Vision issue

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Old 08-04-2023, 08:09 AM
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Default Great suggestions!

Originally Posted by NoMo50 View Post
Decreasing visual acuity is quite common for those of us at a "certain age." I would hope that folks in your group would be understanding, and help you spot your shots.

That said, there are a few things that may provide some level of help. On cloudy or overcast days, a yellow or orange ball might help. They tend to stand out better against a white sky. On sunny, blue sky days, a white ball works well for me. My wife loves to play with those pink or red balls. I can't see those things under any conditions!

Another thing to try would be glasses with yellow lenses...think shooting glasses. Yellow lenses filter out blue UV light, and enhance depth perception. They also increase contrast, and make focusing a little easier.

If you already wear corrective lenses, and they are progressives, consider getting a pair of single vision glasses for golfing. Most people I know who have done this went with a distance prescription, and found them to be just the ticket for golf.

Last tip: Buy cheap balls. If you're going to lose them anyway, no sense playing with Pro V1's!
Lots of excellent suggestions in there. Have not tried the yellow lens option, but shall order some to test forthwith.

Had concluded that the greenish-yellow balls worked best for me, but maybe I should take another look at the white ones for sunny days, testing with various shades of amber/yellow lenses. Am now recalling that the white painted wall at one end of the condo tennis court made it extremely difficult for me to pick up even the "not too far away", similarly-colored tennis ball. Hmmm. Don't come across many white tennis balls these days. :-) The sample size for my wife's pink balls that gain both enough altitude and distance for testing is on the small side. :-)

Tried the progressives on the golf course about 35 years ago and that was an immediate "no-go".

As for cheap golf balls, I might be described as "Scottish". On a first name basis with the "found golf balls" type sites. However, much as it pains me, I *do* find myself springing for their "freshly found" ProV1's - and they come in greenish-yellow. Watching nice, high, spinny wedge shots bounce unpredictably far on the MickeyLee forced me into the compromise. Guess balata is a thing of the past, eh? However, in researching the proper spelling, I *now* know what "ballata" is - but don't care. :-)
Old 08-04-2023, 08:43 AM
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Default Love it!

Originally Posted by Kathyo View Post
I have a similar sight Issue and have no problem in asking my fellow golfers to watch my ball and indicate where it lands. However, I have little use for golf but do like the English language. Congratulations on correcting your sentence that ended with a preposition. You stand alone in that respect. Being retired with nothing else to do I like analyzing replies and in your case it's confusing. I realized that it matters little, but I find it interesting that your handle indicates possibly an Englishman (bloke) and yet your final sentence ends with an 'eh?' which might indicate Canadian. I know, too much time.
Also a *huge* fan of the English language, but also a confirmed absurdist. My "correction" was more of an indicator of my awareness of you prepositionists out there. :-) I'll bet you're even aware of Churchill's famous jab at such a "rule". (Have now learnt {British usage} that his name has only two H's).

Such confusion is *precisely* my intent, though not via my "blok" (bloke?) handle. Bell South merely limited me to eight letters way back when, so had to shorten my usual "mental block" moniker somehow. This has led to near total misunderstanding of intent, though a couple of dentists here and there have managed to still pick up on the double entendre. :-)

Both British and Canadian figures of speech are sources of pleasure for me, as are all accents. My buddy from Alberta sez "gradge" rather than "garage". I also enjoy mixing my "mountain" heritage's colloquialisms with more "educated" jargon. Seems to help keep folks off balance. Also find little inhibition with word coinage. :-) Hard even for *me* to hear my uneducated sounding accent, though. :-) Love hearing and trying to figure out others' accents' origins. But, I *can* do "lie and lay" and can work "affect" and "effect" each as both a noun and a verb. :-) Mind boggling how many scientists can't seem to get even the verbs right.

Always happy to be corrected. Would *hate* to remain unnecessarily ignorant.
Old 08-04-2023, 08:43 AM
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Originally Posted by NoMo50 View Post
Decreasing visual acuity is quite common for those of us at a "certain age." I would hope that folks in your group would be understanding, and help you spot your shots.

That said, there are a few things that may provide some level of help. On cloudy or overcast days, a yellow or orange ball might help. They tend to stand out better against a white sky. On sunny, blue sky days, a white ball works well for me. My wife loves to play with those pink or red balls. I can't see those things under any conditions!

Another thing to try would be glasses with yellow lenses...think shooting glasses. Yellow lenses filter out blue UV light, and enhance depth perception. They also increase contrast, and make focusing a little easier.

If you already wear corrective lenses, and they are progressives, consider getting a pair of single vision glasses for golfing. Most people I know who have done this went with a distance prescription, and found them to be just the ticket for golf.

Last tip: Buy cheap balls. If you're going to lose them anyway, no sense playing with Pro V1's!

Good points here. Darker colored balls show up as a black spot against a grey overcast sky. When orange balls were first introduced in the 1970's, this was one of their selling points. With all the colors available today, you can optimize visibility for the sky conditions. I do play with progressive lenses now. Difficult for several rounds, until your eyes find the right spot on the lens during the swing. Stick with it and they will work wonderfully. Mine have transitions darkening, and I think that helps as well.
Old 08-04-2023, 10:59 AM
Carole clausen Carole clausen is offline
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My husband has severe vision problems and no matter who he plays with they always watch for his ball. Just tell them in the beginning you need help spotting the ball. Lots of friendly golfers out there.
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