Critical Race Theory in schools

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Old 06-12-2021, 10:37 AM
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Originally Posted by manaboutown View Post
"Critical race theory is an academic discipline, formulated in the 1990s and built on the intellectual framework of identity-based Marxism. Relegated for many years to universities and obscure academic journals, it has increasingly become the default ideology in our public institutions over the past decade. It has been injected into government agencies, public school systems, teacher training programs and corporate human resources departments in the form of diversity training programs, human resources modules, public policy frameworks and school curricula.

Its supporters deploy a series of euphemisms to describe critical race theory, including “equity,” “social justice,” “diversity and inclusion” and “culturally responsive teaching.”
Critical race theorists, masters of language construction, realize that “neo-Marxism” would be a hard sell. Equity, on the other hand, sounds nonthreatening and is easily confused with the American principle of equality. But the distinction is vast and important. Indeed, critical race theorists explicitly reject equality — the principle proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, defended in the Civil War and codified into law with the 14th and 15th Amendments, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. To them, equality represents “mere nondiscrimination” and provides “camouflage” for white supremacy, patriarchy and oppression.

In contrast to equality, equity as defined and promoted by critical race theorists is little more than reformulated Marxism. In the name of equity, UCLA law professor and critical race theorist Cheryl Harris has proposed suspending private property rights, seizing land and wealth and redistributing them along racial lines.

Critical race guru Ibram X. Kendi, who directs the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University, has proposed the creation of a federal Department of Antiracism. This department would be independent of (i.e., unaccountable to) the elected branches of government and would have the power to nullify, veto or abolish any law at any level of government and curtail the speech of political leaders and others deemed insufficiently “antiracist.”

One practical result of the creation of such a department would be the overthrow of capitalism, since, according to Kendi, “in order to truly be antiracist, you also have to truly be anticapitalist.”

In other words, identity is the means; Marxism is the end."

From: What critical race theory is really about
About the author and his goals.....

"In March 2021, Rufo described his strategy to oppose critical race theory as intentionally using the term to describe various left-wing race-related ideas in order to create a negative association. Rufo said that "[w]e will eventually turn [critical race theory] toxic, as we put all of the various cultural insanities under that brand category. The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think ‘critical race theory.'"

Christopher Rufo - Wikipedia

A well known POLITICAL ACTIVIST OF FAR RIGHT WING EXTREMISM....he also writes for the Federalist, Daily Signal, etc.

Point is, this is not a basis for any real adult conversation on an American serves extremists well, but not the country.
Old 06-12-2021, 10:56 AM
tvbound tvbound is offline
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It's not a "theory," it's fact. Those who are most intimidated by it, are those who don't want our children to know that this country was first built on the backs of slaves (human beings owned like property) then continued through a systemic suppression of rights and equal justice through things like Jim Crow laws and more lately, by targeted voting laws. All too many either still harbor a false sense of superiority by the luck of the draw being born with white skin, or give their support to leaders who make it clear that is what they believe. Our children should be taught the truth, such as the fact that when our supposed infallible forefathers did not really mean "all men are created equal" - as they did not include blacks or women. Why are some people so scared about teaching our country's almost 250 years of unequal opportunity and the injustices of the law toward blacks in particular (and are trying to redefine the definition of CRT)? Never mind, that was a rhetorical question, as can easily be seen in so many aspects of our current lives.

critical race theory | Definition, Principles, & Facts | Britannica

" based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans."
Old 06-12-2021, 11:07 AM
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Originally Posted by JerryLBell View Post
From what I've read, critical race theory is really two ideas.

The first is that the very idea of race is not based on biology or science of any kind. There's nothing about the physiology of humans that neatly divides humanity into categories like "white", "black", "Asian", etc. The attempts to divide people into these categories were done societally, not scientifically.

The second idea is that American history shows us that governments put in place in the Americas by European settlers were and continue to be racist in nature. To steal land away from the indigenous people, governments put into place laws that made those peoples have fewer or any rights and encouraged the suppression of those peoples. Prior to the industrial revolution, manual labor was vital and slave labor was cheaper than paid labor, so laws were put into place to allow kidnapping, torturing and enslaving peoples from other countries, especially Africa. Laws were put into place over time to exclude Asians. During World War II, people of Japanese heritage were robbed of their properties and imprisoned while people of German heritage were not. Even after the emancipation of enslaved people in America, voting rights were suppressed and continue to be so to this day.

Critical race theory doesn't paint an artificially pretty picture of American history or governance. If you read history deeply, however, it is probably a more accurate picture. Does this divide people? Possibly. Some people are averse to learning unpleasant truths. I've always thought that true patriotism wasn't blindly loving ones country, right or wrong but rather wanting the best for and out of ones country, realizing when ones country was wrong or doing wrong and changing it for the better even if that involves discomfort and hard work.

America isn't perfect and never was. It gets better over time, despite occasional backsliding. I hope it continues to get better and better in the future. Pretending we are and have been perfect won't help us get there.

But that's just my opinion.
"governments put in place in the Americas by European settlers were and continue to be racist in nature. To steal land away from the indigenous people, governments put into place laws that made those peoples have fewer or any rights and encouraged the suppression of those peoples."

Therein lies the facts and basis of this nation's history. A whole lot of white people either choose to ignore these facts, or have never really read our history, because they are just fine with the status quo. When most of the people say they want to make us great again, they're talking directly about going back to when there was never a question that they felt special or privileged - based purely on the color of their skin. As if they ever did anything, to earn that obvious head-start in life.
Old 06-12-2021, 11:08 AM
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Originally Posted by tvbound View Post
It's not a "theory," it's fact. Those who are most intimidated by it, are those who don't want our children to know that this country was first built on the backs of slaves (human beings owned like property) then continued through a systemic suppression of rights and equal justice through things like Jim Crow laws and more lately, by targeted voting laws. All too many either still harbor a false sense of superiority by the luck of the draw being born with white skin, or give their support to leaders who make it clear that is what they believe. Our children should be taught the truth, such as the fact that when our supposed infallible forefathers did not really mean "all men are created equal" - as they did not include blacks or women. Why are some people so scared about teaching our country's almost 250 years of unequal opportunity and the injustices of the law toward blacks in particular (and are trying to redefine the definition of CRT)? Never mind, that was a rhetorical question, as can easily be seen in so many aspects of our current lives.

critical race theory | Definition, Principles, & Facts | Britannica

" based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans."
The basic tenets of Critical Race Theory are 100% correct. Any student of history, not politics, is certainly aware of that.

As with so much the last few years, it is being made a political football, and is terribly distorted as represented by a few posts on this forum. THIS is what makes this devisive, not the teaching itself

"JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A new rule in Florida that will place tougher guidelines on how teachers deliver U.S. history lessons was approved Thursday, which public officials have touted as a way to get critical race theory — a movement that examines the intersections of race, law and equity — out of the classroom.

The Florida Board of Education met Thursday in Jacksonville to discuss the topic that's been strong-arming education news and Gov. Ron DeSantis' talking points for weeks . The monthly meeting lasted four hours and featured a contentious debate with about 30 public speakers that was derailed when people began chanting "allow teachers to teach the truth."

Florida critical race theory ban: Board OKs US history restrictions

It is truly amazing, to me anyway, how we call other nations terrible names, and much of that over the years is how the government covers up truth...YET here we are in the good old USA....telling out schools to lie to our children,

What Is Critical Race Theory, and Why Is It Under Attack?

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Old 06-12-2021, 11:28 AM
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For those who claim they really aren't racist, bigoted or prejudiced against blacks, I challenge you to study the Tulsa Race Riot (which almost no school has ever taught) and come to any other conclusion than the white people of Tulsa were ragingly jealous of Greenwood/Black Wall Street and made sure "they" (blacks) had no chance for the "right to pursue happiness." The same applies to the systemic effort nationwide, to put in new freeways/turnpikes/Etc. through the middle of predominately black neighborhoods - for the main purpose of ensuring that they wouldn't or couldn't prosper.

CNN Films' 'Dreamland: The Burning of Black Wall Street' - CNN Video
Old 06-12-2021, 12:24 PM
manaboutown manaboutown is offline
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Originally Posted by tvbound View Post
It's not a "theory," it's fact.
The fact is that it is Marxist cretinous BS.
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Old 06-12-2021, 12:30 PM
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Originally Posted by manaboutown View Post
The fact is that it is Marxist cretinous BS. is very Marxist and is now against the law to teach in the State of Florida.
Old 06-12-2021, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by drducat View Post is very Marxist and is now against the law to teach in the State of Florida.
Not all that surprising that it's the law down there, given that like some other states, the high number of Florida monuments, plaques, markers on public property as well as schools named after traitorous confederates. Critical Race Theory would educate our children on these facts, which is another reason certain people are petrified of it. The truth and facts can be pretty ugly and eye-opening.
Old 06-12-2021, 01:19 PM
SkBlogW SkBlogW is offline
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Originally Posted by JerryLBell View Post
From what I've read, critical race theory is really two ideas.

The first is that the very idea of race is not based on biology or science of any kind. There's nothing about the physiology of humans that neatly divides humanity into categories like "white", "black", "Asian", etc. The attempts to divide people into these categories were done societally, not scientifically.

The second idea is that American history shows us that governments put in place in the Americas by European settlers were and continue to be racist in nature. To steal land away from the indigenous people, governments put into place laws that made those peoples have fewer or any rights and encouraged the suppression of those peoples. Prior to the industrial revolution, manual labor was vital and slave labor was cheaper than paid labor, so laws were put into place to allow kidnapping, torturing and enslaving peoples from other countries, especially Africa. Laws were put into place over time to exclude Asians. During World War II, people of Japanese heritage were robbed of their properties and imprisoned while people of German heritage were not. Even after the emancipation of enslaved people in America, voting rights were suppressed and continue to be so to this day.

Critical race theory doesn't paint an artificially pretty picture of American history or governance. If you read history deeply, however, it is probably a more accurate picture. Does this divide people? Possibly. Some people are averse to learning unpleasant truths. I've always thought that true patriotism wasn't blindly loving ones country, right or wrong but rather wanting the best for and out of ones country, realizing when ones country was wrong or doing wrong and changing it for the better even if that involves discomfort and hard work.

America isn't perfect and never was. It gets better over time, despite occasional backsliding. I hope it continues to get better and better in the future. Pretending we are and have been perfect won't help us get there.

But that's just my opinion.
Ah yes, the ludicrous myth that native american and native african societies were peaceful and virtuous before those nasty white europeans came along. LOL

Native american tribes raped pillaged and enslaved their neighbors like gangbusters long before whitey came along. Same for native africans, where slavery has been going on long before most European countries existed.

Let's face it, humans can be nasty to each other no matter their color, race, or religion.

White people did not invent slavery and conquest, CRT proponents have not studied history.
Old 06-12-2021, 01:31 PM
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Originally Posted by manaboutown View Post
The fact is that it is Marxist cretinous BS.
"At its root, therefore, CRT rejects Marxist instrumentalism, the “base”/“superstructure” paradigm, and not only rejects class essentialism, but seeks to be anti-essentialist in general. And, in reality, an anti-essentialist Marxism with no “base” or “superstructure” is not much of a Marxism at all, just a long tradition of critical social theory employed by theorists from many different socio-political perspectives."

Is Critical Race Theory Marxist? – Bradly Mason

It appears that many are simply mouthing what they have been told to mouth, and have not at all studied the subjects or the facts inherent.
Old 06-12-2021, 01:34 PM
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Originally Posted by S=kBlogW View Post
Ah yes, the ludicrous myth that native american and native african societies were peaceful and virtuous before those nasty white europeans came along. LOL

Native american tribes raped pillaged and enslaved their neighbors like gangbusters long before whitey came along. Same for native africans, where slavery has been going on long before most European countries existed.

Let's face it, humans can be nasty to each other no matter their color, race, or religion.

White people did not invent slavery and conquest, CRT proponents have not studied history.
Your premise is very flawed and I submit you are on the wrong side of history.

Your examples are so distorted and out of touch with reality, not truth, but reality.......imagining that white people were humble servants visiting a new land.

Even beginning a discussion on real present day discussion of CRT in that vein is a admission of not understanding history in any way.

Children should be taught the truth.....good, bad and indifferent.
Old 06-12-2021, 01:52 PM
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Killers of the Flower Moon - Wikipedia

Check out this book which is being made into a movie.

I would think that Critical Race Theory applies to that set of facts.
Old 06-12-2021, 01:55 PM
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Originally Posted by drducat View Post is very Marxist and is now against the law to teach in the State of Florida.
And in Idaho where my grandchild live. I know people who have moved their families to Idaho from the Seattle area where the schools are a mess.

Idaho Becomes First State To Ban Public Schools From Compelling Students To Adopt Critical Race Theory Discrimination | The Daily Caller

Montana's AG has acted as well! Montana Becomes Latest State to Shoot Down Critical Race Theory in Classrooms
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Last edited by manaboutown; 06-12-2021 at 02:33 PM.
Old 06-12-2021, 01:55 PM
Two Bills Two Bills is offline
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What sucks to me with all this woke and cancel culture and what happened all those years ago, is history being judged by todays more enlightened standards.
I am extremely proud of the UK's history, that a little island like ours built the world biggest empire.
Of course we didn't do it by being nice to the lands that were overcome, but in the context of that time, it was the way it was.
Are we going back to the Mongols, Romans, Viking etc. and demand restitution, and apologies for the pillage, rape, enslavement committed then?
How far back is good enough for the hand wringers and apologists.
Old 06-12-2021, 01:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Two Bills View Post
What sucks to me with all this woke and cancel culture and what happened all those years ago, is history being judged by todays more enlightened standards.
I am extremely proud of the UK's history, that a little island like ours built the world biggest empire.
Of course we didn't do it by being nice to the lands that were overcome, but in the context of that time, it was the way it was.
Are we going back to the Mongols, Romans, Viking etc. and demand restitution, and apologies for the pillage, rape, enslavement committed then?
How far back is good enough for the hand wringers and apologists.
Actually, you are changing the subject as what you refer to has nothing to do with CRT. Not in the slightest.

I would hope that the same posters who warn us all about threads might alert how far off subject you are.
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