Conversation Between Schaumburger and mar/bob

Conversation Between Schaumburger and mar/bob
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 36
  1. Schaumburger
    01-15-2014 01:57 PM
    Hi Mary Ann,

    It has been one heck of a winter here in the Chicago area. Wish I was in The Villages right now. At City Fire I have only eaten their flat bread pizzas which are very good. I have not eaten a burger at City Fire. Hope that helps. I hope to visit The Villages in May or June. I will let you know if I plan on visiting TV! Take care.

  2. Schaumburger
    11-06-2013 05:57 PM
    Hi Mary Ann, What a hassle for you just to get a driver's license. I hope you get one soon. Hope your settling in is going OK other than that. Just be glad you are in warm Florida -- it is only 41 degrees in Chicago today .

  3. mar/bob
    11-06-2013 06:51 AM
    Hi Laura,
    Forgot to leave you with the new e-mail. and
    phone 352-391-8648. Went for drivers lic. & tag. Again nothing right on my part.
    Bob got the tag for the car & his lic. but my birth cert. did not show a county seal
    and my marriage lic. for the first was only from the church with no seal even though
    the divorce papers were ok. I lost my cool with this yesterday. The only way to get
    the marriage lic. is by computer and you need a printer which we don't have.
    I just think all of this is not necessary as long as we had the paperwork.
    Keep in touch.
    Mary Ann
  4. Schaumburger
    10-28-2013 01:14 PM
    Mary Ann,

    I have Sprint for my cell phone service here in Chicago, but I was not impressed with their cell phone reception in The Villages. If you go on TOTV, most people seem to have Verizon or AT&T. I am sorry to hear about your problems getting your furniture delivered. I will say a prayer to the patron saint of furniture delivery that you furniture arrives soon and that you can get settled in quickly.
  5. mar/bob
    10-26-2013 08:48 PM
    Hi Laura,
    Things are not going well. Furniture did not come in so they can't deliver. We need to
    be out of the rental Wed. I told Bob it's back to the floor again. We had an apt. from
    Century Link for Mon. They cancelled till Nov. 4th. I told the neighbors and they said
    do not have them as they are no good. They think we should not have a land line only
    a cell. Bob & I have no idea what to get. What do you think? What cell phone do
    you have? Car change over is also a problem as I was married before.
    Secondary insurance is a problem. Right now we are very disgusted.
    Sorry for your cold weather. My sisters are complaining about it also.
    Let me know about the cell.
    Mary Ann
  6. Schaumburger
    10-20-2013 08:45 AM
    Mary Ann, I don't know what "break friendship" means on TOTV. I don't do Facebook, but I don't think friending someone on TOTV means the same thing as friending someone on Facebook. If you feel comfortable doing this, perhaps just send this person a friendly PM saying how is it going? If they answer fine, if not I would not worry about it.
    If you feel settled in enough, go to the TOTV monthly lunch at Crispers in November. It will be the third Friday in November at 3:00 at Crispers Restaurant on 466. I went to Friday's lunch, and there were about 12 people there, so it is not like a huge mob of people.
    Hey you have a big week coming up -- good luck moving into your new home!
  7. mar/bob
    10-19-2013 06:40 PM
    Hi Laura.
    Hope your trip back to Chicago went ok.
    It was very hot here today.
    I am hoping you can explain something for me. We became friends with
    Lovsthosebigdogs on TOTV. When you look through their friends list under our
    names it says (break friendship). I sent them several msgs, even an e-mail
    and it took a long time to get an answer. I was upset as I thought they did not
    want to talk anymore. Could not figure what I did. Today I got a nice msg from
    them but they put it on their forum. If I would not have check under them I would
    not have found it. I still don't understand that statement (break friendship).
    Keep in touch.
    Mary Ann
  8. Schaumburger
    10-14-2013 03:49 PM
    Mary Ann,

    in January when you are on your lanai sipping a beverage and enjoying 70 degree temps., think of me in Chicago with my ice scraper and my snow shovel.
  9. mar/bob
    10-14-2013 03:41 PM
    Hi Laura,
    Thx for the nice meeting. I certainly enjoyed your company. Enjoy the rest of your
    stay and keep in touch.
    Mary Ann
  10. Schaumburger
    10-06-2013 12:00 AM
    Mary Ann,

    I just sent you a private message.

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