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Old 11-11-2023, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
In other words, you have absolutely no idea what "woke" means, other than what was shoveled to you by the "alternative facts" machine.

You also have no idea what "defunding the police" means - but again, I refer you to my previous sentence.

The borders aren't open. No one wants open borders. Not anyone. Not even communists. Certainly not "woke" people.

I am "woke." And calling me an idiot doesn't make you right, or put you on a higher rung of the social ladder. But the name calling is just childish, unbecoming of any adult, let alone a self-proclaimed doctor.
Hmmm, admitting one's faults is the first step toward healing. One often accuses others when the blame is usually oneself.
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Old 11-11-2023, 05:29 PM
jimjamuser jimjamuser is offline
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
No one wants open borders. I already said that. You've chosen to not notice.

Defunding the police means expanding the function of the municipality - using money that would normally ONLY go to arresting people and giving out tickets, and adding social workers and crisis control personnel to help decompress potentially violent situations, so they don't become violent - thus reducing the workload of police, and making them be more efficient at doing their own job - without ALSO having to serve as social workers and crisis control personnel.

This was very well explained, for a couple of years, in most media that was not "alternative facts" media. Most people who don't cling to their alternative facts, already know this.

Free tuition is not free, this is also a known thing. There are several candidates (or were, in 2016 and 2020) who want to see a model of education that is favored in MOST other countries, where people tend to be much better educated overall than Americans are. Where secondary school is semi-private, and STATE university-level school becomes free to all citizens. Private schools remain private, and profitable if they choose so - and can charge whatever the market will bear. But state universities and colleges would not cost money to residents of the state. That would be tuition only. If there's living or food expenses, the families would still have to pay for it. Considering the fact that tuition-free state university works in other countries, it isn't a bad idea. The implementation would be a tough thing in this country though, and that's where there's a divide on the concept.

This COUNTRY is a sanctuary COUNTRY. There shouldn't be a need for sanctuary cities at all. Our country was founded and continued to be developed on the concept of welcoming people in who were escaping tyranny, genocide, fascism, and mandated religion. That is the entire point of the United States of America. Anyone who doesn't understand that - is not paying attention or has chosen to pretend otherwise. The concept of a "sanctuary city" is to accommodate those seeking sanctuary (asylum seekers) who, by law, enter this country illegally. That is the lawful process, if you want to flee for your life from your home country, and seek relative safety in the United States. You come in, you get processed, and you get placed. There aren't enough processors, the process is anything but efficient, and some asylum seekers and refugees can wait 10 years or more before they are finally processed and given permission to be here. Meanwhile, they are given temporary work visas where they can work, pay taxes, have social security tax taken out of their paychecks - but they will NEVER be eligible to collect social security paychecks from those deductions. If they are granted citizenship, any paycheck deductions they have from that moment forward, will finally count. But they have no rights to any of the SS deductions while they are here and not citizens.

It's a trade-off. They pay for the privilege of being here, and they don't have to endure their families being beaten daily, kidnapped, sold into slavery, stabbed, raped, their businesses "taxed" 80% by corrupt guerrilla governments, and leaving them with no money for food, clothing.

The term "woke" - has nothing to do with ANY of the above. The term "woke" means "recognizing that the general population of black Americans descend from slavery, and slavery was a really bad thing, no matter who the slave-owner was, no matter how those slaves got to this country, and we're thankful we as a country don't do that anymore."

That's how I'd explain it to a 10-year-old. Hopefully you're mature enough to translate it to adult-speak.

Woke has also been extended to include any injustice, from systemic racism (which is still a thing, just look at gerrymandered districts in many larger cities around this country), to antisemitism (oh freedom of speech means literal actual pin-wearing Nazis can congregate outside a synagogue in Florida shouting "Jews will not replace us!"), to homophobia (yes they're different. No, they're not trying to get into your pants. If it's okay for a guy and a girl to grope each other in public, then it's okay for a girl and a girl to grope each other in public. Sorry this hurts your feelings but you don't get to decide who other people will love. Full stop.).

Woke isn't permissiveness. Woke is acknowledgement and recognition that "other" exists, and "other" are human beings who deserve to be treated like humans.
I agree with 85% of this post. However, I don't believe that all illegal immigrants are fleeing oppression. I think that many just want to be US citizens or be here to make more MONEY. And also why don't they stay in their country of origin and fight oppression there instead of taking the comparatively easy way out and traveling north to the US?
I would NOT shoot illegal aliens, but I would require them to stay PUT in their OWN country and make an application for US citizenship from that location. Those crossing our borders, I personally, would consider INVADERS and I would capture them and put them in a US jail for 5 years and then send them back. That seriousness would lead to real deterrence without killing anyone.
Old 11-11-2023, 05:48 PM
jimjamuser jimjamuser is offline
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
OK, accuse me of cherry picking your post if you want, but.......,.

1) If no one wants open borders, why is our border so porous????? If no one wants open borders, why the resistance to tightening it up?---walls, fences, border patrol. Personally, I would use minefields and machine gun towers, but I doubt you'd agree. And just who is supporting this concept if not "the woke"?

2) When some criminal is trying to invade my home, regardless of his mental health status, I DO NOT WANT A SOCIAL WORKER, I want a SWAT team. And the sooner they put a bullet in his head, the better. I would NOT have a problem with a college criminology student or pre-law being available to ride in a Police squad car. To be a witness both for or against the criminal and how the Police conducted themselves.

3) We are NOT A "SANCTUARY COUNTRY". We are a country of laws (at least we used to be), and while we welcome those that want to emigrate into the US, there is a LEGAL process for doing this, as well as a waiting list. Those that do not follow the process or wade across the Rio Grande are ILLEGAL ALIENS (not migrants, not undocumented---ILLEGAL). By their very presence they have committed a felony against the people of the United States, and should be immediately deported or incarcerated. This "fleeing oppression" nonsense may apply to a few, but not the hoards that cross daily in caravans through Mexico.

4) As far as "Sanctuary Cities" go, they are the ones that I would IMMEDIATELY DEFUND, and by that I mean pull all federal funding, NOT send in a social worker. I would also arrest the mayor and city council of all these cities for violating Federal law. That should end that problem in a hurry.

5) Yes, many African-Americans descend from FORMER slaves, and slavery was indeed "bad" as you put it. The Egyptians enslaving the Israelites was "bad". The Babylonians enslaving the Israelites was "bad". The Romans enslaving just about everyone was "bad" But slavery in the US ended, and I'll even throw you this bone, on June 19th, 1865---158 years ago. It is time to get over it and stop using it as an excuse for every type of "bad" behavior out there.

6) Most human beings deserve to be treated as human, but there are exceptions. Perhaps we should send a social worker to talk to those that cut the heads of babies off in front of their parents.

And finally, I explained the way things are as I would to a 6 year old, hopefullythere are some that can understand it
"A bullet in the head" might be a slight overreaction to a home invasion by unarmed invaders. But, with HUGE numbers of guns floating all around the US, the Police could easily assume that a home intruder was armed.
Old 11-11-2023, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Byte1 View Post
I still don't see how 15 minutes of lawn mowing noise bothers anyone, but even though there are a lot of folks in the Villages on their way "out" we are not in a funeral home where most folks are fairly quiet. I have about 15 minutes of landscaping noise per day in my neighborhood and I hardly notice it. I guess some folks would prefer to have goats eating the long grass instead of a few minutes of "noise." Of course, then there would be complaints of smell. But, then again some folks stray off the subject of the thread too, and that is something we can complain about.
There is scientific evidence that LOUD noises are irritating and therefore fatiguing. Even the military issues ear noise defenders to those in loud jobs. Personally, I use a battery-powered push-electric lawnmower, which is about 30% as LOUD as a gas mower - it is better for me AND my neighbors - less noise, zero pollution, and no fire hazard gasoline storage. Some humans hear better than others. Some humans are turned off by loud noises.
Old 11-11-2023, 09:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Byte1 View Post
I still don't see how 15 minutes of lawn mowing noise bothers anyone, but even though there are a lot of folks in the Villages on their way "out" we are not in a funeral home where most folks are fairly quiet. I have about 15 minutes of landscaping noise per day in my neighborhood and I hardly notice it. I guess some folks would prefer to have goats eating the long grass instead of a few minutes of "noise." Of course, then there would be complaints of smell. But, then again some folks stray off the subject of the thread too, and that is something we can complain about.
The same "people" who complain about the noise also complain about the smell. Claiming they can smell it while in their home...
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Old 11-12-2023, 06:02 AM
Eg_cruz Eg_cruz is offline
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Originally Posted by jimdecastro View Post
If you were told to shop online because you had an issue you would be screaming about the Constitution. Why should my autistic son be FUTHER isolated?
Well put. Some of these comments are beyond selfish
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Old 11-12-2023, 06:08 AM
Eg_cruz Eg_cruz is offline
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
Actually, if people read SUBSEQUENT posts instead of just glancing at the first one, they'd have half a chance of knowing what they are talking about rather than just banging out blither-blather on their keyboards. Or is that too much to ask?
Is it too much to ask, if the OP has changed their view to just update the original post. Wouldn’t that be easier for all.
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Old 11-12-2023, 06:16 AM
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
I agree with 85% of this post. However, I don't believe that all illegal immigrants are fleeing oppression. I think that many just want to be US citizens or be here to make more MONEY. And also why don't they stay in their country of origin and fight oppression there instead of taking the comparatively easy way out and traveling north to the US?
I would NOT shoot illegal aliens, but I would require them to stay PUT in their OWN country and make an application for US citizenship from that location. Those crossing our borders, I personally, would consider INVADERS and I would capture them and put them in a US jail for 5 years and then send them back. That seriousness would lead to real deterrence without killing anyone.
So, basically you want our existing laws enforced?
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Old 11-12-2023, 06:18 AM
mickey100 mickey100 is offline
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
Ah, the sound of a world WITHOUT BLITHER-BLATHER would be a world without sensory OVERLOAD.........I can only dream.........imagine there are no LOUD lawnmowers
............. imagine there are no loud grassblowers to irritate you
.............I wonder if you can
..............no loud golf carts with their governors jacked WAY UP
..............I wonder if you can
...............no LOUD people to tee you off
...............I wonder if you can
...............they say that I am a dreamer
................but, I am NOT the only one
The lawnmower thing, especially leaf blowers, is way out of control. It seems to be constant in our neighborhood. Each neighbor has a different lawn service, and you can hear those leaf blowers one street either side of us, so that is a lot of houses, and a lot of lawn services/mowing. Anyone who is not hearing impaired has got to be annoyed by the constant loud noise. In some retirement communities, leaf blowers are banned. The workers actually have to rake. What a novel concept, lol.
Old 11-12-2023, 06:21 AM
jimbomaybe jimbomaybe is offline
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
OK, accuse me of cherry picking your post if you want, but.......,.

1) If no one wants open borders, why is our border so porous????? If no one wants open borders, why the resistance to tightening it up?---walls, fences, border patrol. Personally, I would use minefields and machine gun towers, but I doubt you'd agree. And just who is supporting this concept if not "the woke"?

2) When some criminal is trying to invade my home, regardless of his mental health status, I DO NOT WANT A SOCIAL WORKER, I want a SWAT team. And the sooner they put a bullet in his head, the better.

3) We are NOT A "SANCTUARY COUNTRY". We are a country of laws (at least we used to be), and while we welcome those that want to emigrate into the US, there is a LEGAL process for doing this, as well as a waiting list. Those that do not follow the process or wade across the Rio Grande are ILLEGAL ALIENS (not migrants, not undocumented---ILLEGAL). By their very presence they have committed a felony against the people of the United States, and should be immediately deported or incarcerated. This "fleeing oppression" nonsense may apply to a few, but not the hoards that cross daily in caravans through Mexico.

4) As far as "Sanctuary Cities" go, they are the ones that I would IMMEDIATELY DEFUND, and by that I mean pull all federal funding, NOT send in a social worker. I would also arrest the mayor and city council of all these cities for violating Federal law. That should end that problem in a hurry.

5) Yes, many African-Americans descend from FORMER slaves, and slavery was indeed "bad" as you put it. The Egyptians enslaving the Israelites was "bad". The Babylonians enslaving the Israelites was "bad". The Romans enslaving just about everyone was "bad" But slavery in the US ended, and I'll even throw you this bone, on June 19th, 1865---158 years ago. It is time to get over it and stop using it as an excuse for every type of "bad" behavior out there.

6) Most human beings deserve to be treated as human, but there are exceptions. Perhaps we should send a social worker to talk to those that cut the heads of babies off in front of their parents.

And finally, I explained the way things are as I would to a 6 year old, hopefullythere are some that can understand it
Unless the 6 year old can only see , respond and process their thoughts through their own fear and anxiety
Old 11-12-2023, 06:55 AM
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
You are probably correct. But I look at this as a "teaching moment" so I can point out what happens when people don't read the entire post.
So glad we have you here to “teach us” ……please
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Old 11-12-2023, 06:59 AM
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
Maybe I'm confused as to what "woke" means as well, beyond the dictionary definition.

To my understanding, and any of the "woke" folks out there can correct this if wrong, the "woke movement" stands for:

Open borders
Sanctuary cities
Defunding the police
"Free" college tuition
Student loan forgiveness
Spending $130 trillion to combat "climate change"
Ending all fossil fuels

Or, in other words, the total destruction of the America I love
Wow I finally agree with you 🤣😂🤣😂
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Old 11-12-2023, 06:59 AM
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
so-called "wussification" of America. Today Walmart announced that starting Friday they will have "sensory friendly" hours from 8-10 AM when the lights will be lower, the radio off and the TV screens set to a static image. Are they kidding???? What individual or group made this complaint and why in the world would Walmart even give a second thought to listening to them, much less enacting such an idiotic policy.

Let's hope we never get into a real war. I can see it now: "Sargeant, would you please tell the enemy to cut it out---their bombs are too bright and too noisy. Also, you failed to designate which foxholes are free speech zones." We are in trouble.
Couldn't care less. Can't imagine why anyone would get bent out of shape unless you go there to watch TV in the morning.
Old 11-12-2023, 07:07 AM
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
In other words, you have absolutely no idea what "woke" means, other than what was shoveled to you by the "alternative facts" machine.

You also have no idea what "defunding the police" means - but again, I refer you to my previous sentence.

The borders aren't open. No one wants open borders. Not anyone. Not even communists. Certainly not "woke" people.

I am "woke." And calling me an idiot doesn't make you right, or put you on a higher rung of the social ladder. But the name calling is just childish, unbecoming of any adult, let alone a self-proclaimed doctor.
Our borders are not open?
The big cities that defunded their law enforcement agencies not not hurting NOW?
Talk about needing to change where one gets their information from

I do think it would be entertaining to watch a debate (all subjects welcomed) with Orange Blossom Baby and Golfing Eagles on the town square
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Old 11-12-2023, 10:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Eg_cruz View Post
Wow I finally agree with you 🤣😂🤣😂
See what happens when you read the thread?
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