Legal constitutional grounds for vaccine mandates

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Old 08-30-2021, 07:42 PM
Boomer Boomer is offline
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Originally Posted by mdlnb View Post
i understand how you feel, about those that cannot get vaccinated for one reason or another? How about those that have had covid and have been advised by their doctors not to get vaccinated yet? No one should be making decisions on other's liberties. I agree that folks should think seriously about getting vaccinated in these difficult times. I do not believe in mandates at this time. If the death rate was higher, perhaps i would change my view. unfortunately, there are many folks that are too weakly disciplined to make decisions for themselves and need the gov to run their lives and direct them like mindless zombies.

If in the above quoted post, the word 'gov' were to be changed to the word 'Facebook' it would perfectly describe what we are seeing all around us.

Whoops, here is the second quote from mdlnb, that for some reason did not grab in green and I don't have time to fix it. . .

[quote=mdlnb;1996800]ah, but you are not speaking of the law. There is no law mandating the vaccination or masks....yet. As far as i know martial law has not been declared. In america we still have the constitution and bill of rights.

I may not agree with those that refuse to get vaccinated, and i may think that masks have little use if they are not made for this particular virus or worn properly, but i respect other's ability to make their own life choices. On the other hand, i do not demand others to live according to my desires. i don't care for red colored cars, but i do not feel they should be banned from the villages.

- - - -


And, about those red cars. . .What if all the red car drivers joined together to form a big club where membership meant that members were to drive like idiots, not caring how many innocent pedestrians and stop sign obeying other drivers they were picking off?

Then, what would you think about those red cars?

. . .But, in seriousness, may I ask you how you would feel if you or someone you love or know could not get a heart operation or some other kind of much needed surgery because UNvaccinated Covid patients were hogging the beds in hospitals? It's happening. Hospitals are now concerned about collateral deaths.

Your opinion comes from the freedom and liberty angle, I know. I love freedom and liberty as much as any American. But what is making me really want to hurl is that those beloved words are being used against us by those with ulterior motives. Those who started all this mess of dysinformation and conspiracy theories are in it for the money, the love of chaos, and/or their wanting to undermine our democracy.

(Oh, well, I have probably just wasted too much valuable television time for watching Bosch with Mr. Boomer. . .But, before I go, I hope you will give me an answer about what you think about those collateral deaths that will result from the Unvaccinated refusing to take responsibility -- for their freedom.)

Old 08-30-2021, 08:11 PM
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My body my choice right???
Old 08-30-2021, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Garywt View Post
I just had my booster shot, doctor ordered. I have no issue with the shots. It still comes down to selfish people. The shot is for everyone you come in contact with and not just about you. If everyone would just care about others everyone would be vaccinated and Covid would not be on the rise. I have no problem if unvaccinated people are not allowed into restaurants, stores and any other indoor activities.
I think there no cure for this and nobody knows if everyone was vaccinated it would disappear. I highly doubt it?
Old 08-30-2021, 09:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
(Oh, well, I have probably just wasted too much valuable television time for watching Bosch with Mr. Boomer. . .But, before I go, I hope you will give me an answer about what you think about those collateral deaths that will result from the Unvaccinated refusing to take responsibility -- for their freedom.)

First, Bosch is a great series. If you like police and/or mystery, watch it.

Second, the vaccines are turning out not to be nearly as effective as we were led to believe. Especially with the Delta variant. Even vaccinated people are contracting the disease and spreading it to others. Those people are more likely to survive the disease but how do you differentiate responsibility for 'collateral deaths' due to victims contracting the disease from unvaccinated people vs. vaccinated people?
Old 08-30-2021, 11:55 PM
GrumpyOldMan GrumpyOldMan is offline
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Originally Posted by John Mayes View Post
It really depends on whether you’re talking about federal vs state mandates. The federal government does not mandate vaccines for all citizens but can for those that work for any federal branch. States can mandate vaccines for any state agency employees or for participation in any state or locally funded institutions such as public schools and universities. Private companies can mandate vaccines as a condition for employment. Of course there are exception clauses that have to part of any of federal, state or private company mandates. The Baker mandate is somewhat Florida specific although numerous other states have similar laws.
The Baker act or something similar is active in about 2/3rds of the states. It is simply an example for those that keep saying the government can't mandate medical treatment or actions on people that don't want them. That is not true, it can, does, and will again.

Will it mandate vaccines or masks, I don't know, but it can.

And yes, in general, the federal government lays out guidelines and the states implement their localized versions of those. And yes, one of the methods of requiring states to follow its (the feds) "recommendations", is to make them mandatory to continue receiving federal funds.

So, we are in complete agreement.
Old 08-31-2021, 12:01 AM
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Originally Posted by ejp52 View Post
My body my choice right???
No, your right to choose ends when it affects my health and safety. You can not drive 100mph through a neighborhood, because your right to drive ends when it endangers my life. You can not drive your car while intoxicated because it endangers my life.

So, your body your right? Nope, if you die, your body can not be buried in your back yard, it affects your neighbor's safety.

The number of examples is almost endless.
Old 08-31-2021, 12:14 AM
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Originally Posted by lkagele View Post
First, Bosch is a great series. If you like police and/or mystery, watch it.

Second, the vaccines are turning out not to be nearly as effective as we were led to believe. Especially with the Delta variant. Even vaccinated people are contracting the disease and spreading it to others. Those people are more likely to survive the disease but how do you differentiate responsibility for 'collateral deaths' due to victims contracting the disease from unvaccinated people vs. vaccinated people?
First, Bosch is a great series. We agree.

Second, the vaccines have NEVER been pitched as 100% effective. They help. They helped more against the original variant they were designed to be used against. Sadly, We, and the rest of the world, failed to take timely actions to stop the original variant from spreading far enough to begin mutating - I believe the common theme at the time was "it is no worse than the flu". ahem...

So, we now have a few variants to deal with. The current vaccines help reduce the impact of getting the delta variant, but do not stop it - as well as it does with the original. So, because we didn't take action when we could, we are now faced with a worse situation, that new variants are happening and we will need to find more ways to stop the spread. It's pretty simple, the more people that get infected, the more opportunities the virus has to mutate. Do nothing and it will mutate often and there is a good chance it will become more deadly.

The Spanish Flu lasted 4 years and killed a lot of people because they did not understand how it was transmitted and how to stop it. We do know how to stop the transmission, but, sadly we aren't. We would rather argue about liberties, and rights, and whether paper masks are useless, and how many feet should stand apart - inside or outside.

Anything at all to argue, rather than simply saying, "How can I help".
Old 08-31-2021, 04:55 AM
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You are not free, just for a small understanding, count all the stop signs, speed limit signs and traffic lights you see today.
Old 08-31-2021, 05:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Garywt View Post
I just had my booster shot, doctor ordered. I have no issue with the shots. It still comes down to selfish people. The shot is for everyone you come in contact with and not just about you. If everyone would just care about others everyone would be vaccinated and Covid would not be on the rise. I have no problem if unvaccinated people are not allowed into restaurants, stores and any other indoor activities.
Please stop calling people selfish. You have no clue why people make the decision they do with their life. Talk about selfish vaxx people running around spreading the virus because they think they are all covered.

Just be nice
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Old 08-31-2021, 05:09 AM
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Originally Posted by GrumpyOldMan View Post
Common, jeez.

NO it is NOT my opinion, it is LAW. Your angry ex-wife can get a few doctors to sign off on your being a danger to yourself and you are committed and you stay there until a doctor says you are no longer a danger.

There are literally hundreds of years of precedence in the same manner. And our legal system is based on precedence.
And how, pray tell, would that ex wife get a few doctors to agree with her? I have to say, no, that is nearly impossible to occur. If it were that simple, anyone could get MD's to have others committed.
Old 08-31-2021, 05:10 AM
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Originally Posted by drducat View Post
What is probably not legal is the way FDA has tricked everyone into thinking the Pfizer vaccine has been has not and the BioTech vaccine is approved and still not available and won't be for over a year.

Also FDA has not followed their own approval policies which use strict guidelines for path to approval and those are years worth of trials.
a quick bait & switch there i read about a few days ago re biotech, & note none of these companies would face consequences should something 'go wrong.' mandate or not, NO ONE will force me to take any kind of shot i am not comfortable with. protect yourselves from personal freedom
Old 08-31-2021, 05:18 AM
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2 things. These mandates were for deadly and crippling diseases, not for a virus that over 99% of people survive. Secondly, those vaccines had been researched and tested for years, not months, to determine the long term effects. The original Polio vaccine killed 10 children and caused Polio in 40,000 kids before being pulled off the market.
Old 08-31-2021, 05:24 AM
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Originally Posted by GrumpyOldMan View Post
No, your right to choose ends when it affects my health and safety. You can not drive 100mph through a neighborhood, because your right to drive ends when it endangers my life. You can not drive your car while intoxicated because it endangers my life.

So, your body your right? Nope, if you die, your body can not be buried in your back yard, it affects your neighbor's safety.

The number of examples is almost endless.
look, i really like you--you make good points, have witty replies to average comments in other threads, BUT, just please give me a sec here-- my husband was refused the shot because they do NOT know how this can affect the brain- there have been adverse reactions in SOME people with neurological conditions, ie:bell's palsy. it is up to YOU to keep YOURSELF healthy -- mask up & social distance YOURSELF if there is major concern. keep far away from those with no mask & live your dream here in the bubble. again-no hard feelings, & have a good one. i stand ready for incoming
Old 08-31-2021, 05:36 AM
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Another useless shouting match…. Go do some gardening pls
Old 08-31-2021, 06:27 AM
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Originally Posted by GrumpyOldMan View Post
You stated and I responded to, "no one should be making decisions taking away other peoples LIBERTIES". You comment claims you have a liberty to not take vaccines and not wear the mask. That is NOT true.

It is currently not against the law to not do those two, but there is NOTHING in the law or the constitution that says you have a liberty (or right) to those, and yes, people should be making decisions about those things for most citizens because most are not qualified to do it themselves.

Once again, YOUR OPINION, not law. And you finally admitted that there is NO law mandating vaccinations and/or masking. Thank you.
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