Talk of The Villages Florida

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Cisco Kid 09-04-2012 04:54 PM

Pee & Poo ?
Been reading a lot of posts about TV.
I walk about 3 - 5 miles a day with my dogs.
I do pickup, But I don't carry a sponge for pee.
If I make the move will I safe ?
Or will a mob chase this Yankee out of the hood.
What is the most dog friendly place to buy.
5pd LuLu Maltipoo
12pd Cloie Bichion
Not a lot of pee

graciegirl 09-04-2012 04:57 PM

If we had a dog park, say Mr. Morse built us one or twelve. Then there would be those who would not like to live next to them because of the barking and the pooping.

There is no way the developer could win on this one. I bet this has been discussed a zillion times by the family. Can't you just see them talking about this over Thanksgiving dinner? ;)

Barefoot 09-04-2012 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by graciegirl (Post 551520)
If we had a dog park, say Mr. Morse built us one or twelve. Then there would be those who would not like to live next to them because of the barking and the pooping. There is no way the developer could win on this one.

GG, I usually agree with you, but not this time. I think more dog parks would be a big win for the Developer. It would keep dogs away from the Postal Stations, obviously a hot button for a lot of people.

Speaking of noise, a lot of residents don't appreciate the noise from early pickleball players. It doesn't bother me, but I've heard neighbors complain. I agree that dog parks wouldn't work in existing residential areas. The parks would have to be built closer to commercial or industrial areas. For instance, the newest dog park in Bonita is beside the Firehall.

The Villages did manage to build three dog parks, so presumably they could build more. I haven't heard any complaints from residents about the existing dog parks (other than they are very small). However it's just wishful thinking on my part. I hate to read all the negative posts that are critical about people walking their dogs. I don't have a horse in this race .. we quite happily make the daily trek to a huge private dog park, and we're happy to pay to take our dogs there.

gomoho 09-04-2012 05:24 PM

I will be interested to see who comments on the most pet friendly place to live. I live in Hadley off Ambrosia and have 2 dogs of my own. When we walk in the morning we run into quite a few dogs being walked. To this point I have not been shot at, yelled at or threatened in anyway. BUT my dogs aren't in anyone's yard so I can't say if we are dog friendly or not. Just can tell you we have a lot of dogs walking around here. I think you might be better of asking the question "what is the least dog friendly village to live in"?
Don't let the dog haters deter your move - I had the same hesitation after reading these threads 'cause I have never lived anywhere that this was such a hot topic. But we went ahead with "living the dream" and so far it's worked out with my fur kids. Good luck to you and your decision. P.S. Only been here 3 months so my experience is limited.

Bonnevie 09-04-2012 05:34 PM

wow, this is a hot topic. I'm hoping if I buy a CYV there will be other dog people around. I always clean up after my dogs. If dog parks are built, people will use them. have one near where I live now and everyone knows each other and it's a nice social time. I did go to the small park next to the firestation. met some nice people there but it doesn't compare to what I have now. glad to hear there's a really nice one nearby.

Mikeod 09-04-2012 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by gomoho (Post 551536)
Don't let the dog haters deter your move -. .

I am always dismayed when I read that those that don't want someone's pet doing their "thing" on their property being classed as dog haters. I, and I think most others, don't hate dogs. I just don't think your dog has a right to use my lawn or shrubs as a toilet, whether there is damage or not. If I want the property I paid for to be free of dog pee or poop, that is my decision, not someone else's. You may think your dog is doing no harm, and that may be true. But the next dog, and the ones after that, who sniff the first "mark" have to mark also, and so on, and so on.

My dog never was allowed on anyone's property, even to sniff, because I couldn't be sure she would decide to leave a calling card or not.

With regards to more dog parks, I doubt it would have any great effect on this. Those that allow their pets to use the postal stations or neighbors lawns would probably think transporting the dog to a dog park to be inconvenient, and still use the postal stations and neighborhood landscaping.

gomoho 09-04-2012 05:52 PM

I only mentioned dog haters because of people who so frequently say keep your dog in your yard. But guess what that is not healthy for me or the dog. They say if you are overweight you are not walking your dog enough. Maybe people are forgiving when a dog who has done his business where he is supposed to makes a mistake and has to relieve himself again. But for heaven's sake there is much vitriol thrown about when it come to these animals whose name backwards just happens to spell GOD!

ariel 09-04-2012 07:58 PM

I take my little guy in my yard first to get him to go before his walk. But sometimes he has to go again on the walk and it usually happens in the street. I always pick up wherever he does it. Sometimes he lifts his leg and nothing comes out - it's just a ritual for him when he "reads the pee mail". I have to admit that sometimes he has gone on the edge of someone else's property both in TV and here in our NC neighborhood. I've been very lucky to have had neighbors who were forgiving and I don't mind if their pooches occasionally go in my yard as long as they pick up.

Bogie Shooter 09-04-2012 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by mikeod (Post 551546)
I am always dismayed when I read that those that don't want someone's pet doing their "thing" on their property being classed as dog haters. I, and I think most others, don't hate dogs. I just don't think your dog has a right to use my lawn or shrubs as a toilet, whether there is damage or not. If I want the property I paid for to be free of dog pee or poop, that is my decision, not someone else's. You may think your dog is doing no harm, and that may be true. But the next dog, and the ones after that, who sniff the first "mark" have to mark also, and so on, and so on.

My dog never was allowed on anyone's property, even to sniff, because I couldn't be sure she would decide to leave a calling card or not.

With regards to more dog parks, I doubt it would have any great effect on this. Those that allow their pets to use the postal stations or neighbors lawns would probably think transporting the dog to a dog park to be inconvenient, and still use the postal stations and neighborhood landscaping.


Roaddog53 09-04-2012 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by mikeod (Post 551546)
I am always dismayed when I read that those that don't want someone's pet doing their "thing" on their property being classed as dog haters. I, and I think most others, don't hate dogs. I just don't think your dog has a right to use my lawn or shrubs as a toilet, whether there is damage or not. If I want the property I paid for to be free of dog pee or poop, that is my decision, not someone else's. You may think your dog is doing no harm, and that may be true. But the next dog, and the ones after that, who sniff the first "mark" have to mark also, and so on, and so on.

My dog never was allowed on anyone's property, even to sniff, because I couldn't be sure she would decide to leave a calling card or not.

With regards to more dog parks, I doubt it would have any great effect on this. Those that allow their pets to use the postal stations or neighbors lawns would probably think transporting the dog to a dog park to be inconvenient, and still use the postal stations and neighborhood landscaping.

:bigbow::mademyday: THANK YOU,,,!

KeepingItReal 09-04-2012 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by mikeod (Post 551546)
I am always dismayed when I read that those that don't want someone's pet doing their "thing" on their property being classed as dog haters. I, and I think most others, don't hate dogs. I just don't think your dog has a right to use my lawn or shrubs as a toilet, whether there is damage or not. If I want the property I paid for to be free of dog pee or poop, that is my decision, not someone else's. You may think your dog is doing no harm, and that may be true. But the next dog, and the ones after that, who sniff the first "mark" have to mark also, and so on, and so on.

My dog never was allowed on anyone's property, even to sniff, because I couldn't be sure she would decide to leave a calling card or not.

With regards to more dog parks, I doubt it would have any great effect on this. Those that allow their pets to use the postal stations or neighbors lawns would probably think transporting the dog to a dog park to be inconvenient, and still use the postal stations and neighborhood landscaping.

Excellent post! :bigbow:

Barefoot 09-04-2012 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by mikeod (Post 551546)

With regards to more dog parks, I doubt it would have any great effect on this. Those that allow their pets to use the postal stations or neighbors lawns would probably think transporting the dog to a dog park to be inconvenient, and still use the postal stations and neighborhood landscaping.

The Villages allows two dogs per household. Dogs need more exercise than walking in circles in the back yard. I'd like to think that that people would go to dog parks if they were handy in The Villages, and not use the postal stations and neighborhood landscaping.

My point of view is supported by the fact that the private dog park on CR 101 has thousands of members that pay for the pleasure of using the park. It makes me believe that most owners are responsible, and that we should be optimistically searching for credible options for dog walkers.

Or we can just keep complaining. After 90 posts on this thread, and umteen threads on the topics of dogs, why don't we try to find some solutions? :confused:

debzaranti 09-05-2012 05:37 AM

Thank you Blue Dog and Keeping it Real!!! I agree w/you both 100%. When we had a dog (here in TV) we had an invisible fence and he used OUR yard ONLY. As a result we had no grass in the back where he "went". We would not have dreamed of allowing our dog to relieve himself on anyone's yard because we know the damage it can do.

What really irks me is when I'm out in our front yard working on the landscaping or mowing and a "neighbor" walks their dog and allows it to urinate on our grass or landscape plantings WHILE I'M WATCHING. Talk about brazen and RUDE! Sorry...this is one of my biggest gripes.

Taltarzac725 09-05-2012 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by Barefoot (Post 551668)
The Villages allows two dogs per household. Dogs need more exercise than walking in circles in the back yard. I'd like to think that that people would go to dog parks if they were handy in The Villages, and not use the postal stations and neighborhood landscaping.

My point of view is supported by the fact that the private dog park on CR 101 has thousands of members that pay for the pleasure of using the park. It makes me believe that most owners are responsible, and that we should be optimistically searching for credible options for dog walkers.

Or we can just keep complaining. After 90 posts on this thread, and umteen threads on the topics of dogs, why don't we try to find some solutions? :confused:

Good post, barefoot.

The people who are so adamant about dogs not peeing on their lawns would probably be better suited to a community that allowed fences on the front yards.

My dog took off a few evening ago chasing one of the three or four feral cats we have in out immediate neighborhood. We also have a family of rabbits, ducks that hatch their young in the neighbors bushes each year, and a family of opossum. Have not seen the opossum for a good time.

Unless my dog is always on the leash in our background I cannot control him from not chasing the various critters.

I try to keep him on the leash more often because of all the local wildlife.

This local wildlife also pees and poops in various lawns including our own.

Mikeod 09-05-2012 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 (Post 551719)
Good post, barefoot.

The people who are so adamant about dogs not peeing on their lawns would probably be better suited to a community that allowed fences on the front yards.

My dog took off a few evening ago chasing one of the three or four feral cats we have in out immediate neighborhood. We also have a family of rabbits, ducks that hatch their young in the neighbors bushes each year, and a family of opossum. Have not seen the opossum for a good time.

Unless my dog is always on the leash in our background I cannot control him from not chasing the various critters.

I try to keep him on the leash more often because of all the local wildlife.

This local wildlife also pees and poops in various lawns including our own.

Are we now down to either tolerate dogs on your lawn or move? Really?

Sure the dog park has many subscribers. The vast majority of dog owners are responsible. It's those who don't respect others' property that cause these threads to appear.

I cannot control the wildlife around here, but they are not required by law to be on a leash and under owner's control when outside their property. And I understand that dogs will chase wildlife. But this topic is about domestic pets being allowed by their human owner to enter private property and urinating/defecating on that property without permission. To me, it's the height of chutzpah to assume your dog can use my property as a toilet and I should accept that or leave TV. :sigh:

Taltarzac725 09-05-2012 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by mikeod (Post 551745)
Are we now down to either tolerate dogs on your lawn or move? Really?

Sure the dog park has many subscribers. The vast majority of dog owners are responsible. It's those who don't respect others' property that cause these threads to appear.

I cannot control the wildlife around here, but they are not required by law to be on a leash and under owner's control when outside their property. And I understand that dogs will chase wildlife. But this topic is about domestic pets being allowed by their human owner to enter private property and urinating/defecating on that property without permission. To me, it's the height of chutzpah to assume your dog can use my property as a toilet and I should accept that or leave TV. :sigh:

You cannot really control dogs peeing and pooping on your lawn either. Unless you want to bring police and lawyers into this mess and I sincerely doubt that the developers would want this kind of publicity for the Villages.

There are bad neighbors everywhere.

Maybe, try explaining to those people you see who let their dogs pee or poop or YOUR lawn the problem you have with it.

You certainly are not going to convince people to not allow their dogs to take walks simply by postings hundreds if not thousands of complaints about dog poop and pee on TOTV.

Cisco Kid 09-05-2012 09:43 AM

This is a sad thread.
It does not fix with all I hear about TV

bluedog103 09-05-2012 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 (Post 551755)
You cannot really control dogs peeing and pooping on your lawn either. Unless you want to bring police and lawyers into this mess and I sincerely doubt that the developers would want this kind of publicity for the Villages.

There are bad neighbors everywhere.

Maybe, try explaining to those people you see who let their dogs pee or poop or YOUR lawn the problem you have with it.

You certainly are not going to convince people to not allow their dogs to take walks simply by postings hundreds if not thousands of complaints about dog poop and pee on TOTV.

I have an idea Taltarzac for you and others who see no problem with your front lawn becoming a doggie rest area. Why don't you post your addresses so we can all take our dogs to your lawns. You won't mind will you? Maybe you can leave a few bags out by the street so that those who forget may pick up their doggie leavings. I realize signs aren't permitted outside in TV so maybe a discreet notice in your front window letting your neighbors know that your lawn is a designated doggie area would be helpful as well.

Barefoot 09-05-2012 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by mikeod (Post 551745)
Are we now down to either tolerate dogs on your lawn or move? To me, it's the height of chutzpah to assume your dog can use my property as a toilet and I should accept that or leave TV.

Oh goodness, I don't think anyone has suggested that you move! Perhaps I missed that post. I also missed the posts where members said they should be able to use your property as a toilet.

Come on gentle readers. You know that most people in TV with dogs are friendly, responsible and caring people. I think you're talking about a tiny fraction of homeowners here. And it's probably the same people that let their ten year old grand kids race their golf carts. A few dog owners are selfish and uncaring. Most are kind and conscientious.

The answer is more dog parks. But I'm leaving the pulpit now because the church is empty.

Taltarzac725 09-05-2012 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by bluedog103 (Post 551815)
I have an idea Taltarzac for you and others who see no problem with your front lawn becoming a doggie rest area. Why don't you post your addresses so we can all take our dogs to your lawns. You won't mind will you? Maybe you can leave a few bags out by the street so that those who forget may pick up their doggie leavings. I realize signs aren't permitted outside in TV so maybe a discreet notice in your front window letting your neighbors know that your lawn is a designated doggie area would be helpful as well.

Dogs being walked pee and poop on our front yard every once in a while. I do not see it as being much of a problem as there has been no damage done to the lawn. If I see someone doing damage to the lawn by whatever, I would go out and talk to THEM. Not complain incessantly on TOTV about it.

I usually take my dog to the Doggie Doo Run Run local dog park to do his business. He goes other places at other times.

You people sure are passionate about poop.

ilovetv 09-05-2012 10:19 AM



I am always dismayed when I read that those that don't want someone's pet doing their "thing" on their property being classed as dog haters. I, and I think most others, don't hate dogs. I just don't think your dog has a right to use my lawn or shrubs as a toilet, whether there is damage or not. If I want the property I paid for to be free of dog pee or poop, that is my decision, not someone else's.
Great post! This society's growing disrespect for other people's property, and ownership of it, is permeating everything.

Worse yet, kids and grandchildren see this attitude and adopt it as their own, and this rudeness becomes the norm.

The next time you see an obnoxious, undisciplined little kid in the store grabbing things off the shelf and yelling "MINE"....."It's MINE!"......think of "adults" walking their dog and using your yard as a toilet saying "Mine! Mine!"

Nobody is entitled to somebody else's property to use as a dog toilet!!!

Taltarzac725 09-05-2012 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by ilovetv (Post 551830)

Great post! This society's growing disrespect for other people's property, and ownership of it, is permeating everything.

Worse yet, kids and grandchildren see this attitude and adopt it as their own, and this rudeness becomes the norm.

The next time you see an obnoxious, undisciplined little kid in the store grabbing things off the shelf and yelling "MINE"....."It's MINE!"......think of "adults" walking their dog and using your yard as a toilet saying "Mine! Mine!"

Nobody is entitled to somebody else's property to use as a dog toilet!!!

Growing disrespect for private property? I wonder what the streets of Tombstone looked like in 1881 when the Clantons were battling the Earps? I will bet that walk had various poop in the street. Especially horse poop. Lots of dog poop too.

The point is that the Villages has very few fences. You just cannot control a dog on a walk at all times. It is just not possible.

Barefoot 09-05-2012 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 (Post 551835)
The point is that the Villages has very few fences. You just cannot control a dog on a walk at all times. It is just not possible.

More dog parks, she said in a whisper. But no-one was listening.

Mikeod 09-05-2012 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 (Post 551835)

The point is that the Villages has very few fences. You just cannot control a dog on a walk at all times. It is just not possible.

Tal, are you saying that when walking a dog on a leash, it is not always possible to keep the dog under control and off someone's lawn? To me, for that to be true, it is either a dog that is too strong for the owner, or an owner that is not paying attention or doesn't care. I guess I just don't understand the reasoning that it is fine to allow pets to wander on anyone's property and they shouldn't have any say in it.

quirky3 09-05-2012 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by mikeod (Post 551847)
Tal, are you saying that when walking a dog on a leash, it is not always possible to keep the dog under control and off someone's lawn? To me, for that to be true, it is either a dog that is too strong for the owner, or an owner that is not paying attention or doesn't care. I guess I just don't understand the reasoning that it is fine to allow pets to wander on anyone's property and they shouldn't have any say in it.


beartrack 09-05-2012 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Barefoot (Post 551841)
More dog parks, she said in a whisper. But no-one was listening.

You know folks the administrators were smart enough to take the political site off for obvious reasons. I think this silly dog thing meets the same criteria. Please no more dog poop threads. Yikes.

I have a dog, she is my reponsibility period. We have many hours of fun together, she only uses my property to do her business. Sorry but, I do not even have an electric fence, she doesn't even need a leash. Other folks and their dogs stop and play with her she stays (except her tail, that keeps going) If a neighbors dog has an accident, so what, they clean it and all is well. By the way, you will not find one single yellow spot on my lawn anywhere. You know why my dog is so well behaved ? Because she has responsible owners that love her enough to teach her how to behave. It is not hard to do, it's simply repetetive.

As far as dog parks are concerned. Note the name "Dog Park" not "Dog Toilet" I was always under the impression that when a dog makes in a dog park it is called an accident. I think that the name "Dog Park" should be changed to "People Park" because people go there to socialize, It is my experience that the dogs could care less.

Well thats my story, and I'm sticking to it. No hate mail "PLEASE"

Cisco Kid 09-05-2012 11:39 AM

Pet Peeves
As someone looking into TV
I would like to know about other TV peeves like this.
All info helps
Loud golf carts?
I am trying to read all I can
Thanks to you all that post.

justjim 09-05-2012 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Barefoot (Post 551841)
More dog parks, she said in a whisper. But no-one was listening.

:clap2: To start with, the Developer allowed dogs in ALL the villages and therefore IMHO should provide areas for more dog parks. Just by casual observation you can see there are not near enough dog parks in TV. Maybe in hindsight there should have been a CDD with no pets covenants for those who don't care to be bothered by dogs! Ooops too late now. Most dog owners are very good about respecting others property and you rarely, if ever, see a dog running loose in TV. IMHO we can all live quite "nicely" with that! Life is too short to sweat the small stuff.

ilovetv 09-05-2012 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by jimweber (Post 551872)
As someone looking into TV
I would like to know about other TV peeves like this.
All info helps
Loud golf carts?
I am trying to read all I can
Thanks to you all that post.

As you are looking into TV, please take into account that only a tiny fraction of TV residents read this site. When I occasionally mention something I read on TOTV to people around the neighborhood or that I meet in the community, 90% of them have never heard of TOTV. The complaints here get very concentrated amongst just a few who comment.

It would be a mistake based on distortion to decide upon TV as a future home, based on this board. The sampling of people complaining is tiny.

shcisamax 09-05-2012 12:22 PM

If a person was thinking about moving to TV because it is " the friendliest hometown", they sure wouldn't think that if they read this ....and many other threads where the villagers are verbally bashing each other. Yikes. Thankfully the majority of TVers do not go on this forum. They are busy enjoying their lives rather than moaning about minutae online. I look at this thread and think how sad it is that even though people do not agree they have made it into a bigger and defining issue of people's character. Please stop. Take a breath. Smell the roses. There really is more to life than if a dog pees or poos on your yard. Not saying that it is right but it really isn't enough to become get beligerent over. Time to close this thread.

Joaniesmom 09-05-2012 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by shcisamax (Post 551890)
If a person was thinking about moving to TV because it is " the friendliest hometown", they sure wouldn't think that if they read this ....and many other threads where the villagers are verbally bashing each other. Yikes. Thankfully the majority of TVers do not go on this forum. They are busy enjoying their lives rather than moaning about minutae online. I look at this thread and think how sad it is that even though people do not agree they have made it into a bigger and defining issue of people's character. Please stop. Take a breath. Smell the roses. There really is more to life than if a dog pees or poos on your yard. Not saying that it is right but it really isn't enough to become get beligerent over. Time to close this thread.


Bogie Shooter 09-05-2012 02:38 PM

Dog poop threads should be banned!:spoken:

gomoho 09-05-2012 07:11 PM

As the late Rodney King said "why can't we just all get along"!!!

KeepingItReal 09-05-2012 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by ilovetv (Post 551830)

Great post! This society's growing disrespect for other people's property, and ownership of it, is permeating everything.

Worse yet, kids and grandchildren see this attitude and adopt it as their own, and this rudeness becomes the norm.

The next time you see an obnoxious, undisciplined little kid in the store grabbing things off the shelf and yelling "MINE"....."It's MINE!"......think of "adults" walking their dog and using your yard as a toilet saying "Mine! Mine!"

Nobody is entitled to somebody else's property to use as a dog toilet!!!

Agreed with both! :posting:

Moderator 09-05-2012 08:33 PM

The discussion has turned personal and the original topic is pretty well talked out.

Closing this thread.

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