Critical Race Theory in schools

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Old 06-13-2021, 12:21 PM
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
There ARE reasons why CRT is "suddenly a big deal". Of course, it should NOT be. As you mentioned, it should just normally ease into schools and society as the US moves FORWARD to improve itself by the exorcism of the skeletons left behind in its History. But, we are at a critical time for the US as we are teetering on a knife's edge between Democracy and Dictatorship. This has created a horrendous social TENSION exacerbated by foreign actors (Russia) that have successfully driven wedges between US citizens - Whites vs Black and Browns - agnostics vs Evangelicals - coastal states vs midwestern states - the haves vs the want-to-have - blue collar vs white collar - vaccinated vs unvaccinated.
And our enemies reap the rewards of this chaos.
Old 06-13-2021, 12:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Topspinmo View Post
No, the didn’t want to hear it, they got what they intended and that was end of it. There has to be cutoff for mailing voting when you have months to vote. You can’t be bring in truck loads of votes during Election Day especially after poles close and the count known. But it’s ok as long as 99% voted with you’re party right.
And if those "truckloads" of votes are legitimate votes of legal voters? You seem to be saying sucks to be them, their votes should not be counted, because of some law. Refusing to count American Citizens votes sure sounds like voter suppression to me.

If those truckloads were from non-citizens (no proof) or covered in Chinese bamboo fibers (no proof) or dead people (no to very little proof) or people voting in multiple elections (no proof). Hmm, there seems to be a trend here. All the things claimed to be done and that laws need to be passed to prevent, and there is NO proof after hundreds of millions of dollars were donated to investigate them.
Old 06-13-2021, 12:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Marykschulz View Post
Critical Race Theory is designed to teach students that not all of America’s past is “pretty”. Germany mandates that their students learn about the Holocaust, ugly parts and all. Why do Americans want to hide the ugly parts of our past?
Nobody has been hiding our history, although there are plenty that wish to hide it or destroy it by renaming, destroying statues, burning the flag, etc. CRT is theory NOT fact. And theory is someone's opinion, NOT fact. How many times do these children need to be told about slavery? How many times is MLK taught to a student throughout his travels from one grade to another. Black history MONTH gives teaching and lecturing for a dedicated month. Explain why a theory that divides is good for children. It's not about teaching history. It's about demeaning both white and children of color. Anyone that thinks that is good for children, either does not have any children or they hate their own lives and wish to make every child miserable. Like I said before, if you want theory, then teach it in a college philosophy course. CRT sounds great to the naive, but is mentally dangerous for ALL children. Like the man said on Drag Net "just the facts ma'am, just the facts."
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Old 06-13-2021, 12:27 PM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
There ARE reasons why CRT is "suddenly a big deal". Of course, it should NOT be. As you mentioned, it should just normally ease into schools and society as the US moves FORWARD to improve itself by the exorcism of the skeletons left behind in its History. But, we are at a critical time for the US as we are teetering on a knife's edge between Democracy and Dictatorship. This has created a horrendous social TENSION exacerbated by foreign actors (Russia) that have successfully driven wedges between US citizens - Whites vs Black and Browns - agnostics vs Evangelicals - coastal states vs midwestern states - the haves vs the want-to-have - blue collar vs white collar - vaccinated vs unvaccinated.
I also feel that the topic is not appropriate for elementary school children. A basic understanding of "why being different is OKAY" is important for them. But once it gets into socio-political studies, it needs to be learned in the higher grades. 11th and 12th grade perhaps.

But it absolutely does need to be presented as a subject to High Schoolers, because SOMEONE has to take an interest in it in college. Politics is a social science. Do we want our country to be led by an idiot who never learned anything about how our country came to exist? Or do we want our country to be led by someone who at the very least - read something about in a Senior Social Studies class?

Personally I'd rather my elected officials be as educated as possible on every subject that affects the citizenry. Telling them they're not ALLOWED to learn certain aspects of history is just shooting ourselves in the foot.

They could even say "hey there's this thing called CRT. Here's what THESE people think about it. Here's what THOSE people think about it. Here's a list of things that define what it IS. Now you can make your own decisions about it because you have learned."

That's really the least that should be expected, and accepted. Knowledge is power. If you want to take power away from people, then take away their knowledge.
Old 06-13-2021, 12:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
And our enemies reap the rewards of this chaos.
Our true enemies are the proponents of CRT which is simply Marxist propaganda camouflaged by using race as leverage. They want to use its false narrative to brainwash our children and tear apart our country, the freest and best country on earth.
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Old 06-13-2021, 12:30 PM
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Anyone prepared to be introspective will see that hiding our history is not a good idea. I am a ‘Brit’ and the first to admit the building of the biggest empire in History was not carried out without a lot of evil actions on our behalf and suffering for many in the British Empire. Knowing this and understanding the suffering of those who were ‘conquered’ is vitally important to becoming an active and sympathetic member of society today.
Old 06-13-2021, 12:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Byte1 View Post
NCRT sounds great to the naive, but is mentally dangerous for ALL children. Like the man said on Drag Net "just the facts ma'am, just the facts."
I assume this is opinion or have you got any examples?
Old 06-13-2021, 12:33 PM
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
Although I don't recall ever being taught about the Tulsa massacre, I do remember being taught in school about the slave trade, the threat of white supremacists, the origins of the KKK AND the perceived origins of the KKK (the actual origins and the perceived origins aren't the same). I don't remember being specifically taught that everything we were learning about was called "systemic racism." That term itself does not spark any memory of high school education. However, we did learn about concepts like racial barriers to advancement, general prejudice and how it can affect culture, etc. etc. And this was back in the 1970's.

So I'm not understanding why all of a sudden this is some big deal that anyone is fighting against. If you didn't learn about this stuff when you were in school, then your school was keeping things from you that you now find uncomfortable.

And when I say "you" I'm referring to whoever it applies to. If it doesn't apply to you, then I'm not referring to you.

I just really hope you don't get upset when you learn that Columbus didn't actually discover America.
It IS a "big deal" because murders are up. The US is adjusting to coming out of a Pandemic and those adjustments are hard - like many businesses have gone bankrupt - workers have had time to take a good look at themselves and their not-so-bright future and are reluctant to RETURN to the same low paying, futureless job that they left. In this environment, people are more polarized and upset, and aggressive than usual. That partially explains WHY Critical Race Theory has BECOME enough of a wedge idea that people are willing to argue and fight about!
Old 06-13-2021, 12:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
And our enemies reap the rewards of this chaos.
Exactly! They do.
Old 06-13-2021, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
Pennsylvania permits no-excuse absentee voting.
It implemented online voter registration system in 2015.
The voter ID law was rejected in 2014, though anyone who shows up at the polling place for the very first time must present an ID. An ID can be a drivers license or passport, or it could even be a current utility bill. It's basically proof of residency, not proof of identification.
Pennsylvania does NOT require proof of citizenship for voter registration.
All PA voters can cast absentee votes, up to 50 days prior to any special, primary, or general election. They can also request to be provided absentee ballots permanently, for each election.
PA also allows early voting.

So really, there's nothing in your post that is correct. I've never lived in Pennsylvania, and I was able to look up this state laws without any effort at all. One would think that someone making a claim about the state they are actually from, would know the information better.
There is a huge difference between absentee ballots and early voting! There are no polling locations you can go to before Election Day! You can go to your local courthouse and request an absentee ballot, I did that if I wasn’t going to be in the state on Election Day, but there were never any polling locations available to vote early. Sorry to burst your robust Google search results…
Old 06-13-2021, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
There ARE reasons why CRT is "suddenly a big deal". Of course, it should NOT be. As you mentioned, it should just normally ease into schools and society as the US moves FORWARD to improve itself by the exorcism of the skeletons left behind in its History. But, we are at a critical time for the US as we are teetering on a knife's edge between Democracy and Dictatorship. This has created a horrendous social TENSION exacerbated by foreign actors (Russia) that have successfully driven wedges between US citizens - Whites vs Black and Browns - agnostics vs Evangelicals - coastal states vs midwestern states - the haves vs the want-to-have - blue collar vs white collar - vaccinated vs unvaccinated.
Disagree with ALL of this post.
Social tension is not the fault of the Russian boogieman. The only wedges between races is politically motivated. There is no tension between agnostics vs Evangelicals, states, haves and have nots and blue collar vs white collar and anywhere else there is no problem between vaccinated vs unvaccinated. This is just local hysteria caused by a certain group of ------- you know.
You can answer by being truthful as to which bunch want to rename everything that is not PC. Who keeps attempting to stir up minorities by reminding them of the past and neglect to mention all the good things that have transpired in the past century. Who keeps telling us that the wealthy are evil and should "share" their wealth? Who is it that disparages Christians consistently? Etc, etc........
And once again, a certain poster attempts to make this subject political so it will be closed.
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Old 06-13-2021, 12:39 PM
mikemalloy mikemalloy is offline
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When I hear about children in our schools being made to say that they are an oppressor if they are white and that they are a victim if they are of color, I think about Germany of the 1930's where the propaganda of the time was that Jews were the oppressors and that non Jews were the victims. Eventually the oppressors were removed for extinction and the victims stood silent.
For years we've been told that stereotyping individuals is wrong as is racial profiling. Yet the same people who were preaching that are now the ones claiming systemic racism and White Privilege.
I'm sorry but I can't accept that tens of thousands of white men were slaughtered at places like Shiloh, Antietam, and Fredericksburg, fighting to end slavery, because they lived in a country that was systemically racist.
Old 06-13-2021, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
It IS a "big deal" because murders are up. The US is adjusting to coming out of a Pandemic and those adjustments are hard - like many businesses have gone bankrupt - workers have had time to take a good look at themselves and their not-so-bright future and are reluctant to RETURN to the same low paying, futureless job that they left. In this environment, people are more polarized and upset, and aggressive than usual. That partially explains WHY Critical Race Theory has BECOME enough of a wedge idea that people are willing to argue and fight about!
CRT is a big nothingburger, pushed by disgruntled and miserable white liberals.
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Old 06-13-2021, 12:45 PM
jimjamuser jimjamuser is offline
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
I also feel that the topic is not appropriate for elementary school children. A basic understanding of "why being different is OKAY" is important for them. But once it gets into socio-political studies, it needs to be learned in the higher grades. 11th and 12th grade perhaps.

But it absolutely does need to be presented as a subject to High Schoolers, because SOMEONE has to take an interest in it in college. Politics is a social science. Do we want our country to be led by an idiot who never learned anything about how our country came to exist? Or do we want our country to be led by someone who at the very least - read something about in a Senior Social Studies class?

Personally I'd rather my elected officials be as educated as possible on every subject that affects the citizenry. Telling them they're not ALLOWED to learn certain aspects of history is just shooting ourselves in the foot.

They could even say "hey there's this thing called CRT. Here's what THESE people think about it. Here's what THOSE people think about it. Here's a list of things that define what it IS. Now you can make your own decisions about it because you have learned."

That's really the least that should be expected, and accepted. Knowledge is power. If you want to take power away from people, then take away their knowledge.
Yes! A FREE PEOPLE should NEVER be afraid of the TRUTH! The fact that some states are afraid shows me that the US is drifting down a heavy current in a river of Propaganda. We live in unstable times, unfortunately. ALL the old hidden problems and skeletons have emerged AFTER a period of CHAOS has highlighted them. It will NOW be hard to put those skeletons BACK in their box.
Old 06-13-2021, 12:53 PM
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
Yes! A FREE PEOPLE should NEVER be afraid of the TRUTH! The fact that some states are afraid shows me that the US is drifting down a heavy current in a river of Propaganda. We live in unstable times, unfortunately. ALL the old hidden problems and skeletons have emerged AFTER a period of CHAOS has highlighted them. It will NOW be hard to put those skeletons BACK in their box.
Truth? According to? I guess I just see all the good that has happened in this country in my lifetime instead of dwelling on all the negative that may have occurred before I was born, and on the negative fears that might happen in the future. I certainly do agree with one part, "propaganda" and that is exactly what this is all about. CRT is a propaganda tool, not worthy of our education system.
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