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ColdNoMore 05-27-2020 07:32 PM

Forget just being fired
There should be a murder charge...pure and simple.

And the other three should be prosecuted as accomplices. :mad:

It happens again (click here)


Four Minnesota police officers have been fired after the death of a black man who was taken into custody and seen on video being pinned down by his neck.

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said the four officers were now "former employees".

Footage shows the man, George Floyd, groaning and repeatedly saying "I can't breathe" to the white officer.

The incident echoed that of Eric Garner, a black man who died being arrested in New York City in 2014.

ColdNoMore 05-27-2020 07:42 PM

And for those who haven't seen it, here's a man on the ground handcuffed...and posing absolutely no threat.


Fredman 05-27-2020 07:45 PM

No excuse for this kind of behavior from the police. Agree with the murder charge.

retiredguy123 05-27-2020 07:59 PM

I wonder about the rioting and looting that is taking place. What is the point of it, and what good does it accomplish, especially the looting of innocent property owners? It seems counterproductive to me. Is it at all helpful?

ColdNoMore 05-27-2020 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by retiredguy123 (Post 1772025)
I wonder about the rioting and looting that is taking place. What is the point of it, and what good does it accomplish, especially the looting of innocent property owners? It seems counterproductive to me. Is it at all helpful?

I agree, that doesn't accomplish...or change anything.

On the other hand...neither did this.

And the fact that it's been days now with no charges being filed, just adds to the general rage...of the difference in privilege.

Much like the Colonialists...against Britain.


GoodLife 05-27-2020 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by ColdNoMore (Post 1772018)
There should be a murder charge...pure and simple.

And the other three should be prosecuted as accomplices. :mad:

It happens again (click here)

You're a bit late.

Donald J. Trump

@realDonaldTrump 6:39 PM · May 27, 2020

At my request, the FBI and the Department of Justice are already well into an investigation as to the very sad and tragic death in Minnesota of George Floyd.
I have asked for this investigation to be expedited and greatly appreciate all of the work done by local law enforcement. My heart goes out to George’s family and friends. Justice will be served!

Chatbrat 05-28-2020 04:57 AM

The same thing happened in Staten Island a few years a go, the cop was fired, but never charged--however; six minutes on the carotid artery will kill anyone--it is murder pure and simple
once the suspect is cuffed -game over --no need for any addition force or restraint
Good that the feds are on it big time

Back in 2018, a minneapolis police officer shot & killed an Australian woman who knocked on his patrol car window-he was convicted of murder--big difference- victim was white and no rioting

Dahabs 05-28-2020 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by ColdNoMore (Post 1772030)
I agree, that doesn't accomplish...or change anything.

On the other hand...neither did this.

And the fact that it's been days now with no charges being filed, just adds to the general rage...of the difference in privilege.

Much like the Colonialists...against Britain.


How many misunderstood the protest (or chose to) as being against the flag and police when it was a statement about inequality and the treatment of minorities.

What happened in Minnesota is horrifying. Those cops should all be charged.

DanBrew 05-28-2020 05:20 AM

We don't know what happened prior to the video. Regardless, charge the cop with murder as that is what he did. If he is acquitted after all the facts are presented, then riot all you want, but I don't understand why the riots now. Cops that abuse their power are exponentially worse than the criminals themselves and there are lots of them out there. That said, if an ahole cop confronts you, you say yes sir and do what he asks.

David Fletcher 05-28-2020 05:38 AM

The real issue is that police in general have developed a culture that has gone a way past law enforcement. The incident in question is due to a NSF check. In most countries a NSF check is a not even a criminal Or police issue. It is a civil issue.

Perhaps the media and every politician need to stop the constant drip of thanking first responders for everything from getting coffee to cleaning a washroom. First responders actually think they are special. They are not, they accepted the job.

The statistics bare out that policing in general is not a high risk job. It is time to change the culture. The quickest way to change a culture is to change the people. 05-28-2020 05:48 AM

I have not seen the entire video. I will reserve judgement until I get all the facts. I encourage all of you to do the same. In the meantime, please don't riot. So stupid.

Luvs21putt 05-28-2020 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by Dahabs (Post 1772074)
How many misunderstood the protest (or chose to) as being against the flag and police when it was a statement about inequality and the treatment of minorities.

What happened in Minnesota is horrifying. Those cops should all be charged.

And how sad, that no matter how many times we explain it, that you don’t get that there are a million other ways of protesting inequality than kneeling during the anthem. It was most definitely disrespecting the flag which was not necessary to the protest of inequality and highly offensive especially to those who died giving him the right to protest ( well except that he was at his job at the time and his employer had a rule against it and there was was plenty of time and plenty of methods to use in his free time to protest).

Anyway, with regard to the current horrible murder that just happened on video I hope they throw that cop in jail for the rest of his life and he may find out what it’s like to have someone else throw a power trip on him.

ColdNoMore 05-28-2020 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by GoodLife (Post 1772035)
You're a bit late.

Donald J. Trump

@realDonaldTrump 6:39 PM · May 27, 2020

At my request, the FBI and the Department of Justice are already well into an investigation as to the very sad and tragic death in Minnesota of George Floyd.
I have asked for this investigation to be expedited and greatly appreciate all of the work done by local law enforcement. My heart goes out to George’s family and friends. Justice will be served!

I'm not "late" in the least.

I thought so the minute I saw the abhorrent video...not almost two days later.

MandoMan 05-28-2020 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by ColdNoMore (Post 1772020)
And for those who haven't seen it, here's a man on the ground handcuffed...and posing absolutely no threat.


Here’s an article from a Minneapolis station. It seems that knee to neck is allowed while subduing someone violent and resisting, but not too hard and not on the trachea and not for long—just enough to gain control. This suspect was controlled (on his belly and cuffed) and could have been put in the car. The officer’s knee was not on the trachea and was not hard enough to prevent the suspect’s talking (it was not the officer’s full weight.) But then the officer kept the knee there, breaking policy. His partners should have stopped him within a few seconds and helped him secure the suspect. And then the officer probably put a lot more weight on the neck. I think immediate firing is appropriate. But I’d like to see how the suspect came to be there on the ground beside the patrol car. Criminal charges? Probably appropriate.

And what about all these protestors destroying things? They are all guilty of crimes, as well, and they should be identified and disciplined, as well.

Experts question officer’s actions |

davem4616 05-28-2020 06:20 AM

so sad and so unnecessary

donassaid 05-28-2020 06:24 AM

I agree the officers' behavior is indefensible and they should be prosecuted. But here is an interesting perspective. Where was the outrage when members of the Black Lives Matter were executing cops sitting in their cars or when punks in New York City were splashing cops with buckets of water, showing zero respect? Funny, I don't remember white people looting and burning the property of innocent people and merchants in the aftermath. Those who did so in Minnesota are just as guilty and deplorable as these "bad" cops.

drgoofy 05-28-2020 06:30 AM

I Don't Condone Rioting By Any Means BUT
I can't imagine the frustration they feel. There have been WAY too many killings of unarmed blacks. No one should receive a death sentence for a petty crime or merely suspicion of a petty crime. The completely innocent birdwatcher in Central Park could have met the same fate had he not been prepared with his camera. Those of us with a "white experience" background have no idea! Try to put things in perspective and walk a mile in their shoes.

Nucky 05-28-2020 06:32 AM

Why is the hand of the Cop with the knee on this Mans's neck in his Pocket the entire time he is abusing the man on the ground? What exactly went on before the video we have seen was running? How could 4 Officers allowed this to happen unless something went on that we haven't seen yet?

Just a damned shame no matter what went on that we haven't seen yet. It could have been handled a whole lot better. That poor man and his family and community. Tough times and this makes them shameful also.

Pamelah 05-28-2020 06:35 AM

Not fair to comment until you see the video!

ColdNoMore 05-28-2020 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by drgoofy (Post 1772118)
I can't imagine the frustration they feel. There have been WAY too many killings of unarmed blacks. No one should receive a death sentence for a petty crime or merely suspicion of a petty crime. The completely innocent birdwatcher in Central Park could have met the same fate had he not been prepared with his camera. Those of us with a "white experience" background have no idea! Try to put things in perspective and walk a mile in their shoes.

Absolutely! :mad:

Dr Winston O Boogie jr 05-28-2020 06:52 AM

A lot of people seem to have come to a conclusion after watching a video. haven't we all learned from previous incidents like this that a few minutes of video can be misleading.

I'm not saying that it's not murder and I'm not saying that it is. What I'm saying is that I prefer to wait for an investigation and a trial before I post opinions that I will conclude one way or another that something is purely and simple.

The president has launched and investigation into this and hopefully we'll find out exactly what happened. But that is still not enough for some people that hate this president no matter what he does.

bmit16 05-28-2020 06:56 AM

Most people do not understand the way prosecuting police officers work. It is not as cut and dry as you would like. I am sure these officer's will be charged, however the process is a little different than filing charges on the general public. This despite what the media shows a lot of the time as a slam dunk case. The complicated issues that are involved in making an arrest and the protections the officers enjoy in order to do their jobs makes the investigation a little more complicated. Sometimes, what appears to be excessive ends up being completely legal when all the evidence is presented due to those protections afforded them to make an arrest and protect the public and themselves. These investigations take a little more time to determine if laws and policies were violated or not. Now, with that said, I feel like after doing many of these investigations, that there will be charges filed against these officers. Often these investigations have to be presented to a grand jury before charges are placed and that can take up to 6 weeks. Be patient people and let the many great police officers due their job to bring the bad apples to justice. Right now, it appears that any and every officer they have, is protecting the city from violence and can not put resources into the investigation until this violence is under control.

graciegirl 05-28-2020 07:10 AM


ColdNoMore 05-28-2020 07:12 AM

Dkay718 05-28-2020 07:13 AM

Nothing the victim did deserves being killed. Period.

nututv 05-28-2020 07:14 AM

Just curious? What's the story on the dead guy? Why was he in cuffs, does he have a rap sheet, has he been thru the system before?

Leslie peikin 05-28-2020 07:15 AM

The four officers were not suspended, they were fired! The entire incident must not have been favorable in the whole recording.

ColdNoMore 05-28-2020 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Dkay718 (Post 1772160)
Nothing the victim did deserves being killed. Period.

Sadistically and purposely killed. :mad:

graciegirl 05-28-2020 07:19 AM


thenoits 05-28-2020 07:20 AM

Absolutely nothing! It so senseless and punishes those that provide services to those that need them in their neighborhoods. The officers should be arrested and punished. The protesters should be peaceful and those that destroy and loot should be arrested and prosecuted.

joseppe 05-28-2020 07:21 AM

So we all know the definition of 1st Degree Murder -
In most states, first-degree murder is defined as an unlawful killing that is both willful and premeditated, meaning that it was committed after planning or "lying in wait" for the victim.

On the other hand, Manslaughter may fit -
the crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or otherwise in circumstances not amounting to murder.

BUT I withhold my judgement until all the facts, evidence and full account of the entire incident are known.

graciegirl 05-28-2020 07:26 AM


NFRicaS 05-28-2020 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by Luvs21putt (Post 1772091)
And how sad, that no matter how many times we explain it, that you don’t get that there are a million other ways of protesting inequality than kneeling during the anthem. It was most definitely disrespecting the flag which was not necessary to the protest of inequality and highly offensive especially to those who died giving him the right to protest ( well except that he was at his job at the time and his employer had a rule against it and there was was plenty of time and plenty of methods to use in his free time to protest).

Anyway, with regard to the current horrible murder that just happened on video I hope they throw that cop in jail for the rest of his life and he may find out what it’s like to have someone else throw a power trip on him.

I encourage you to look up the article by Dale Hansen on the “kneeling during anthem” might learn something has been viewed on YouTube over one million times, and I think speaks very eloquently.

daddys55 05-28-2020 07:35 AM

Some one explain to me how he choked him his knee was on the back of his neck typical procedure to keep a suspect down

cleanwater 05-28-2020 07:36 AM

Makes you wonder how many cases occur that were not video taped. How does our culture and training fail so badly that 3 police men stood by and watched? I expect we will hear about a long list of prior complaints against this officer that were dismissed. I doubt this was his first event, only the first that was video taped. Our training and over sight systems fail us in too many situations. Unfortunately a few bad characters destroy all the good that thousands of other officers do!

Mohawksin 05-28-2020 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by retiredguy123 (Post 1772025)
I wonder about the rioting and looting that is taking place. What is the point of it, and what good does it accomplish, especially the looting of innocent property owners? It seems counterproductive to me. Is it at all helpful?

Helpful, no. Typical, yes.

Flamingodoll 05-28-2020 07:44 AM

I watched the video. Doesn't really show a lot. Why did the police stop him anyway. So many people rush to judgement when the media only give you part of the picture. I prefer to wait for all the evidence before I make a decision and it won't come from the media..

airstreamingypsy 05-28-2020 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by graciegirl (Post 1772173)
Did he die from being suffocated? Did you know that the knee to the neck is a way that people are restrained when they are actively struggling against being handcuffed? Did he die from lack of air flow as it appears? Or did he die from a drug overdose? Do we know?

I think the fact that the officer's knee was on his neck, and he kept saying I can't breathe should give you a clue. Why would you even think drugs were involved? No one has said anything about drugs. Shame on you.

Dr Winston O Boogie jr 05-28-2020 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by airstreamingypsy (Post 1772204)
I think the fact that the officer's knee was on his neck, and he kept saying I can't breathe should give you a clue. Why would you even think drugs were involved? No one has said anything about drugs. Shame on you.

One of the problems here is that it's common for people who are being subdued by police often yell that they can't breathe. Often times it's either the stress of being arrested that makes them think that they can't breathe or they are using it as a ploy to escape arrest.

joseppe 05-28-2020 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by ColdNoMore (Post 1772158)

Assuming the audience was composed of hetrosexuals the speaker could have substituted Gay in place of black and probably gotten the same response. Likewise with people of normal weight and substituted Grossly Obese. There are many prejudices and many forms of unfair treatment. I doubt that anything is going to change that.

If you're trying to say that person's demise was because he was born black then how do you propose we change that?

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