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Old 12-29-2010, 08:48 AM
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You can add Paul O'Neil to the Yankee list. Although his stats were not earth shattering and his time with The Yanks was not too long, Paulie played with his heart.
East Meadow, Ronkonkoma.
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Old 12-29-2010, 09:08 AM
waynet waynet is offline
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Wink position Yanks

I can remember sitting in a bar an discussing the top 10 players from all of the major league teams. We took it a step farther and made a position all-star team for some of them. Here is the Yankee team:
c.Berra1b.Gehrig 2b.Lazzeri ss Jeter 3b A-Rod Outfielders Ruth Joe D.Mantle
SP Ford RP Rivera......I think the Yanks are the only team that has a current Hall of Famer or future one at every position hence they win every fantasy league game they play.
Old 12-30-2010, 07:01 AM
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Originally Posted by waynet View Post
I can remember sitting in a bar an discussing the top 10 players from all of the major league teams. We took it a step farther and made a position all-star team for some of them. Here is the Yankee team:
c.Berra1b.Gehrig 2b.Lazzeri ss Jeter 3b A-Rod Outfielders Ruth Joe D.Mantle
SP Ford RP Rivera......I think the Yanks are the only team that has a current Hall of Famer or future one at every position hence they win every fantasy league game they play.
An argument would be heavy "IF" in choosing the best Yankees of all time, only one Center Fielder is allowed. Joe D and The Mick. Pick one.
I don't have the numbers in front of me but I think DiMaggio hit 361 home runs and struck out only 368 times. Impressive. Imagine Joe D having 70% of his at bats from the left side of the plate to take advantage of the short porch in right field?
Imagine Mantle not being hurt so much or if he played the game sobber.
The Mick is my guy- but the DiMaggio fans can have a great argument over who was better.
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Old 12-30-2010, 08:52 AM
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Smile the Mick

Mantle was my idol growing up. I wore #7 not only in baseball but basketball as well. I lived in CT so it was a short train ride to Yankee stadium. 50 cents by train one way 75 cents for a bleacher ticket. I skipped a lot of school to go see the 1:00 matinees and see the Mick hit one of his bombs. Imagine what the press would do to Mantle today? It's another reason I am glad I was raised in the age of Innocence. My mom said Joe D was better,my dad said nobody compared to Ted Williams. Those were the days.
Old 12-30-2010, 09:05 AM
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Not a Yankee, but the strangest and funniest man in baseball
Jimmy Piersall
who once in a game against the Yankees, went behind the memorials in Yankee stadium an..........d was talking to Babe Ruth
Suffered with BiPolar disorder
Once wore a beatles wig at homeplate, fist fighting with Billy Martin

Must read his story
Old 12-30-2010, 10:03 AM
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Mick v Joe D -- Not fair, they're both greats. Okay, I'll just play it safe and say Hank Aaron. He's my man, my hero. One of the classiest players of all time in any sport.

However, if I had to pick, I'd have to say Joe D. Granted, Mickey could have been a lot greater if he had played sober, but he didn't and the Babe played great even hungover. So, Joe DiMaggio has got to be it. But I'll still take Hank!
Army/embassy brat - traveled too much to mention
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Old 12-30-2010, 10:16 AM
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Willie Mays must be put into this discussion. Although, a Mickey guy, Willie deserves as much attention as Joe D and Mantle.

This is like saying who had a bigger impact on rock n roll. "The Beatles or Elvis."
East Meadow, Ronkonkoma.
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Old 12-30-2010, 11:00 AM
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I agree with your dad Waynet.
Old 12-30-2010, 11:04 AM
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Ted Williams was the better hitter (and an American hero) But defensivly he wasn't too good, nor could he runs like the others mentioed, nor did he have a rifle for an arm. Mickey, Willie and The Yankee Clipper had 5 tools. But Williams could play on my team anytime
East Meadow, Ronkonkoma.
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Old 12-30-2010, 02:07 PM
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Thumbs up willie

I think Willie Mays was the greatest 5 tool player that ever lived but the Babe was the greatest baseball player ever. But I still love the Mick!
Old 12-30-2010, 03:59 PM
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Default My Top Ten Yankees of all time

In today’s Long Island Newsday, there was an article about the best ten Yankees of all time. I agree with nine of them and even the order they were chosen.

Ruth, Joe D, Gehrig, Mantle, Yogi, Whitey, Mariano, Jeter and Bill Dickey seem like good choices. It is number ten that is my complaint. This prima donna will never be a true Yankee and although Ruth began his career with The Red Sox and Yogi finished his with the Mets, they will always be thought of as Yankees. AROD as talented as he is or was, will never fit the mode of a true Yankee. Reggie Jackson would have been a better choice, or Thurman or Rizzuto…Holy Cow.
East Meadow, Ronkonkoma. A snowflake soon to be a snow bird- soon to be a frog in Buttonwood

Top Ten Yankees Plus Comments

1. Babe Ruth – he would have been a Hall of Fame pitcher in addition to being a Hall of Fame hitter. He held the record for consecutive scoreless innings pitched in a World Series until Whitey Ford broke it. He saved baseball from the Black Sox scandal.
2. Lou Gehrig for his RBI totals and 500 plus home runs in a career that was cut short.
3. Joe D – The most dominate player in his era.
4. Mantle – I wonder how much better he could have been if he had healthy knees.
5. Yogi – My favorite. The foul home run champion. I saw him take a golf swing at a ball almost on home plate and hit a home run.
6. Whitey Ford – I thought he would win every game he pitched. Nickname is “slick”.
7. Mariano – Minnesota manager Tom Kelly said something like he belongs in a higher league. The most dominate relief pitcher I’ve ever seen.
8. Jeter – A Class act.
9. Bill Dickey – Yogi said, “He learned me everything I know”. Before my time.
10. Phil Rizzuto – Yogi said Rizzuto was the main reason they won 5 consecutive World Series from 1949 to 1953.

The best pure hitter I saw was Ted Williams. I was sitting several rows back in the third deck and he came to bat in ninth inning. He hit a shot that I thought was coming to me. The ball wound up being several rows behind me.
What a sight to behold.
Old 12-30-2010, 04:06 PM
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Originally Posted by redwitch View Post
Mick v Joe D -- Not fair, they're both greats. Okay, I'll just play it safe and say Hank Aaron. He's my man, my hero. One of the classiest players of all time in any sport.

However, if I had to pick, I'd have to say Joe D. Granted, Mickey could have been a lot greater if he had played sober, but he didn't and the Babe played great even hungover. So, Joe DiMaggio has got to be it. But I'll still take Hank!
Hank Aaron, yes! I was so fortunate to see him hit #715 out of park at (the old) Turner Stadium in Atlanta on April 8, 1974. You cannot even imagine the sound or length of the roar that followed. It seemed to be at least a 20 minute standing O with 55,000+ of us on our feet, jumping and applauding and shouting for joy.

Aaron had actually received death threats for daring to threaten Ruth's home run record.

Yes, this happened in the Deep South in 1974. But I can tell you as an eye witness that there was nothing that day but joy in mudville. It was historic and touching and exciting at once; and being there was easily one of the top ten experiences of my life.
Old 12-30-2010, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Pturner View Post
Hank Aaron, yes! I was so fortunate to see him hit #715 out of park at (the old) Turner Stadium in Atlanta on April 8, 1974. You cannot even imagine the sound or length of the roar that followed. It seemed to be at least a 20 minute standing O with 55,000+ of us on our feet, jumping and applauding and shouting for joy.
Not too many people can top that one, PT.
East Meadow, Ronkonkoma.
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Old 12-30-2010, 06:34 PM
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Pt, I am sooooo jealous. To have seen that hit live would have been a dream come true.

As to Willie Mays, what can I say about the Say Hey Kid. He is a Giant of a man (and I so love that he and Hank have not hesitated to chastise the non-steroid my read end Barry Bonds!). I've had the privilege of seeing him quite a few times, but never enough. I don't think I've ever seen a player who loved the game more than he.

BTW -- my vote for the best fireman ever is the Quis. I'd never seen a submariner pitch before and became absolutely enthralled with it. He was the start of my love of the Royals. There were a few firemen who had better records, including Rollie Fingers and Goose Gossage (two faves of mine), but none with the style, finesse and humor of Dan Quisenberry. Sides, can't think of any that had season records as often as he did.

Man, I miss baseball. Tom, you're making me think I might have to try going to a game or two again to see if I can get the love back. Maybe spring training would be a good start.
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Old 12-31-2010, 01:23 AM
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Forget about going to see the Rays at Tropicana, baseball indoors just ain't right. Went to see the Phillies in Clearwater and had a great day; the city park right next to the Phillies park is named for Joe D. Spring training and minor league games are a lot of fun.

On the drive back to CA last May we stopped in Denver to visit our daughter and grandkids. Our son-in-law is on the Denver PD and sometimes works the baseball games; he got us tics and took us to a game and parked in the players lot. In about the 7th inning my wife got hit by a foul ball. We were sitting about 15 rows from the field near shallow left field, she caught the ball as it bounced off her chin - it had bounced around the fans and seats before it got to her. Ball park people were there in an instant and took her for a medical check up and had her sign an injury claim waiver.

Da Chicago So Side; The Village of Park Forest, IL; 3/7 Cav, 3rd Inf Div, Schweinfurt, Ger 65-66; MACV J12 Saigon 66-67; San Leandro, Hayward & Union City, CA (San Francisco East Bay Area) GO DUBS ! (aka W's)

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