4th covid shot for immune compromised?

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Old 03-05-2022, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by JMintzer View Post
That's the point NOW...

Initially, we were told that it would prevent infection... Yet here we are...
I'm looking for that video of Dr. Fauci's interview and came across this post of yours. THIS is what we were NOT told would happen 100% of the time. The efficacy of the vaccines are not and were not at the time, 100%. THIS is the point I'm trying to make.

Back to locating your post with Dr. Fauci's interview...............
Old 03-05-2022, 07:32 AM
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Originally Posted by JMintzer View Post
Then your memory is faulty. The POTUS told us exactly that. Faucci told us exactly that. Maddow told us exactly that...

I believe her words were, "If you get the vaccine, the virus stops. You cannot catch it and you cannot spread it..."
Here is your post telling me "my memory is faulty". I'm still looking for that Dr. Fauci interview..............
Old 03-05-2022, 07:33 AM
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Originally Posted by MDLNB View Post
We WERE told that if we were vaccinated, we would not be able to pass on the virus to others. Just saying.
We were also told the vaccine was about 95% effective. I put those together in my head and came up with the idea that the vaccine helped prevent infection which helps prevent passing it along and helps prevent becoming sick but that it was not a 100% guarantee.

Perhaps omicron drove that 95% number somewhere lower but it is still greater than 0. The vaccine helps all around and really helps prevent serious illness and death but it is not a guarantee.
Why do people insist on making claims without looking them up first, do they really think no one will check? Proof by emphatic assertion rarely works.
Confirmation bias is real; I can find any number of articles that say so.

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Old 03-05-2022, 08:10 AM
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My take on what Fauci, the CDC, D.C., etc. says regarding the vaccination (currently) is that once vaccinated, you have a better chance of not being hospitalized and/or dying from Covid. It does not say (currently) that it will prevent you from being infected with the virus or that you cannot transmit the virus to others.
Mayo says that 81% of the fatalities from Covid have been ages 65 and over.
My opinion is that if it is true that the vaccination might/might prevent you from dying from covid, what is stopping you from obtaining the vaccination? The cost? It costs nothing. On the other hand, if you have had the virus and have had mild symptoms, maybe you do not feel that a booster is necessary.
Many folks realize that thousands die of the flu every year, yet do not get vaccinated because they either have never had the flu (me) or because they have survived the flu. Not saying that is a prudent mindset, just saying.
Maybe some of us are less prone to infections purely by the fact that we are conscious of germs and take proper precautions? Whenever, I shop and offered a wipe at the door, I use it to wipe the shopping basket and my hands. It's just habit. When overseas, we used a whole lot of hand sanitizer and washed our hands religiously. Just habit.
I don't know if arguing over boosters and masks is going to convince anyone, since most of this is new (other than vaccinations and boosters) mandates being pretty new to many. This is the first time, in my lifetime that folks even thought about wearing masks outside of a medical facility. Other than in Japan, where many folks wear them in the big cities.
My opinion is that if you feel safer with multiple boosters, go for it. If you are over 65yo why worry about any possible long term effects from the vaccination? And if it gives you peace and less stress, that in itself may give you more time on this side of the dirt. I do take exception to those that wish to FORCE others to vaccinate or those that demean those that wish to stay current with their boosters. Regardless of what I think of this whole debacle, I have no intention of coercing folks either way.
A fourth shot? A second booster? Heck, I've had the dreaded covid before I had the chance of getting the first booster. Life goes on, or not. You cannot prevent death, only delay it. Good luck and I sincerely hope that the boosters bring you the security feeling you are seeking.
A fourth shot? Wow! Still wish we knew the truth of where it all started. Ft. Detrick? Hmm, wonder if Fauci will ever tell us. Probably be a best kept secret similar to the Kennedy assassination.
Old 03-05-2022, 08:16 AM
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Originally Posted by JMintzer View Post
We were told, initially, that if got vaccinated you had a 90-95% chance of NOT GETTING Covid... And yes, I understand that there is always a chance, just like with the annual flu shot...

That came much later. Well after they found out the vaccine wasn't nearly as effective as initially advertised...

Irrelevant to the conversation...

And just to jog your memory, here's Fauci saying exactly what I said he did...

Found it! Dr. Fauci was a man who was extremely optimistic about the vaccines and I can hear it in his voice. But........no where in that interview did he ever say if you are vaccinated, you will not get Covid. THAT is what we are debating here.

There are millions of Americans who feel they were "duped" because these vaccines did not perform as they were told they would. That is just hogwash. We were always informed that these vaccines will not completely stop the virus (hence the efficacy numbers). ONLY STERILIZING IMMUNITY VACCINES have the ability to stop a virus in its tracks and prevent replification. I posted a couple of articles about that in this very thread. The mRNA vaccines were not developed as "sterilizing immunity vaccines".

I can not make my point any clearer. If you still disagree with my POV, I respectfully agree to disagree with you.
Old 03-05-2022, 08:21 AM
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Originally Posted by JMintzer View Post
"You CAN NOT be serious! ROTFLMAO."
So nice to see we have some happy people on this thread, including me. LOL.
Old 03-05-2022, 08:23 AM
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Originally Posted by MDLNB View Post
We WERE told that if we were vaccinated, we would not be able to pass on the virus to others. Just saying.
Yes, I do recall that narrative. That is when I took off my mask when in public because I no longer needed to protect others. That was a very happy day.
Old 03-05-2022, 08:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Taurus510 View Post
Certainly nothing I can watch on the boob tube, and yes, that includes FOX. But certainly, and without doubt, in no way, not in this lifetime or the next 10,000 lifetimes would I ever consider mainstream media or the BBC to be anything even closely resembling anything other than poorly written political commentary. But I can promise you, that if I did think that the MSM and/or the BBC were a good place to get unbiased news, I most certainly would NOT be blasting that fact for the public to see. I couldn’t live with the embarrassment.

But that’s just me.
Thank you for your honest reply. I know many people here in The Villages consider MSM to relay only "fake news" but I listen to both sides and can easily figure out what is bogus and what is not.

When an earth shattering event occurs and one network does not report it, there is reason for pause. When all others ARE reporting it, then you know what is accurate and what is not.

As an aside........you don't think the BBC is not unbiased? I always thought they were the most accurate and unbiased.
Old 03-05-2022, 08:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Bill14564 View Post
We were also told the vaccine was about 95% effective. I put those together in my head and came up with the idea that the vaccine helped prevent infection which helps prevent passing it along and helps prevent becoming sick but that it was not a 100% guarantee.

Perhaps omicron drove that 95% number somewhere lower but it is still greater than 0. The vaccine helps all around and really helps prevent serious illness and death but it is not a guarantee.
That is my understanding too and always has been my understanding.
Old 03-05-2022, 08:57 AM
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Originally Posted by coffeebean View Post
Yes, I do recall that narrative. That is when I took off my mask when in public because I no longer needed to protect others. That was a very happy day.

And yet, folks being infected now are getting it mostly from the vaccinated. Everyone I know that has had it lately, caught it from someone vaccinated. Not saying that it shouldn't be that way, just stating a fact. I don't fault anyone for making statements based on current information at the time, just that it does influence how folks act.
Old 03-05-2022, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by MDLNB View Post
And yet, folks being infected now are getting it mostly from the vaccinated. Everyone I know that has had it lately, caught it from someone vaccinated. Not saying that it shouldn't be that way, just stating a fact. I don't fault anyone for making statements based on current information at the time, just that it does influence how folks act.
Agree. That "narrative" I spoke of was short lived. The breakthrough infections of fully vaccinated people certainly burst our bubble.
Old 03-05-2022, 09:39 PM
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Originally Posted by coffeebean View Post
Did he say, "stopping the virus?" I did hear him say "protection from the virus". I recall that moment when I became fully vaccinated, two weeks after my second shot, that I was protected from hospitalization and death. NOT from ever contracting the virus because I knew I could always be part of that 5% who was not protected from contracting the virus. We were told nothing is 100% and I took that to mean the vaccine does not work 100% of the time to prevent illness, How could I have had that understanding? I stand by what I have said and I stand by my understanding of Fauci's words.

Having said that, I will go back and watch your posted video again to see how I may have misconstrued my comprehension of Fauci's words. To reiterate, this discussion is to "flesh our" the fact that supposedly the American people were told that if they were fully vaccinated, they would not become ill with Covid. Is that right????
Do you even read what others write before responding?

I specifically wrote, "PROTECTION FROM THE VIRUS"... What he DID NOT initially say was "protect from hospitalization and death". That was the fall back claim, after they realized it did not "protect you from the virus"...

Your pretzel logic is entertaining, but flawed...
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Old 03-05-2022, 09:43 PM
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Originally Posted by coffeebean View Post
I'm looking for that video of Dr. Fauci's interview and came across this post of yours. THIS is what we were NOT told would happen 100% of the time. The efficacy of the vaccines are not and were not at the time, 100%. THIS is the point I'm trying to make.

Back to locating your post with Dr. Fauci's interview...............
Please show me where I ever said 100%... Oh, that's right...I NEVER SAID THAT!

I have always stated the 95% number... But you're using it as a cop out... Stating it backs up your claim. Pro tip: It doesn't...
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Old 03-05-2022, 09:45 PM
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Originally Posted by coffeebean View Post
Here is your post telling me "my memory is faulty". I'm still looking for that Dr. Fauci interview..............
Do you see where I said "HER WORDS"?

Not to assume one's gender, but I was referring to Maddow...
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