"How nice...."

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Old 05-30-2008, 01:02 AM
Sidney Lanier Sidney Lanier is offline
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Default "How nice...."

I don't do Southern very well, so bear with me. I think this story should circulate on the Internet, more important for sure than which gas to patronize and which gas not to patronize! And here goes (with apologies to all Southern ladies...):


Three Southern ladies are sitting on the veranda of one of their homes enjoying a cold drink and chatting about their husbands.

The first says, "Mah husband is soooo nahss, he went out and bought me this 5 caret dahmond fo' our anniversary, and ah didn't even have to remind him that it was our anniversary!"

To which the third replies, "That's jes' lovely! How fortunate y'are to have such a great man! But lemme tell you what my husband did fo' our anniversary. He knows how much ah love bein' out on the water, and he surprised me with a go'geous houseboat where we pass our weekends!"

The first then says, "Oh mah, that's jes' grand. What a lucky woman yo' are!"

One of the women then turned to the quiet woman sitting in the middle and asks, "Well, what's yo' husband done fo' you?"

To which she replies, "Mah husband sent me to chahrm school...."

"Chahrm school," exclaimed the other woman. "Whatever fo'?"

"Well," she answered, "in the past when I'd heah woman talkin' like you both are, I'd say, 'I don't give a flying f:edit:. But now I say 'How nahss, how vehry vehry nahss...."
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