Conversation Between Mrs. Robinson and Brandy4

Conversation Between Mrs. Robinson and Brandy4
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Mrs. Robinson
    01-20-2018 11:13 PM
    Mrs. Robinson
    Sorry for not responding to your message sooner, but I just saw it. I am not an advocate of any kind of indiscriminate spraying of chemicals for any type of bug unless I have a specific problem. Then, of course, I handle the problem and do what needs to be done.

    Somewhere, I have mentioned that I have lived in Florida since 1983 and have never had contractual spraying or any type of termite service. If your house is relatively new like most Villages houses, I wouldn't worry about termites. Like I've previously said, have an inspection every couple of years if the concern eats away at you. I have never had an inspection either but you need to do what you are comfortable with. One caveat, however . . . don't let your friends and neighbors put the fear of God in you, telling you that you must do those things and don't let any of these companies sell you on their service!
  2. Brandy4
    01-11-2018 06:19 AM
    I know you are not an advocate of regular insect spraying but wonder if that applies to Termites. I had a Termite inspection done when I bought my house and am clear but should I now hire someone for regular preventative treatments. As a longtime resident would like your opinion? Thx. Brandy4
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