A Question for Catholics

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Old 02-03-2008, 05:53 PM
Hancle704 Hancle704 is offline
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Default A Question for Catholics

When is the Mass over?

I ask, because I have observed, after living more than 10 years in TV and attending all of the area's Roman Catholic Churches, that a large number of Catholics arrive late and leave Mass during or, immediately after Communion.

What is the reason for this? I don't understand. Do they all have medical or rest room problems? Is it that, their exit from parking lots and early arrival at restaurants is of greater importance than an hour spent with their Lord and Savior. I thought that retirees now have plenty of time for the important things in their lives that they coudn't do when they were working full time and raising a family.

Those that remain in Church, will always hear the Priest or Deacon announce when The Mass is over and courtesy should dictate that parishioners not leave, untill the Priest has exited the Church

I am not trying to be judgemental, that is God's job, but wonder how will He respond to this behavior? :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:
Old 02-03-2008, 06:09 PM
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Default Re: A Question for Catholics


..At our church, here in Pa. the people do the same thing..

They come during the Gospel, and leave Mass after they leave the altar with the Communion in hand..I have seen some NON-Catholics go up to the altar and put the host in their pockets..OMG

Last week, Father found a host in one of the song books..What a shame!!

Our Pastor asks every week, that people do not leave till he exits the church..They continue to do the same thing week after week..

Some have their cell phones ringing during mass..Father always says "There is no reason for your phones to be on during Mass, your only concern right now should be God, and He is not going to call you on a cell phone"

It is amazing how people behave in church..

If people don't want to be there, and cannot spare an hour, why do they go???

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Old 02-03-2008, 07:56 PM
jjdees jjdees is offline
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Default Re: A Question for Catholics

I've wondered about this myself. It may be that the people who leave early aren't very well versed in their religion and think Mass is over when they've received communion. I've seen on a couple of occasions where a priest stops giving communion and walks over to a person who has walked off with the consecrated host and tells them to either consume it or return it. I asked a priest about this and he said he's read about devil worshippers using a consecrated host in their rituals. Sounds nutty but their are a lot of nuts in this world.
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Old 02-17-2008, 05:21 PM
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Default Re: A Question for Catholics

It's an Irish thing - got to get the buy one get one free drink at the local pub after Sunday mass before the crowd gets there

I remember when I was a kid that many people left church after communion
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Old 02-17-2008, 06:19 PM
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Default Re: A Question for Catholics

In the brown shoe days, I always believed that the mass was composed of three part: the Offertory, Consecration, and Communion. The offertory began following the Nicene Creed. Everything to that point was prologue. It was more confusing as to when Communion ended. Some people seem to believe that this part, and the mass, ended when the priest received the host and began distribution to the people. Others thought it was not complete until the priest turned to the congregation and said "Go, the Mass is ended." ("Ite, Missa Est" for the old folks.) I always kinda thought Communion ended when the priest finished the clean-up and often closed the Tabernacle, that it was over right before he said the "Missa est" bit.
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Old 02-17-2008, 10:22 PM
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Default Re: A Question for Catholics

Please excuse this Episcopalian, but we've had the same problem at St. Timothy's in Indianapolis. Individuals wanted to sneak out to the fellowship hall and the coffee bar as soon as they had received communion. Father Ed, now Bishop Ed in Michigan, put a stop to the early exits with some rather stern words. No one was to leave before the recessional. He also insisted that the worshipers be quiet before the processional began. He wasn't afraid to use a little discipline to maintain order before and after the service. In Indianapolis, no one would want to cut out early at Christ Church Cathedral. The two pipe organs, the choir, and the recessional hymn are much too wonderful to miss.

I've been attending a Lutheran church out in the suburbs where I teach. (I'm kind of hiding out from the battle going on within the Episcopal Church at the moment.) I'm amazed at how chatty Lutherans are before the service begins. Of course, suburban churches seem to be less formal and it's nice to be with friendly individuals but it's not very conducive to quiet meditation.

I'm coming down to check out TV in late March and I'm looking forward to attending the local Episcopal Church. Does any one know much about it?

I'm retiring (after 36 years of teaching high school government and history) and giving TV some serious consideration. I really enjoy church history as well as comparative religion and related topics. Does anyone else have similar interests?
Don Hanlin, widower &amp; soon-to-be retired teacher<br />Thinking about moving to The Villages.&nbsp; Major interests include politics &amp; reading about history &amp; current events.&nbsp; Looking for chance to write &amp; travel while participating in lots of activities.&nbsp; Also want to be involved w/ Episcopal Church.
Old 02-18-2008, 12:06 AM
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Default Re: A Question for Catholics

OK you guys quit fudging. There is no getting around what we learned as kids - we are catholics and what we learned as kids is it. Nice to hear to about from our Lutheran brotherend other denominations, but we are what we are. St. Mark's just north of TV is a great alternative to St. Timothy's but it's still the same church and doctrine. It doesn't get any easier, so buy into it and thank God you found TV when you did because everyday is Saturday when you are in TV
The Rover

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Old 02-18-2008, 06:08 AM
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Default Re: A Question for Catholics


If you think Lutheran's are chatty you would be astounded at a Morman service.

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Da Chicago So Side; The Village of Park Forest, IL; 3/7 Cav, 3rd Inf Div, Schweinfurt, Ger 65-66; MACV J12 Saigon 66-67; San Leandro, Hayward & Union City, CA (San Francisco East Bay Area) GO DUBS ! (aka W's)
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