Renal Failure

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Old 06-09-2021, 08:50 AM
Rose Ann Vinci Igoe's Avatar
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Default Renal Failure

I have one kidney and went into renal failure 4 years ago. They were ready to put a port in my arm to prepare for dialysis. I opted to hold off and decided to give it more time. Went totally Vegan Diet which is NO animal protein of any kind. My renal function went up 10 points and has remained steady for 3 yrs. Anyone with low kidney function have idea's to share.
Old 06-09-2021, 08:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Rose Ann Vinci Igoe View Post
I have one kidney and went into renal failure 4 years ago. They were ready to put a port in my arm to prepare for dialysis. I opted to hold off and decided to give it more time. Went totally Vegan Diet which is NO animal protein of any kind. My renal function went up 10 points and has remained steady for 3 yrs. Anyone with low kidney function have idea's to share.
So, you attribute your recovery from stage 5 ESRD with a GFR of what?--8,10,12? to a vegan diet? I wouldn't exclude the possibility.

But more likely, you developed a temporary problem that caused your renal function to abruptly decline---such as brief hypotension, mild dehydration, small asymptomatic renal calculus, or a UTI, that then resolved.

The important thing is that you are free from dialysis, good for you!
Old 06-09-2021, 06:52 PM
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I had a GFR of 23... now I am GFR 44. I am under a doctors care for my renal function. I am in no way recovered from renal failure. It does not go magically away. Being Vegan, yes I do attribute my extra improved function. Vegan is no animal protein, at all. We get our proteins from other sources, lots of choices out there. Now what you need to know, by limiting animal protein, it helps take the stress off the kidney to function. The Villages has a kidney group... I learned this from a Nurse who used to work for Devita... so I tried it, my BUN level also improved.. that was 38 and now it dropped to BUN 21 which has to do with how clean your blood is doing. The only thing I did , by going vegan, was to buy time with my suffering kidney, its not a fix , never will be, I'm just not being as hard on my kidney stressing it out. If I stop my vegan diet, my uloric pills, and sodium bicarb that help neutralize all the acid levels in my blood, from my kidney not filtering properly then my GFR would lower .. I'm just helping and giving myself some time. Check out on the internet, Vegan, protein with kidney damage. It is damaged and because its not filtering the blood , all your organs are affected. Like never changing the oil in a brand new car... it will clog up . As you know... anyone with renal damage or poor function, has to change their diet, food, life style , why, not a cure , but to take the stress off the kidney and help it to function better.. this is all I've done.
Old 06-09-2021, 07:01 PM
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Smile Renal Failure

Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
So, you attribute your recovery from stage 5 ESRD with a GFR of what?--8,10,12? to a vegan diet? I wouldn't exclude the possibility.

But more likely, you developed a temporary problem that caused your renal function to abruptly decline---such as brief hypotension, mild dehydration, small asymptomatic renal calculus, or a UTI, that then resolved.

The important thing is that you are free from dialysis, good for you!
oh, by the way, that was the first thing the doctors checked, hypotension, mild dehydration, renal calculus or uti, nope... wish it was that easy... its age, they can't pin point, but it is permanent damage. Renal failure, you need to be proactive to help it function with as less stress as possible...get a little more mileage out of your kidney. I heard about Vegan, read about Vegan and kidney, doctors told me about Vegan for kidney, and I applied it... I SAW THE DIFFERENCE IN MY BLOOD WORK WHICH IS EVERY 3 TO 4 MONTHS... Try this between your blood work, would it hurt? you may be surprised. I just sharing my story...
Old 06-09-2021, 10:25 PM
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I think it is kind of you to share your experience and success with your diet change that has made such a significant difference in your life. Those are some seriously improved numbers.

I have a friend who was born with only one kidney. As she ages, she has become more serious about her diet choices. She is not vegan though but has cut back a whole lot on red meat and carefully watches sodium.

You never know who might be helped by an encouraging post like yours. And even if it is just one person, it will have been worth writing.


Last edited by Boomer; 06-09-2021 at 10:38 PM.
Old 06-10-2021, 05:19 AM
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The only reason I'll become a vegan is 19.00 a pound for a ribeye!
Old 06-10-2021, 05:41 AM
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Originally Posted by RICH1 View Post
The only reason I'll become a vegan is 19.00 a pound for a ribeye!
That's not really fair to the OP. She has a medical condition that is generally acknowledged to be helped by a low protein diet. Almost every nephrologist will recommend a 40 gram protein or less diet for stage 3 CKD or higher. Whether that applies to only animal protein or a vegan diet is debatable.

The original data for this dates back to the 1930's. Americans are generally born with a GFR of around 140 and lose 10 cc/min/decade as they age. At the same time, Chinese peasants whose diet was almost exclusively rice did not lose renal function with age, therefore the conclusion that high protein diets contribute to declining renal function with age. Of course, this did not account for the fact that the Chinese group was all genetically Chinese. Due the the changed political situation in China since WWII, there haven't really been any reliable follow up studies.

I agree with the OP---IF you are experiencing a drop in your GFR, why not try a low protein diet---nothing to lose, and if the OP's GFR went from 23 to 44 (which is quite significant), it might help you too.
Old 06-10-2021, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
I think it is kind of you to share your experience and success with your diet change that has made such a significant difference in your life. Those are some seriously improved numbers.

I have a friend who was born with only one kidney. As she ages, she has become more serious about her diet choices. She is not vegan though but has cut back a whole lot on red meat and carefully watches sodium.

You never know who might be helped by an encouraging post like yours. And even if it is just one person, it will have been worth writing.

Thank you, red meat, cold cuts, hot dogs, sausages too have high sodium. All animal protein... even if your friend does One meal a day as vegan.... so many choices ... breakfast..... I have Vegan scrambled eggs, never in a million years would you know they are not real eggs, (I've slipped it to my husband and nope doesn't even know) (oops), vegan hot dogs , delish, vegan boca burgers delish, vegan chicken, etc, oatmeal, pasta, any desert (still vegan), ice cream (dairy free) and dairy free milk, lots of dairy free vegan cheese.. its so out there at all the stores...
Old 06-10-2021, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
That's not really fair to the OP. She has a medical condition that is generally acknowledged to be helped by a low protein diet. Almost every nephrologist will recommend a 40 gram protein or less diet for stage 3 CKD or higher. Whether that applies to only animal protein or a vegan diet is debatable.

The original data for this dates back to the 1930's. Americans are generally born with a GFR of around 140 and lose 10 cc/min/decade as they age. At the same time, Chinese peasants whose diet was almost exclusively rice did not lose renal function with age, therefore the conclusion that high protein diets contribute to declining renal function with age. Of course, this did not account for the fact that the Chinese group was all genetically Chinese. Due the the changed political situation in China since WWII, there haven't really been any reliable follow up studies.

I agree with the OP---IF you are experiencing a drop in your GFR, why not try a low protein diet---nothing to lose, and if the OP's GFR went from 23 to 44 (which is quite significant), it might help you too.
THANK YOU and WELL SAID !!! My doctor is Premier Medical here in The Villages, he wants to submit a write up in the Medical Journal with me, as co author on exactly what I did. Now, Vegan for Kidney is not new, but even though a lot of people are hesitant... this shows FAB results. What a hoot. What a difference 10 or 24 points can give you.... even get you off dialysis or reduce the amount of dialysis your on every week. Also, as you know, its not just the kidney that WIN's, the rest of your organs do to. It helps not build up crap, which deteriorates your organs. I all of a sudden ALL my blood number went off the charts.. High Uric acid, high sugar (I don't even take in sugar), high fat ???? I eat lean... all I know, my numbers in all area's dropped big time... there really is more to this... Also, because vegan is not animal protein.... I take in 52 g of protein a day (non vegan)
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