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Old 09-27-2010, 09:58 AM
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Originally Posted by jannd228 View Post
Done and I emailed the link to 1100 dance teacher friends I have on Facebook with your story asking them to join also, I hope that was okay to do

this is the facebook group link:!/...6165612&ref=ts
Thank you, Jann, and everyone who have joined Meghan's Mountain's Facebook page; and Jann, your idea of forwarding this to your list as well is, well, wonderful; needless to say, you have me, who am already an emotional basketcase, in tears.

Some of you have asked in your messages on Meghan's Mountain's Facebook page if you can donate to it, which is a nonprofit charitable foundation; and while that was not my intention in my original post, I am of course glad for any sources that go to her cause, as I've seen the joy she brings to others through it. [It is wonderful and humbling to be in awe of your child's accomplishments. I think that it is not just what we do in shaping our children that is why they turn out the way they do; but that they come to us as already amazing creations, and we are just given the honor of raising and caring for them].

I know that on the 'info' (or similar name) link of the 'I Support Meghan's Mountain' Facebook page there is an address where donations can be sent; and there may be info on making donations on her foundation's website, . It is an IRS-approved nonprofit organization. (Her father, Jerry Steinberg, is a retired attorney and has devoted the bulk of his retirement time to helping Meghan with her foundation; he helps with the administrative side of the foundation, and if you want to call him his phone # is 502-468-0630).

But, again, thanks so much just for your 'joining'. When Meghan wakes up enough from her grogginess, she will be so happily surprised and touched just to have met her 1000 mark, and as she watches the numbers grow.
Freeda Louthan
Lexington KY 1951-1972, Louisville KY 1972-2007
The Villages FL since 2007 - Home for good, at last

Measure your wealth not by the things that you have, but by the things you have for which you wouldn't take money.
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Old 09-27-2010, 05:26 PM
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Jerry posted this yesterday on Facebook. I've already got my card made out and just waiting to get a stamp... We should all send cards and indicate that we are from TOTV, wouldn't that be nice.???

Here's Jerry's post:

Jerry Steinberg September 26 at 5:55pm ReplyReport
I hereby declare the week of Sept. 27th 'PAINT MEGHAN'S HOSPITAL WALLS WITH CARDS OF LOVE'. Send to
Sarah Meghan Steinberg
c/o Baptist Hospital East
Park Tower, Room P 392
4000 Kresge Way
Louisville, Kentucky 40207
I don't care what Meghan says about what she does not need, it is time for all of us to shower her with a little special love to brighten the hospital room !!! Jerry

Bronx ♫ Los Angeles ♫ Hadley, Sept. 08 and then the beautiful village of Mallory Square 2014

A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked."

(For those who know me) I consider ON TIME to be when I get there.....
Old 09-27-2010, 07:44 PM
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#1034 I believe.

Prayers and thoughts are with you and your daughter.
Old 09-27-2010, 07:53 PM
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Your Meghan is quite a young woman. She has created a website that showcases her love and concern for other individuals fighting cancer; and, in addition to that, raised a lot of money for others fighting leukemia and other blood cancers. Meghan has given of herself her time, her prayers, and concern to others when she could have been hanging out at the mall or doing others things not connected to other cancer patients. What a girl! What a heroine! I was very happy to go to Facebook and sign on as a member for Meghan. I know you are very proud of her. She will be in my prayers.
New Jersey, Washington State, Pennsylvania, Florida
Old 09-27-2010, 10:00 PM
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# 1036..Prayer is a powerful thing...
Old 09-28-2010, 08:29 PM
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Thanks to all of you for your kindness to Meghan; she had such a surprised look of delight today when she realized how much her Facebook numbers had gone up over the past few days.

There is something very tender about all of you, to take the time to reach out in kindness to a young woman you don't know just to provide some needed shoring up and comfort, and I wanted you to know how appreciated it is and that it is working. I think it's part of what is special about the people who are attracted to The Villages and the sense of community not only among us, but also caring about others.
Freeda Louthan
Lexington KY 1951-1972, Louisville KY 1972-2007
The Villages FL since 2007 - Home for good, at last

Measure your wealth not by the things that you have, but by the things you have for which you wouldn't take money.
The world needs dreamers; the world needs 'do'-ers. But most of all, the world needs dreamers who are do-ers.

Last edited by Freeda; 09-28-2010 at 08:31 PM.
Old 10-23-2010, 07:25 AM
bkcunningham1 bkcunningham1 is offline
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Freeda, I saw on Meghan's Facebook where she got to go home. I know it isn't over yet. You are in my prayers and in my heart. I hope you know you have people behind you pushing and holding you up as you guys keep climbing that mountain. Your friend, B.K. Cunningham
Old 10-23-2010, 07:54 AM
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Hope Meghan is feeling better. Positive, warm, and caring thoughts are with you and your family Freeda.
Old 11-01-2010, 02:16 PM
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Just went to Facebook and joined. Member 1101. Our prayers are with her.
Old 11-03-2010, 10:00 PM
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Hi all ..just wanted to share an email updating Meghans climb Wednesday, November 3, 2010


First and most importantly, a special thank you to all those that sent
emails, cards, gifts and prayers. Each one touched Meghan in a very special
way and gave her strength. Because of what Meghan is going through I hope
you will accept this as a personal thank you...I know it is now impossible
for her to send thank you's. Know that each of you are in her heart.
Meghan is now home and resting. The chemo and tests have truly worn her
out. While she does get out occasionally she has spent the vast majority
of the time sleeping or resting. But she is home.
Before we left the hospital we had three important tests, an MRI,
spinal tap and full body scan. I am happy to report that there are no signs of
additional tumors and that her tumor and spinal fluids are now free of
leukemic cells...Meghan is in remission.
We go back for another spinal tap on November 11 to make sure the cells
are still not present and to inject some more chemo into the spinal fluid
to give her added protection. While the leukemic cells in the tumor or
"dead" they may elect to radiate the tumor to get rid of it once and for all.
If the tests show Meghan is still in remission our oncologist and
Seattle will tell us what plan B will be. We do know that at some point we will
be flying to Seattle to talk with the doctor's on what alternatives we have
to "kick Leuky out " of Meghan's system once and for all.
Meghan has asked some of her advisory board members to meet with the
organizations that will be beneficiaries of your generosity at our fundraiser.
They will come up with ideas for Meghan's consideration for direct patient
care. While I strongly suggested that we put our foundation on hold till
Meghan has completed all of her treatments, Meghan said , "my brothers and
sisters cannot wait for me to reach my mountaintop....we must never stop
lighting there's". So I or Meghan will keep you up to date on our donations.
Finally, Meghan has asked that I mention the loss of her Aunt Sue
Morris to cancer. A wonderful, loving lady who devoted her entire life to her
children and grandchildren. She was one hell of a fighter who never gave up
until the end. She will always remain in our hearts and will be one more
reason why we must never stop lighting mountains. We also ask that you
continue to keep Josh Sweitzer in your prayers as he climbs his mountain against
For our Meghan, for all those who seek but one without
cancer..let us together never stop lighting mountains.
God bless and we will keep you up to date on Meghan's progress.
Old 11-03-2010, 10:31 PM
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Thank you for the update, she and the others mentioned are in my prayers.
Old 11-04-2010, 06:35 AM
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Good news indeed. A wonderful way to start our mornings. Hope Meghan continues with her remission and enjoys continued good health. Prayers for you and the rest of your family as well, this is a hard road for all of you.
Old 11-04-2010, 09:49 AM
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We just became proud member #1107 of Meghan's Mountain. All the Villager's support that we send will hopefully add to your strength as you all fight this terrible disease.
God Bless
Skip 2 & Sue
Old 11-05-2010, 06:09 PM
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Wow, you all have taken my breath away. I have been away from TOTV for most of the past few weeks, due to my daughter Meghan Steinberg's (28 years old, of Louisville, KY) continued treatment. I just got on here and saw the recent messages, above, about Meghan; and realizing how kind and compassionate you all are to keep thinking of my daughter, Meghan, even when I'd been away from TOTV, well, it has me in tears and overwhelmed, so grateful for your caring spirits. I have no doubt that the well wishes you sent played a role. I think that I temporarily have a bit of something like 'post-traumatic stress syndrome' from this ordeal, and the exhaustion of 'hospital living', over the past few months, so tears seem to come easily right now.

Meghan went home from the hospital on October 18, after having extensive chemotherapy. I will never forget one of the nights when she was in some of the worse recovery phase from the chemo, I had just seen, too much, her suffering with headache and throat pain (from severe sores in her throat caused by the chemo) and nausea, and as I laid with her in her hospital bed massaging her head, just trying to provide a little comfort, watching the nurse instill yet more medications for pain and nausea, and looking at Meghan's twisted little suffering face, I just could not stop the tears, it was all so sad and seemed so unfair. The nurse came over to me after Meghan was again sedated, and hugged me tight, and said, "I know it is so hard to see this; but she is going to get better. You just have to keep thinking of that." Thank dear G_d for compassionate nurses.

Meghan returned for outpatient MRI's and lumbar punctures, to find out whether the chemo had killed the leukemic cells that were in a 'cluster' in one of her spinal nerves and that were in her spinal fluid. We were all on pins and needles for the next few days to hear the results at her next visit to her oncologist. One of those nights before the office visit, I had the dream that I had had repeatedly in 2005, when Meghan had her original battle with leukemia. In my dream, she was in the mouth of a lion, and I was running up to it to try to free her, and then I would wake up. I knew that this office visit would be one of those potentially life-changing 'crucial conversations', and more than anything else, I just dreaded the thought of having to to see Meghan 'bear up', bite her lip, and have to 'be strong' yet one more time; I just didn't want her to have to hear, and find the courage to deal with, any more bad news. So much was on the line. When Dr. Kommor walked in, he looked at us all and with a twinkle, and a tear, in his eyes, said, "Let me just say from the start, this is all good news." All of the tests showed only dead cancer cells, and no additional areas of cancer. And in that one sentence he relieved her dad and me from the worst fear a parent can have. Meghan will have a little more treatment, as a precaution against any more recurrence, but she is in complete remission, again, and the hope is that it is for life.

Parents, love your kids every day, and hug them every chance you get. I am so, soooo blessed; I know that there are so many parents who would give anything to be in my place. I hate hate hate cancer. Do everything you can to maintain your and your family's health, and to lessen the risk of having to deal with this beast of a disease.

The gift I have received from Meghan's illness, beginning in 2005, is that my priorities in life got crystal clear, very quickly. I just decided that every day that my loved ones were here on this earth, it was going to be a great day, no matter what else was going on. So many things that I had allowed to concern me in the past became unimportant; and now I am happier and live with gratitude every day.

Please accept the thanks from a grateful mother to you who reached out in kindness to my Meghan with your love and strength; you each made a difference to her, and to me.
Thanks for caring about this young woman, whom you have never even met in person, although I think you probably feel that you know her spirit. Thanks for caring enough to spend some of your time to send your thoughts, prayers, and energy; and to help, to my way of thinking, save a life. You have blown me away, again, dear TOTV friends.
Freeda Louthan
Lexington KY 1951-1972, Louisville KY 1972-2007
The Villages FL since 2007 - Home for good, at last

Measure your wealth not by the things that you have, but by the things you have for which you wouldn't take money.
The world needs dreamers; the world needs 'do'-ers. But most of all, the world needs dreamers who are do-ers.
Old 11-05-2010, 06:51 PM
bkcunningham1 bkcunningham1 is offline
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Now you have me crying...but happy tears. Your words are beautiful and have really touched my heart Freeda. Get yourself some rest.
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