Legalizing Pot Question

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Old 01-19-2014, 06:50 AM
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Default Legalizing Pot Question

I've been reading about states legalizing pot shops, which leads me to the question of whether or not marijuana smoke damages the lungs like tobacco does. If it does, why aren't there warnings about it?
Old 01-19-2014, 07:06 AM
Dbinac Dbinac is offline
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I would imagine smoking anything is not good for your lungs. If I remember my time back in the 60s correctly the amount of pot smoked was a lot less than what most cigarette smokers consumed. I have heard cannabis does not contain the cancer causing compounds found in cigarettes. Also anyone concerned with their health would probably consume their pot in edibles such as brownies or with a vaporiser which is much healthier. I am sure many seniors could benefit from the medical uses of cannabis.
Old 01-19-2014, 07:44 AM
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The studies that I remember looking at when I was working did not show a link between lung cancer or COPD and marijuana smoking. But the caveat was always the amount being smoked. If you're an ex cigarette smoker, you probably smoked a pack a day or more. Usually, pot smokers usually only have a few joints a week. If pot smoking increases now due to its legality, we may very well see the same links between it and lung disease and heart disease we now see with cigarettes.
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Old 01-19-2014, 09:40 AM
ilovetv ilovetv is offline
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Back in Ancient Times, in the 1960s, we were taught about air pollution and how pollutants inhaled into the lungs can cause severe respiratory disease and horrible death.

In 5th grade, I remember students figuring out (back when 2+2=4) that smoke--any kind of smoke--is a pollutant, and so therefore any smoke inhaled into the lungs can be deadly. It's quite elementary.
"In the 1960s, an environmental movement began to emerge that sought to stem the tide of pollutants flowing into the planet's ecosystems. Out of this movement came events like Earth Day, and legislative victories like the Clean Air Act (1970) and the Clean Water Act (1972).....

...In 1963, in an effort to reduce air pollution, the U.S. Congress passed the Clean Air Act, legislation which has been amended and strengthened in the ensuing decades."
Water and Air Pollution — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts
Old 01-19-2014, 11:26 AM
joerocker joerocker is offline
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I'm sure it's not good for your lungs. What smoke would be? But, from what I hear, it's the additives (what's new right?) in cigarettes that cause most of the damage. Commercial tobacco is supposedly full of all kinds of additives and enhancers. People who grow their own tobacco reportedly don't develop the problems that commercial cigarette smokers develop.

I'm more from "that generation", more a child of the 60s, where marijuana was as common as beer. It's effects being about the same.

There has been a seriously disingenuous campaign to make it out as something it isn't. I personally believe it's the alcohol and drug manufacturers who want to keep it illegal. Its legality will seriously cut into alcohol sales, so it's days may be numbered. Those corporations will fund "studies", they'll "report" all kinds of negatives about it to force the people and the states to make it illegal again. Mark my words, the smear campaigns will begin shortly. There will be news stories about all the "stoners" being created to discredit this legalization decision. Or, the Federal government will relent and remove it as a schedule 1 drug so the "big boys" can get involved and commercialize it...with artificial additives and enhancers.
Old 01-19-2014, 11:34 AM
shcisamax shcisamax is offline
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Originally Posted by joerocker View Post
I'm sure it's not good for your lungs. What smoke would be? But, from what I hear, it's the additives (what's new right?) in cigarettes that cause most of the damage. Commercial tobacco is supposedly full of all kinds of additives and enhancers. People who grow their own tobacco reportedly don't develop the problems that commercial cigarette smokers develop.

I'm more from "that generation", more a child of the 60s, where marijuana was as common as beer. It's effects being about the same.

There has been a seriously disingenuous campaign to make it out as something it isn't. I personally believe it's the alcohol and drug manufacturers who want to keep it illegal. Its legality will seriously cut into alcohol sales, so it's days may be numbered. Those corporations will fund "studies", they'll "report" all kinds of negatives about it to force the people and the states to make it illegal again. Mark my words, the smear campaigns will begin shortly. There will be news stories about all the "stoners" being created to discredit this legalization decision. Or, the Federal government will relent and remove it as a schedule 1 drug so the "big boys" can get involved and commercialize it...with artificial additives and enhancers.
Sounds about right.
Old 01-19-2014, 11:54 AM
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My God, people. Didn't you ever see Reefer Madness? You'll go insane with that stuff!
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Old 01-19-2014, 12:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Parker View Post
I've been reading about states legalizing pot shops, which leads me to the question of whether or not marijuana smoke damages the lungs like tobacco does. If it does, why aren't there warnings about it?
One wouldn't believe it's any more damaging than sitting outside at City Fire or Cody's.
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Old 01-19-2014, 02:16 PM
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What was the question again?
Old 01-19-2014, 03:24 PM
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Originally Posted by BarryRX View Post
The studies that I remember looking at when I was working did not show a link between lung cancer or COPD and marijuana smoking. But the caveat was always the amount being smoked. If you're an ex cigarette smoker, you probably smoked a pack a day or more. Usually, pot smokers usually only have a few joints a week. If pot smoking increases now due to its legality, we may very well see the same links between it and lung disease and heart disease we now see with cigarettes.
A few joints a week!!!!!!! No wonder you're always hanging out at Rae Rae's.
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Old 01-19-2014, 04:15 PM
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This subject is an explosive one for some including me. Regulators have declared war on cigarette smokers, including e-cigarettes and they do not see a problem with legalizing marijuanta.

there is no logic in comparing cigarettes to alcohol or to marijuanta because each has its own sets of health and social problems

The Daily Sun carried a cartoon which spoke to this issue in its Sunday edition. Two panels show a drawing of the brain. In the top panel it reads 'Liberals this is your brain and the brain in that panel reads "Ban soda"" Ban cupcakes" Öutlaw all unhealthy snacks"

The second panel reads "This is your brain on legalized pot." Any questions?
The writing on the brain reads "Hey man who took my munchies?

States like Colorado that open themselves up to legalized recreational pot have opened up a Pandora's box. It will not stop illegal pot it will not keep the criminal element out but actually increase their insertion into this program and they will not be able to keep it away from minors nor control the amount they purchase.

and to the benefit of medical marijuanta the fact is that other alternatives are available some more effective

someone joked about reefer madness so I won't bother to explain the brain damage caused by this drug. and you can count on people with addictive behavior from all walks of life being stoned most of the day....and that's why its called dope

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Old 01-19-2014, 05:22 PM
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Originally Posted by rubicon View Post
This subject is an explosive one for some including me. Regulators have declared war on cigarette smokers, including e-cigarettes and they do not see a problem with legalizing marijuanta.

there is no logic in comparing cigarettes to alcohol or to marijuanta because each has its own sets of health and social problems

The Daily Sun carried a cartoon which spoke to this issue in its Sunday edition. Two panels show a drawing of the brain. In the top panel it reads 'Liberals this is your brain and the brain in that panel reads "Ban soda"" Ban cupcakes" Öutlaw all unhealthy snacks"

The second panel reads "This is your brain on legalized pot." Any questions?
The writing on the brain reads "Hey man who took my munchies?

States like Colorado that open themselves up to legalized recreational pot have opened up a Pandora's box. It will not stop illegal pot it will not keep the criminal element out but actually increase their insertion into this program and they will not be able to keep it away from minors nor control the amount they purchase.

and to the benefit of medical marijuanta the fact is that other alternatives are available some more effective

someone joked about reefer madness so I won't bother to explain the brain damage caused by this drug. and you can count on people with addictive behavior from all walks of life being stoned most of the day....and that's why its called dope

And the decline of America continues
I agree with the decline statement. However, I think you're turning a molehill into a mountain here. If you've never tried it, you can't really judge it. It really is like drinking beer. It gives a nice mellow "buzz". The better argument is: If alcohol is legal, there's no reason for marijuana not to be. They both do pretty much exactly the same thing. Only people smoking marijuana don't get mean and violent. Smoke too much and you just want to sit on the couch and listen to music. Smoke the right amount and it's like drinking beers with the guys. A very pleasant experience.

This is no different than ending prohibition. People like to get a "high", they will, so why try to stop them? Studies show most/all animals will seek a "high". They eat rotting fruit for the alcohol.

Marijuana right now is so much easier to get than alcohol. Any kid can get it, easily. Actually, it's can't get any easier to get.

The placebo effect works wonders. Plus marijuana acts as a tranquilizer, that alone can help patients with chronic conditions.

No more brain damage than "your" alcohol has caused. Unless you don't agree with any form of mind altering substances.

We're probably going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Without first hand experience, we can't talk on an even level. It'd be like me arguing with a mother about pregnancy or childbirth. Since I've never done it, how can I have an educated opinion?
Old 01-19-2014, 05:30 PM
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It's rumored that heavy marijuana can cause short term memory loss.
Old 01-19-2014, 05:34 PM
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Originally Posted by DonH57 View Post
It's rumored that heavy marijuana can cause short term memory loss.
I think I heard that also, though I really can't remember.
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Old 01-19-2014, 06:37 PM
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