Conversation Between Tennisnut and Carl in Tampa

Conversation Between Tennisnut and Carl in Tampa
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. Carl in Tampa
    05-19-2014 10:59 AM
    Carl in Tampa
    Unfortunately, the Moderator closed the thread on accidental shootings before I could respond to buggyone's last post. Since you seemed to believe his allegations, I thought I should point out to you that he had absolutely NO FACTS to back up his allegation that the three shootings he referred to involved people who were legally carrying firearms. Two of the cases involved retired law enforcement officers. Being retired LEOs gives NO authority to carry firearms. In the case where someone simply brushed back his coat to reveal a firearm in his belt CANNOT carry the penalty that buggyone claims was given. The concealed weapons law specifically says so. It's a shame the Moderator closed the thread before I could again expose the errors of buggyone. Don't be misled by him.


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