Reunion at the rainbow bridge

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Old 05-08-2012, 09:56 PM
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Default Reunion at the rainbow bridge

Shortly after I joined TOTV, my son and his girlfriend lost a rabbit called Oreo. The had a hard time dealing with the loss. Fast forward to today and I just found this that he posted on his Facebook status. With Duffysmom having lost her little sweetie, I thought that some of you would enjoy what he posted as well as hope that there is a parrell Shangra La of our four legged love ones. Enjoy:

"I found this on BunSpace a while back and thought I'd put it here for others to enjoy. It's for those that have lost a bunny (or another pet). It helped us deal with the grief after we lost our bunny Oreo, hopefully it will help others as well." - Mike S.

Reunion at the Rainbow Bridge

Ruby opened her eyes and looked around. She appeared to be in a field – green grass as far as her eyes could see, the sun was shining, it was beautiful.

“Where am I?” Ruby asked no one in particular. “You’re at The Rainbow Bridge,” a voice answered.

Ruby turned to see a brown and white Dutch bunny and a light brown lop coming towards her. “Where are Mom and Dad and Duster and Cola?” Ruby wondered. “Mom and Dad are still with Cola and Duster at home,” the lop answered.

“I am Dusty and this is Hopper.” “But you’re angel bunnies,” Ruby said. “And now you are too,” Hopper said. “It was your time to come to the Bridge, dear Ruby. We get to watch over our parents and Cola and Duster for awhile.”

“Will I ever see them again?” Ruby was concerned. “You can see them whenever you want to,” Hopper said. “Just close your eyes and let all of the wonderful memories come to you. And they can do the same. And then someday, we will all be together again.”

“Oh, so they are ok?” Ruby asked. “They will be in time. They miss you, just like you miss them, but they know it was your time to make this journey,” Dusty said. “Just like Hopper and I did.” “And now we are here to help you get used to your new home,” Hopper said. “Follow us, there is much for you to see.”

Ruby started to hop after Hopper and Dusty, then paused. “What’s wrong?” Dusty asked. “Am I still cute?” Ruby wondered. Hopper laughed, “You are eternally cute!” “Whew, that was a close one,” and Ruby followed her sisters.

Dusty stopped in front of a patch of the greenest grass Ruby had ever seen, “This is the Stop-To-Flop area. This is the softest grass anywhere. You can come here and flop as much as you want, we encourage it.” “Wow,” Ruby was in awe.

They hopped along, coming to an endless garden. “This is the Bunny Buffet,” Hopper explained. “Any and all sorts of fresh veggies. Help yourself to whatever you feel like.”

Ruby was already checking out the carrots. The next stop was a field of timothy hay. “Oh my gosh!” Ruby was so excited. Dusty smiled, “I love timothy hay too. And just beyond the timothy hay is wild vegetation like our non-domesticated relatives eat. Nom as much as you would like.”

Hopper and Dusty then showed Ruby the play area, bunny toys of all kinds were there for her to use. “Are we the only bunnies here?” Ruby asked.

“No, there are lots of bunnies waiting to meet you. They are planning your Welcoming Party, Ruby. We wanted the chance to meet you and show you around,” Hopper said.

“Now there is one more stop to make before we get to your party,” Dusty said. “Hopper, would you like to do the honors?” Hopper nodded, “This way, cute bunny.” “OK!” Ruby binkied.

Hopper, Dusty and Ruby came to what can only be described as a large white room. Ruby followed her sisters inside. The walls were lined with bunny-sized refrigerators.

“I always admired your determination to get in to the fridge without Mom and Dad’s help,” Hopper said. “So much like me!” “There’s more veggies in the fridges,” Dusty explained. “But how do we get to them?” Ruby hopped up to one of the fridges. Hopper smiled, “Say ‘open, please’ to any fridge you want.” “OK,” Ruby said and turned to face a fridge, “Open, please!” The door slowly swung open, revealing shelves of Romaine lettuce. Ruby binkied about a thousand times.

Dusty and Hopper both laughed. “See, this place isn’t so bad,” Hopper said. Ruby smiled, “I miss our parents and Cola and Duster, but I guess this’ll do till we are all back together again.” Dusty smiled, “Yes, it will. Now, come on, time to go to your Welcome Party.”

Hopper, Dusty and Ruby made their way where all of the other bridge bunnies were assembled. Ruby felt the love of her fellow bridge bunnies and also that of her parents, Cola and Duster.

“I’ll be ok, we’ll all be ok,” Ruby said. “Till we meet again.”

The Villages Florida
OREO RIP 12/2010
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Old 05-08-2012, 11:38 PM
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Old 05-09-2012, 04:30 AM
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Oh, how sweet! I couldn't help but think of my Missy (dog).
Older dogs make wonderful pets, too!!
Old 05-09-2012, 06:31 AM
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That was great. Thank you for posting this. I hope this will help Duffysmom and those who have recently lost their pets to get through this time of grieving. With my cat being 15 yrs. old, I know I will be facing this in a few years.

Last edited by Schaumburger; 05-09-2012 at 06:31 AM. Reason: typo
Old 05-09-2012, 10:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Schaumburger View Post
That was great. Thank you for posting this. I hope this will help Duffysmom and those who have recently lost their pets to get through this time of grieving. With my cat being 15 yrs. old, I know I will be facing this in a few years.
Reading this brought tears to my eyes because we just lost our best friend "Candy Cat" after 14 years in Jan. We were excited to bring her down from NJ to share the wonders of the Villages and the fresh air on the Lanai. Sadly she only got to enjoy it for about 3 weeks and then feel ill and we put her to rest. Still miss her everyday.
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Old 05-09-2012, 12:26 PM
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Skyguy thank you for posting this lovely story. I spend lots of time on my lanai painting and recently a rabbit has been visiting my yard. We have glass down to the ground so I can see him hop right up to the window. Also, we've had two ducks, male and female waddling around outside the lanai and they are so tame that we have to be careful backing out of the garage. Silly as it sounds I've become fond of an anole who has a stump for a tail so I can identify him easily; I first noticed him many months ago when I caught him and returned him to the outside world, well he keeps coming back so now we coexist. Nature is so healing. Thanks again...
Old 05-09-2012, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Skip2MySue View Post
Reading this brought tears to my eyes because we just lost our best friend "Candy Cat" after 14 years in Jan. We were excited to bring her down from NJ to share the wonders of the Villages and the fresh air on the Lanai. Sadly she only got to enjoy it for about 3 weeks and then feel ill and we put her to rest. Still miss her everyday.
Skip 2
I'm very sorry for your loss. We experienced the exact same thing. We lost our cat in January, she was 20 years old. She only got to enjoy TV for a few weeks and then got sick and we had to make the dreaded decision to set her free. We miss her terribly and so do our two dogs. With love comes grief, but also many happy memories.
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Old 05-09-2012, 04:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
I'm very sorry for your loss. We experienced the exact same thing. We lost our cat in January, she was 20 years old. She only got to enjoy TV for a few weeks and then got sick and we had to make the dreaded decision to set her free. We miss her terribly and so do our two dogs. With love comes grief, but also many happy memories.
Thanks Barefoot, I'm sorry you had to share the same feelings of loss. Big 6'
2" lug standing there in tears saying goodbye to a true friend. But of course you're right because I still have the good times to remember our special friendship.
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Old 05-11-2012, 12:29 PM
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Default Very Comforting to read

after having lost my 14yo cat about one month ago, and my much loved 3-legged Sheltie is about to leave this world soon. May all our pets Rest in Peace over the Rainbow Bridge.
Old 05-11-2012, 02:11 PM
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Mo779 - Hugs to you! You will meet your fur kids at the Rainbow Bridge. Remember the good times and what joy they brought to you.
Old 05-11-2012, 02:52 PM
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Default Rainbow Bridge

Thank You for your kind words - however, it is a difficult decision to make but when one's pet loses quality of life, then it is time for her to go to a better place. Someone put this into context for me last week - "when one adopts a pet, one has to remember that when the time comes, it is the utimate act of kindness that one can do for their beloved pet".
Old 05-11-2012, 03:03 PM
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Hugs to all who have lost loved pets and still feel the loss. I can remember once long ago at the vets when it was time to let go of our 18 yr old Siamese cat Samantha and we were having a difficult time dealing with our own personal hurt and even guilt as the decision maker, the vet said something to us that helped and that we'll never forget... "Remember, you're doing it for them and not for yourselves!"
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Old 05-11-2012, 03:57 PM
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Mo I agree that it is the ultimate act of kindness. My Duffy was a stoic little dog but in the end he needed an intervention to end his misery.
I liked what you said about our pets resting in peace and being united again.
Mega Hugs to you.
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