Talk of The Villages Florida

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PugMom 06-18-2020 06:55 AM

a person can tell within the first 3 minutes if a conversation is going to be valuable with another poster. typically it's reduced to name-calling or general offenses directed @ groups, & is becomes more common closer to election time. :ohdear:

Papahorse 06-18-2020 06:58 AM

Very good - we all need to move on and enjoy life 06-18-2020 07:00 AM

As a couple of people have already said, hiding under a cloak of anonymity is too safe for those who disrespect others. Require a person’s real name and photo and I would bet most, if not all of the disrespect and bullying will disappear.

Thank you for the work you do and for the courage to take action to stop this insane cruelty towards one another.

CFrance 06-18-2020 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by JohnN (Post 1786395)
I've been on this forum for quite a few years. It used to be better with the admins putting on rules to abide by. People seemed more respectful and kinder as a general rules. I'd same the same for our country which is quite sad, moreso for our kids and grandkids.
I think the anonymous nature of the internet feeds this, it's almost like road rage, where you say things that you wouldn't say to a person's face. Let's just play nice. All that said...

I agree with you, Admins.

To the mods: so as a for instance, would this post be appropriate for the new sub forum since it talks about the country and its people being less nice to one another? I'm not being snarky about the post. I'm just wondering if this would fit the description to go into your new forum.

And thank you for addressing this issue.

dewilson58 06-18-2020 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by PugMom (Post 1786686)
becomes more common closer to election time. :ohdear:

going to be a long summer.

ColdNoMore 06-18-2020 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 1786691)
As a couple of people have already said, hiding under a cloak of anonymity is too safe for those who disrespect others. Require a person’s real name and photo and I would bet most, if not all of the disrespect and bullying will disappear.

Thank you for the work you do and for the courage to take action to stop this insane cruelty towards one another.

It also protects those from the extreme nutcases...simply because they don't go along with the majority.

Or from someone becoming enraged, from losing a debate/argument from someone producing actual facts...instead of depending on fringe, extremist websites.

Imagine someone all 'likkered up,' who becomes enraged and knowing a persons name and address (easy to get after the name)...decides to take their rage out on that person or their property.

With all due respect, I don't see you using your real name and address either.

Goldwingnut 06-18-2020 07:58 AM

This will be an interesting line for the moderators to tow and I look forward to see how it is handled, too much heavy handedness and this forum becomes a worthless world of sunshine and unicorns, not enough and it degrades to the trashy level of may other social media platforms.

While spirited discussions will surely abound in the coming months of the November elections and will be more easily identified as political, what about the grayer areas? Where will you draw the line? A discussion of the 25% property tax increase is most certainly of profound interest to Villages residents and Sumter county alike, it easily shifts to a discussion of those making the decisions and that pending election, where will you draw the line?

Since the posting of this thread you have had no teeth, this post was clearly and purely political and offensive in nature and yet was allowed to fester for 90 posts. A quick review of the threads and posts on may of the forums show a great many clearly laced with political tones and derogatory comments. Where is the line to be drawn on these? When will this line be like a knife at the throat of liberty?

Obviously this website is free to pluck and purn its branches as it sees fit. We can only hope they are not too aggressive as to kill the tree.

La lamy 06-18-2020 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by TOTV Team (Post 1786295)
Dear TOTV users,

Talk of The Villages was originally created as a forum for Villagers to come together easily, and discuss happenings across the town and beyond. However, in recent months, we have seen a surge of posts that violate our site guidelines, and have impacted the general mood across the forum.

Let us remind you that posting about politics is strictly forbidden. This includes the mention of political parties, political individuals, or any political topics. Even with warnings and reminders of this rule, users continue to post about politics. We will now begin giving out one week temporary bans to any user who violates this rule. If users continue to defy this rule, longer or even permanent bans will be given.

In addition, discussion on TOTV should remain kind and respectful. Negatively directed posts are not allowed. Negative posts directed at other users will be deleted, and any user who continues to disregard this rule will be subjected to a temporary ban.

We understand that during these tumultuous times, it is cathartic to come to the forum and discuss everything happening on the news and in our community. We encourage open discussion, and welcome everyone with different backgrounds and viewpoints. To reflect this, we have decided to create a new sub-forum dedicated solely to current events and news. On this side of the forum, users will be able to discuss everything happening in the world, and those who do not wish to participate, can easily ignore this sub-forum. This sub-forum will still adhere to site guidelines, and will be moderated according to these rules. This means there will still be no political discussion allowed. All we ask from our users is respect towards each other, regardless of differing opinions, and respect towards our site guidelines.

Lastly, please note that the General Discussions Forum is meant for topics related to The Villages, Florida. This includes topics related to buying in the area, and for things related to living in The Villages. The New Members Forum is meant for new members to the site who wish to introduce themselves to everyone on the forum. If you post a topic that does not fit these descriptions, your post will be moved to the correct forum.

If you wish to review our site guidelines, you can find them here:

I am happy to keep hearing about the rules of these forums, but as others have remarked there is still posts that seem to pass through the cracks. 2 hours after this post from admin was written, there was a thread called "We have a leadership problem" where the 10th post actually names a political leader and has the word "idiots" in it's post. Both political and demeaning. I'm sure it's a very difficult job to moderate everything that is being said, but hopefully we do see real change for the better.

DeanFL 06-18-2020 08:23 AM

"Let us remind you that posting about politics is strictly forbidden. This includes the mention of political parties, political individuals, or any political topics."
SO MANY 'mentions/Threads/Posts' that fall under this area. Just reviewed the Subject Title of the first page of Threads with new posts today - 11 easily fall under "Political Topics". Moderators> you have a 'no win' task, as there are so many gray areas.

I, for one, have had 2 Threads I've started the last couple weeks deleted due to this - started out neutral and newsworthy for discussion, then some Posters degraded it - and poof.

Even with our TV Bubble and Dome in place, we are still a microcosm of the greater society.

Trynforpar 06-18-2020 08:26 AM

It’s important that you remind our users of site guidelines. We are facing a difficult time in this country and emotions will take over as we vent our frustrations. Bottom line is The Villages offers an amazing lifestyle and I thank God everyday I wake up and plan my day.

Chillin Hacker 06-18-2020 08:27 AM

Thank you!!!

diamond2005 06-18-2020 08:27 AM

Are the originators of TOTV, connected to The **************? I notice both their items
appear on my Ipad at close to the same time.
Answer would be appreciated.

2heartsapart 06-18-2020 08:30 AM

Thank you. I was very close to deleting TOTV because of the mean spirited comments and responses. Not at all welcome in the environment we find ourselves in at the moment. I’ll give it another few weeks and see if the admins actually hold to their concept.

DanBrew 06-18-2020 08:33 AM

Thank you. I will cease and desist my efforts of giving others a chuckle by responding with my sometimes, I mean always, snarky sense of humor to posts by crotchedy, grumpy individuals. Nobody really cares if you are miserable, so you might as well be happy.

Marykess1802 06-18-2020 08:33 AM

More power to you! Site has become so TOXIC.

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