Conversation Between quirky3 and mar/bob

Conversation Between quirky3 and mar/bob
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. mar/bob
    07-01-2013 08:16 AM
    Dear Quirky3,
    Thank you so much for your answer to our losing Snickers. I am having a very hard time
    as Snickers was with be all the time. He was a different cat than all I have had.
    Every morning he had to have a shower. Loved to get soaked. Another one can't
    help me. It has been said time will help. Maybe a home in TV could.
    We just are having no luck in selling this one. Are you living in TV or still in
    Fleming Island? I see we have the same birthday. My husband wanted to get us to
    TV by Oct. His birthday is Oct 29.
    Keep in touch and hope to meet you someday. Thx again.

    Mary Ann & Bob
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