Conversation Between dotti105 and Olyrain

Conversation Between dotti105 and Olyrain
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. Olyrain
    02-17-2019 11:14 PM
    Really amazing bra fitters are the ladies at Unique Lingerie in Ocala. The owner started the shop after having a masectomy and not finding proper fitting bras anywhere. Thank god I just have tired, droopy girls that squish out the sides of any and all bras I have tried on both coasts! They can look at you, and with no more than 3 bra try ons find the perfect fit. AMAZING!! The bras are handmade in Europe and are expensive, take a tranquilizer or your husband. Everything is back perfectly in place and balanced well for comfort. Unlike all American bras trying to achieve the same results, there is no padding or extra lining. Turns out is brillant design, engineering and construction can give a truly youthful bust. Cheers
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