Conversation Between DangeloInspections and SisalPhil

Conversation Between DangeloInspections and SisalPhil
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. DangeloInspections
    01-24-2015 02:46 PM
    Thanks Phil....!
  2. SisalPhil
    01-24-2015 12:05 PM
    Hi, I didn't want to put this in a post... I have a house that is completely solar. I have batteries and a LP generator as a back up. It is located on the beach in Mexico. There are several friends here that are set up the same way. A few had the filling system and had to replace batteries.. These batteries are $1500 a piece and we have 8 of them. Sometimes the over-watering and other time not enough. I also have my own water distiller since distilled water here is about $4 a gallon. I would not recommend the system and check batteries weekly especially since you live full time in Florida. I have a grounds person that check my batteries every Thursday when we are in TV. . We travel back to TV all the time and also love it there. Regards Phil Mangano
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