Conversation Between Buffalo Jim and katerogers

Conversation Between Buffalo Jim and katerogers
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. katerogers
    09-09-2013 12:43 PM
    You're invited to a
    Singles "MEET AND GREET"
    Dinner Party
    'Little Italy'
    Friday, September 20th
    6:30 PM, Dinner at 7:00 PM

    Spaghetti and Meatball Dinner is provided. BYOB
    (asking for small donation to cover costs)

    After dinner, Pictionary, Charades etc.
    (or you can just sit back, watch, and have
    a few laughs at our expense)

    RSVP: Send PM to Katerogers, for address.
    First 30 RSVP's. invited.
  2. katerogers
    06-29-2013 03:35 PM
    Then you must know a guy I dated, who played for them around that time. Derek Sanderson?

  3. katerogers
    06-27-2013 01:32 PM
    Sorry, Jim but I'm a hardcore Bruins fan. This past week notwithstanding. Kitty has done a lot to help singles get out and have fun, meeting others who would like to expand their social network. I believe there is a party being scheduled for July 5th. You should try to make it.


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