Conversation Between Bonnevie and mar/bob

Conversation Between Bonnevie and mar/bob
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. mar/bob
    07-01-2013 03:47 PM
    Dear Bonnevie,
    Thank you for your msg about the loss of our cat, Snickers.
    He was quite different than any I have had. Every morning he had to have a shower
    and get soaked. He just loved it. No lap cat, but had to climb all the up from my
    feet to my shoulder and sit there hanging his head down my back. Quite a guy.
    Mainlander's poem was the nicest thing. I will always keep it.
    I hope we can sell this PA home and move to TV by Oct.
    Looking for a resale Iris if you know of any.

    Thx again.

    Mary Ann & Bob
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