Conversation Between michaelUK and Ashley from UK

Conversation Between michaelUK and Ashley from UK
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. michaelUK
    04-14-2020 10:03 AM
    Good morning, Yes, in the States now and living immediately North of Dallas, TX while entertaining the notion of a new home in TV. During our last visit we toured Chitty Chatty and thought it was absolutely beautiful and the ideal location for us both. The current lack of retail establishments gave us pause but on further consideration, we've concluded that, on balance, it's the best compromise. No, we only just visited in March so, wasn't us. Very keen to make the acquaintance of other Brits however so to ease the cultural transition. Too bad about the pubs but I've heard there are several cricket fields nearby. HaHa. That will help. Sorry to hear of your construction delays.
  2. Ashley from UK
    04-14-2020 09:50 AM
    Ashley from UK
    Hi Michael.
    Know Gillingham well. I grew up in Ramsgate, and now live in Orpington. Are you in the states now? What is a Pub? kidding I used to have on in Ryarsh (half way between Medway and Maidstone). Only been to TV twice, but been visiting Florida since 1985 so knew exactly what I wanted, so the decision to invest was very simple one... Life is what you make it and who you make it with. We liked what we saw. I am wondering, were you in TV to see your dad last November? If so we have met....
  3. michaelUK
    04-14-2020 09:16 AM
    Hello Ashley, Thanks very much for your note. I was born here in the States but raised by my nan in the South (Gillingham, Kent). I worked for many years in the City for a financial firm whilst living in South Kensington. Pleased to make your acquaintance. How are finding the Villages? During our recent visit i searched everywhere for a proper pub!
  4. Ashley from UK
    04-14-2020 06:48 AM
    Ashley from UK
    Hi Michael
    I am guessing you are also a Brit looking forward to retirement in TV. We bought in Chitty Chatty, and were due to complete on 22nd June. Which got moved to 29th... Gutted we may not get to see our home though for some considerable time due to potential travel restrictions remaining for the rest of the year, and\or the lack of travel insurance.

    Anyhow thought I would send out a wave and say hi.

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