The Importance of Punctuation and Grammar Could Be Life or Death!

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Old 06-30-2019, 08:37 PM
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Originally Posted by biker1 View Post
I learned from my professional life that people who are sloppy with their grammar, punctuation, and spelling are usually sloppy with other aspects of their work.
I frequently heard this from individuals who offered no meaningful value to the review of documents. Comments along the line. of 'change puppy to small dog'. This when the documents dealt with flood mitigation or something completely unrelated to canines.
Old 06-30-2019, 08:41 PM
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I'm guessing that most people have failed to realize that this thread is in the "Just for Fun" forum. Is this failure to pay attention as bad as a grammatical error?
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Old 06-30-2019, 09:14 PM
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We all do our best. I make an occasional mistake like daily because I am rushed or distracted. People have other physical and mental shortcoming that prevent them from being perfect. To point it out is a crime. IMHO.

Each day when I left work my desk was spotless. Paperwork put in the proper place and the desk wiped down. I rarely had to type a disciplinary letter to an employee or proposal to a customer. We had a staff who took care of those things and each manager had to Proofread the letter before it went to its destination. I swear it's true but I was the go to guy for ideas, words, concepts to make a letter valuable instead of just a run of the mill letter. My boss on the other hand was a Hoarder and I don't know that there was actually a desk under all the junk. He claimed to be a genius and as long as he was paying I was going along for the ride. He couldn't spell to save his hide. I never made him feel bad or revealed it to anybody. Why would I, we were a team. He helped me to be a better Manager and treated me well for a long time. We worked on things together.

I have found a tool on the computer that is free and invaluable and it's called Grammarly. I also use a Old School Dictionary, Online Dictionary and Online Urban Dictionary. I was called out for misspelling the word They. I typed The. One letter off and the meaning of the sentence couldn't be misunderstood by a Grandchild.

I understand where Biker 1 is coming from with the Liability statement but I also think it depends on what your job is or was. For me, I was working either at a Quarry, Concrete Manufacturer, Cement Supplier or Masonry Supplies Business. A spelling mistake does make you think the person you received it from is about as stable as Jello but to point it out makes you look like you play Handball Against The Curb! Small.

We had one other Boss. He never wrote a letter in his life, everything was verbal and only to one person and never wore a watch because he had someone with him who wore a watch. Pretty Cool!

Some of the slips of a letter are funny as hell, BK has pointed out several that are fantastically funny. People and how you treat others and how you live are what really count to me. If you see things differently thats cool with me. To Each Their Own! Having a good laugh and not busting people seem to be more fun to me then being critical.

Last edited by Nucky; 07-15-2019 at 08:03 AM.
Old 06-30-2019, 09:44 PM
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You clearly don't understand the difference between making arbitrary changes and writing well. You might have dealt with people who like to make arbitrary changes but that is not my point. Poor writing was unacceptable where I worked. It would reflect poorly on the organization if it was seen by clients.

Originally Posted by Toymeister View Post
I frequently heard this from individuals who offered no meaningful value to the review of documents. Comments along the line. of 'change puppy to small dog'. This when the documents dealt with flood mitigation or something completely unrelated to canines.
Old 06-30-2019, 09:55 PM
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This thread is in Just for Fun. The topic is how punctuation changes or errors can completely change the meaning of a phrase or sentence. It is not about the value of correct punctuation or grammar. If you wish to start a thread about that topic, please feel free to do so. Further off topic posts will be removed.

Old 06-30-2019, 11:34 PM
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Yes, a comma was the case of life or death. Empress Maria Feodorovna, historically saved a man’s life by changing a comma. When she took the comma out of the Tzar’s orders it meant the man must be pardoned. With the comma in (as the Tzar intended) the order meant that pardoning the man was impossible, he must be executed. Tzars ruled by divine privilege, they were accountable to no one.

‘A woman, without her man, is nothing.’ The females in the class wrote: ‘A woman: without her, man is nothing.’ Punctuation can be powerful.

Last edited by Velvet; 06-30-2019 at 11:43 PM.
Old 07-01-2019, 12:33 PM
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Old 07-01-2019, 02:10 PM
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The average North American consumes more than 400 Africans.
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Old 07-01-2019, 09:38 PM
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If I may seque just a little within this topic of how the way we use our language can be delightfully funny, I would like to throw in one of my favorites, the malapropism — mixing up words that sound close but have completely different meanings.

Example: I went to a home decor and remodeling show where lots of vendors were hawking their various wares from rented booths. One booth was selling mattresses.

They had a big professionally printed sign extolling all the wonderful ways in which sleeping on their adjustable mattress could improve health and comfort. It was a long list of how whatever was ailing you would miraculously get better.

My favorite was that the mattress would help someone who had a “hiatus” hernia. (I thought, “”Wow! That must have been some leave, vacation, sabbatical, break — maybe too much salsa dancing? Weight lifting camp?” Made me wonder.)

Mrs. Malaprop was a character in a play. She mixed up words in a funny way.

Last edited by Boomer; 07-01-2019 at 09:53 PM.
Old 07-01-2019, 10:03 PM
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Okay. A malapropism appropriate for this thread...

Good punctuation means not to be late.
Old 07-02-2019, 11:30 AM
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A great malapropism (from my friend): We had a neighbor who was also a house painter. I asked him to come in and look at painting the family room.

We discussed what needed doing and he asked me for my color preference. Not being gifted in the color department, I told him so and asked him to recommend his choice. "No, no," he insisted, "the choice must be yours." "But Ashley," I insisted, "I really am not good at this and I don’t want to choose because I’ll probably get it wrong." "Now, now," he replied, "I don’t want to hear any of that self-defecation." And so it has been, ever since.
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Old 07-02-2019, 11:34 AM
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Originally Posted by CFrance View Post
A great malapropism (from my friend): We had a neighbor who was also a house painter. I asked him to come in and look at painting the family room.

We discussed what needed doing and he asked me for my color preference. Not being gifted in the color department, I told him so and asked him to recommend his choice. "No, no," he insisted, "the choice must be yours." "But Ashley," I insisted, "I really am not good at this and I don’t want to choose because I’ll probably get it wrong." "Now, now," he replied, "I don’t want to hear any of that self-defecation." And so it has been, ever since.

That's a good one!
A great attitude is a choice, not a disposition
Old 07-08-2019, 09:27 AM
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Yes, except Eats gets its point across with humor.
Old 07-15-2019, 07:50 AM
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Because of all the complaints about Alexia listening in on conversations they
have come out with a male version.
It doesn't listen to ANYTHING!
Old 07-15-2019, 08:11 AM
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Originally Posted by CFrance View Post
A great malapropism (from my friend): We had a neighbor who was also a house painter. I asked him to come in and look at painting the family room.

We discussed what needed doing and he asked me for my color preference. Not being gifted in the color department, I told him so and asked him to recommend his choice. "No, no," he insisted, "the choice must be yours." "But Ashley," I insisted, "I really am not good at this and I don’t want to choose because I’ll probably get it wrong." "Now, now," he replied, "I don’t want to hear any of that self-defecation." And so it has been, ever since.
I would not have it any other way.
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