Conversation Between barb1191 and jannd228

Conversation Between barb1191 and jannd228
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. jannd228
    02-23-2012 05:27 AM
    Good morning,

    I used to post before on the community board. I am interested in moving to TV permanently but I am not sure quite yet. Do you know of anyone who is interested in having a roommate? I am a former school teacher (English/technology) and I am now an entrepreneur again (dance studio industry).

    I have been taking care of my 92 year old uncle for the past six months who just passed Monday evening. I am ready for a change but I am unsure that TV should be my final location.

    If you do could you have them contact me? Thanking you in advance for your kindness,

    Jann Davis
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