Conversation Between NIPAS K-9 and Bobstr

Conversation Between NIPAS K-9 and Bobstr
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. NIPAS K-9
    01-13-2015 01:52 PM
    NIPAS K-9
    Disregard last message. I called you. We wil talk when i get down there.
  2. NIPAS K-9
    01-13-2015 01:42 PM
    NIPAS K-9
    How much you want for it? any picture of it ?
  3. Bobstr
    01-12-2015 06:38 PM
    I have a Yardman I could part with. It has a bag and it with the drive push type. Bob 203 240 0880
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