to first take remedial English

Personal best Regards:

Bog99 11-25-2017 03:07 PM


Posted by Guest
Because I was recruiting some from Syracuse U I learned that around 30% of student who decided on journalism as their major had to first take remedial English

Personal best Regards:



Bog99 11-25-2017 03:10 PM


Yes, Femo-Fascist "journalism" is a glorified GLORIFIED GROCERY STORE CHECKOUT LINE

(But then again, Femo-Fascists make 80% of consumer purchases -- so glorified check-out-line-magazine journalism is where the advertising dollars are -- which is a HUGE PROBLEM for conservatives.)

Here's an option for conservatives:


rubicon 11-25-2017 03:16 PM


Posted by Guest
Obama never did produce his "wet ink" signed at the time birth certificate...ALL we got was a form from the state done later and "certified" by a "Health Director". Who mysteriously died later of a plane crash.

Health director who approved Obama birth certificate dies in plane crash - NBC News

Official who OK'd Obama birth papers dies in crash

My friend ,Deep State (globalist/Internationalist/Establishment/Regulatory State) is all powerful and they control the nations narrative to their liking . Obama was their puppet and they created his fictional image. and to get back to the topic of this thread the MSM hears their dog whistle and responds with the reporting the powerful demand

Personal Best Regards:

Rockyrd 11-25-2017 03:20 PM


Posted by Guest
I'll r respond by reminding you that Dan Rather left news in disgrace. Please my thread isn't about Trump. its about the quality of news reporting, a quality that has tanked baldy. you are doing what journalist do. Instead of talking substance you trash talk about Trump

Personal Best Regards:

First, to your smart ass comment about "schooling me". Not necessary, HOWEVER,

You say things BUT YOU NEVER EVER GIVE AN EXAMPLE, except to refer to National Enquirer news. NEVER.

Until you can actually make a case instead of simply mouthing off, you are the one in need of schooling, BIG TIME.

I mentioned Flynn as one example of how journalists serve us well in recent times. The "Paradise Papers" which revealed the tax avoidances, and simply showing our Presidential lies to the world are two others.

You offer NOTHING but your words, which frankly are totally worthless.

You are simply following "your guy" because that is the kind of moronic accusation he makes, also never supplying any backdrop.

And this is not the first time, or the second or third time you used Kardashian as a topic, yet you keep speaking if real journalism as if there was a relationship.

You are the total BS simply assault with words anyone and anybody who might not love Trump. You embrace the Soviet attitude to press, and in addition (as with Trump) use the National Enquirer as a basis.


Nobody can engage you in discussion because you pontificate with no simply preach and run.

How do you expect a response to your saying zilch.

rubicon 11-25-2017 03:21 PM


Posted by Guest
I would say that the Trumps are similar to the Kardashians. They each created their own version of reality.

I'd say this thread is about the quality of news reporting
and that kardashians were used only to define the type of tabloid reporting that permeates news today. its all about nothing

Personal Best Regards:

Rockyrd 11-25-2017 03:25 PM


Posted by Guest
My friend ,Deep State (globalist/Internationalist/Establishment/Regulatory State) is all powerful and they control the nations narrative to their liking . Obama was their puppet and they created his fictional image. and to get back to the topic of this thread the MSM hears their dog whistle and responds with the reporting the powerful demand

Personal Best Regards:

You have really sold out to nothing but conspiracy theories.

"As David Frum has pointed out, what Trump’s surrogates really mean by “the deep state” is the rule of law. The idea that there are civil servants or functionaries within the government whose chief trait is loyalty to the Constitution and to the ongoing administration of the state is intolerable to the autocratic mind. So, if those other actors challenge the White House, they must be taunted, demoralized, and, if possible, dismissed."

The J.F.K. Files, Trump, and the Deep State | The New Yorker

rubicon 11-25-2017 03:29 PM


Posted by Guest
Those who demean the media are the fruits of Trumps labor.

NEVER, NOT ONCE, DESPITE many requests, has anyone ever shown one example of media lying with news, except for calling every lie told on tape in the Presidents own voice, fake news.

When you have a WH based on deceit, the media is vital. When you have a WH based on deception, the media is vital.

Calling out the media with no facts is simply a symptom of some syndrome that Rubicon can work on.

The OP is manifesting a NON DEMOCRATIC, almost verbatim from Putin's mouth, point of view.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List - The New York Times

Last tine we had this demeaning of free press was prior to WW2.

If Kardashian type news is offensive, try stepping up and changing your source.

You my friend are funny and I don't mean ha ha funny

Again your response supports my initial response to you. This simple topic is over your head.

You failed to grasp the simplest concepts.

You are going off the rails to areas never even implied in my original post.

Personal Best Regards:

rubicon 11-25-2017 03:38 PM


Posted by Guest
"The magazine issued a statement disputing the President's account.
"The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6," a spokeswoman told CNN."

Damn jiurnalists, posting the truth

Trump tweets he 'took a pass' at being named TIME's person of the year - CNNPolitics

the topic is not about Trump but one can't let this nonsense go by

People especially progressive either do not get Trump's humor or if they do they intentional mis-spin it.

Trump is always the New York wise guy . If he did make that statement he did so in jest as an expression of what he thought of Time's choice

is like a golfer kidding about going to Q school

Progressives have lost their sense of humor.

Personal Best Regards:

rubicon 11-25-2017 03:41 PM


Posted by Guest
"The magazine issued a statement disputing the President's account.
"The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6," a spokeswoman told CNN."

Damn jiurnalists, posting the truth

Trump tweets he 'took a pass' at being named TIME's person of the year - CNNPolitics

Time 's man of the year Noble peace prizes Academy awards, etc are a big joke and totally political

Who cares.

Personal Best Regards:

Rockyrd 11-25-2017 03:41 PM

Rubicon, you say you are "schooling me" which is actually very funny, but allow me to share a few things you might read to see how insane you and your bupizzaro world of conspiracy theorists really are.

The Deep State Is Real - POLITICO Magazine

The "deep state" you refer to in such conspirial terms, as only you anti America people can do.....and the twisting of sort of pushed along by Limbaugh...has existed always.

It is NOT what you dime store novel writers project, but simply hard working government employees who care about our country and a bizarre, Trump like attempt, to bring our country down.

Of course, you, Trump and Putin would love to see a few attack our free press, and second, eat away at our foundational systems.

I suggest, but fear you are incapable of understanding some reading outside the Russian point of view or the extremist alt right. There are many writings on the Deep State, which you obviously do not understand but should take the time to try and understand.

Although Trump feels, and YOU support, it all began with HIM....

What Is the Deep State? | The Nation

Rockyrd 11-25-2017 03:43 PM


Posted by Guest
Time 's man of the year Noble peace prizes Academy awards, etc are a big joke and totally political

Who cares.

Personal Best Regards:

What I care about is a man sitting in the Oval Office who would or could possibly make such a tweet, statement.

As always, you excuse the ramblings of an incoherent person.

rubicon 11-25-2017 03:49 PM


Posted by Guest
You have really sold out to nothing but conspiracy theories.

"As David Frum has pointed out, what Trump’s surrogates really mean by “the deep state” is the rule of law. The idea that there are civil servants or functionaries within the government whose chief trait is loyalty to the Constitution and to the ongoing administration of the state is intolerable to the autocratic mind. So, if those other actors challenge the White House, they must be taunted, demoralized, and, if possible, dismissed."

The J.F.K. Files, Trump, and the Deep State | The New Yorker

Grasshopper look deeper. all governments are immoral and all they want is power and control. the difference is how they go about it. In America its by the administrative state under the guise of safety security well being. the monolith we call federal government should give you a clue. Administrative State relies on the naivete' of the public

Personal Best Regards:

rubicon 11-25-2017 03:56 PM


Posted by Guest
Rubicon, you say you are "schooling me" which is actually very funny, but allow me to share a few things you might read to see how insane you and your bupizzaro world of conspiracy theorists really are.

The Deep State Is Real - POLITICO Magazine

The "deep state" you refer to in such conspirial terms, as only you anti America people can do.....and the twisting of sort of pushed along by Limbaugh...has existed always.

It is NOT what you dime store novel writers project, but simply hard working government employees who care about our country and a bizarre, Trump like attempt, to bring our country down.

Of course, you, Trump and Putin would love to see a few attack our free press, and second, eat away at our foundational systems.

I suggest, but fear you are incapable of understanding some reading outside the Russian point of view or the extremist alt right. There are many writings on the Deep State, which you obviously do not understand but should take the time to try and understand.

Although Trump feels, and YOU support, it all began with HIM....

What Is the Deep State? | The Nation

Yea you keep believing that Deep State is far more sophisticated then the average citizen and the IRS didn't target conservative groups and the Clintons didn't rig the Democratic primary. Deep State/Administrative State has citizens so tangled up in regulations, etc under the guise of safety security health care, etc. but many citizens like nanny government

Personal Best Regards:

rubicon 11-25-2017 04:00 PM

its clear from this thread and others that there are not many serious posters on Political Talk and far too many affected with Trump Derangement syndrome.

Personal Best Regards:

Rockyrd 11-25-2017 04:08 PM


Posted by Guest
its clear from this thread and others that there are not many serious posters on Political Talk and far too many affected with Trump Derangement syndrome.

Personal Best Regards:

Your accusations without substance make you a TROLL, not a poster.

Rockyrd 11-25-2017 06:08 PM

Tweet from our President .....

".@FoxNews is MUCH more important in the United States than CNN, but outside of the U.S., CNN International is still a major source of (Fake) news, and they represent our Nation to the WORLD very poorly. The outside world does not see the truth from them"

Response from a Republican.....David Jolly...

"Pretty sure what CNN International has done is report to the world that the U.S. President questions NATO, coddles Putin, withdrew from intl trade & climate agreements, banned immigrants of a specific religion, & has threatened war on North Korea. What exactly did they get wrong?"

Rockyrd 11-25-2017 06:43 PM

CNN International has long been an important example of the free press to the world. By attacking it, Trump is doing his dictator buddies abroad a favor by undermining those who would hold them accountable.

dirtbanker 11-25-2017 06:53 PM


Posted by Guest (Post 1480612)
Your accusations without substance make you a TROLL, not a poster.

Call him a double Troll, I doubt he values the opinion of a fag that drove to the voting place only to vote for someone that was not even running.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk

Rockyrd 11-25-2017 06:57 PM


Posted by Guest
Call him a double Troll, I doubt he values the opinion of a fag that drove to the voting place only to vote for someone that was not even running.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk

You continue to add to your firm resume of an uneducated, cellar dwelling troll.

I am sure your buddy does not value my opinion. It is substantiated, which you trolls are unaware of, and it is not a love note to Trump

Rockyrd 11-25-2017 07:59 PM

“Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.” - Thomas Jefferson, Jan. 28, 1786"

Rockyrd 11-25-2017 08:12 PM

Tweet from John Huey....FormerEditor in Chief of TIME...Former editor of Fortune.

"CNN played a major role in toppling the iron curtain. Fox wants to build a new one in, of all places, The U.S.A."

Don Baldwin 11-25-2017 08:26 PM


Posted by Guest
My friend ,Deep State (globalist/Internationalist/Establishment/Regulatory State) is all powerful and they control the nations narrative to their liking . Obama was their puppet and they created his fictional image. and to get back to the topic of this thread the MSM hears their dog whistle and responds with the reporting the powerful demand

Personal Best Regards: get this part of the why don't you get the whole "racial equality" thing is a lie too?

The MSM...IS...the governments propaganda mouthpiece because it's owned by the same people who own the government...the ultra wealthy...who's ONLY to get even more ultra wealthy.

They have looted #20 trillion and left us to pay the check.


Posted by Guest
I'd say this thread is about the quality of news reporting
and that kardashians were used only to define the type of tabloid reporting that permeates news today. its all about nothing

Personal Best Regards:

It's ALL about dividing us up into several different groups...that all hate each we'll NEVER unite against them, our real enemy.


Posted by Guest
Time 's man of the year Noble peace prizes Academy awards, etc are a big joke and totally political

Who cares.

Personal Best Regards: KNOW it's all BS...and SO IS RACIAL EQUALITY.

That's why I BEG you to go visit MLK Blvd or a black high you can SEE the whole equality thing is a scam. The 99% are completely worthless.

WHY do you think there are no blacks here defending themselves? They have nothing to defend themselves with. HOW do you defend being 10X more violent? Half the race getting government benefits? 80% born out of wedlock? 80% no father "families". Lowest test scores of ANY other race. Destroy EVERY neighborhood. Destroy cities, countries...pretty much everything they touch.


Posted by Guest
Grasshopper look deeper. all governments are immoral and all they want is power and control. the difference is how they go about it. In America its by the administrative state under the guise of safety security well being. the monolith we call federal government should give you a clue. Administrative State relies on the naivete' of the public

Personal Best Regards:

Again you got "get" there is NO racial equality!


Posted by Guest
“Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.” - Thomas Jefferson, Jan. 28, 1786"

The press USED to be it's all owned by the same people who own the government.

Taltarzac725 11-25-2017 08:42 PM


Posted by Guest
Tweet from John Huey....FormerEditor in Chief of TIME...Former editor of Fortune.

"CNN played a major role in toppling the iron curtain. Fox wants to build a new one in, of all places, The U.S.A."

Sounds accurate.

Allegiance 11-25-2017 08:42 PM


Posted by Guest (Post 1480721)
Sounds accurate.

Profound remark for 31347.

Keep it up buddy

Taltarzac725 11-25-2017 08:43 PM


Posted by Guest
“Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.” - Thomas Jefferson, Jan. 28, 1786"

Good quote. Fox news is a mouth piece to the Trump Administration often.

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